Minecraft Mods

BTWTweak for Better Than Wolves

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Grom PE's Avatar Grom PE
Level 42 : Master Dragon
BTWTweak is a mod that is intended to improve Better Than Wolves mod experience.

It is developed independently of Better Than Wolves and has no affiliation with its author.
Being a set of patches instead of modified class files, this mod avoids redistributing Better Than Wolves code as well as Minecraft code.

What's new?

You can see the changelog here.

Assuming BTWTweak v0.9k and Better Than Wolves 4.A2 Timing Rodent b,
(as of 24 Dec 2016) here is the friendly list of changes.
When launching Minecraft:
- (In some launchers may not work) a no-to-wolf icon for the program

- BTW and BTWTweak versions displayed in the corner of the main menu

- Controls configuration is now a scrollable list, and has a key binding for
sprinting (default to Left Ctrl).

- Easy difficulty is selectable again, but resets to normal after restarting the

- Hardcore (permadeath) mode has optional hard difficulty, and normal otherwise.

In the early game:
- Achievements are now technically possible in BTW. Ideally they need an
overhaul but that's some future task.

- Spruce and jungle trees are now easier to break. This makes softer tree types
more suited for crafting, while harder ones are best left for fuel.

- Tree trunk tops textures now correspond to the type of the tree instead of
having oak texture, just like in later Minecraft versions. Stumps have correct
textures as well.

- The wooden and stone pickaxes last for 2 and 7 uses respectively, and don't
immediately expire when you try to attack mobs with them. This makes starting
(and restarting) just a little bit less tedious, and may prevent death when
pickaxe is only weapon you have.

- Stone and cobblestone breaks into loose rocks, which can be assembled together
to make cobblestone slabs and cobblestone blocks. Stone tools are now made
from loose rocks instead of cobblestone. This makes stone tools a bit cheaper,
and the first furnace a bit more expensive to craft.

- The furnace now shows whether it is full. Since ores take forever to smelt,
you probably want lots of furnaces, and now you don't have to click every
single one to figure out which one has contents.

- When you dig gravel, sometimes you get a loose rock out of it. This makes
shovel a viable choice for a first tool in order to get your first rocks.

- Flints appear only rarely in place of rocks when digging gravel and stone.
This makes flint more valuable.

- Chests are now placeable next to each other, regardless of any adjacent
double chests. Single chests will be merged to double chests as before. This
allows configurations (especially together with hoppers) that were not
possible before. Not being able to place a chest seemed like an arbitrary and
awkward limitation. Placing a chest while sneaking allows to control which
chest it combines with, or none at all.

- Eating on the ladder is now dangerous. Don't try shooting with a bow or
blocking with a sword while on the ladder either. It felt like an exploit
that you could eat while climbing ladders.

- Gloom has some nice visual effects, so you can be sure it's not that you go
insane and beat yourself to death in complete darkness. It's something else.

- If you die, a gravestone will be placed nearby, if possible. If you destroy
it, you only get one rock. This is so you can have memories of your death if
you manage to find your past gravestone. This can be disabled in BTWTweak.cfg.

- If you play with "short" or "tiny" view distance, you will see the sun and the
moon, since keeping track of time and moon phases are important parts of the
gameplay. Fog distance has been pushed back like on "normal" view distance to
let you see the ghasts that shoot at you in the nether.

- Some convenience crafting recipes, like dirt/sand/gravel slab to piles, two
cobblestone/stonebrick slabs to full blocks, book from cut tanned leather,
grinding sandstone back to sand and concentrated hellfire back to dust.

- A bunch of bugfixes. For example, you will no longer die from fall damage when
docking on a slab in a boat after a long travel. For a complete list of bug
fixes, check the changelog.

A bit further to the game:
- Seeds now root themselves when dropped on suitable ground. This makes some
designs for farm automation possible in the mid game. Make sure not to lose
your first elusive hemp seeds, though.

- Chickens now drop one more feather on average. This helps reduce their amount
(and the lag caused) when you decide to breed them for arrows.

- Jack-o-lantern is now placed and dropped just like pumpkins, and if destroyed,
attempts to place a torch. This is useful for lighting up ravines. Also note
this replaces any new Jack-o-lantern behavior, such as going off underwater.

- Ladder, wooden door, sign and sugar cane no longer stops lava, so do not
attempt this if you were abusing this before.

- It's now possible to jump out of boats and minecarts (and off pigs) without
silly and unpredictable teleportation. This also could lead to interesting
contraptions with jumping out of a speeding minecart.

- If you are lucky and manage to find a witch hut (and loot it without dying),
you can use the cistern you find in it to craft a cauldron. Just add a bucket
of water and a bone on top.

- Cauldron and crucible inventory has been reduced from 27 to 9 slots, and the
interface now indicates if the fire underneath is stoked. If you want to
process lots of items, you are encouraged to make automated builds that tilt
the cauldron/crucible periodically with axle-supplied mechanical power.

- Creepers are now hurt when deoystered. Not so stoic anymore!

- Hand crank bounding box has been lowered to avoid accidental clicking and to
conform to the shape better.

- Wearing boots now makes you walk faster, but added weight from heavy armor
slows you down. Consider crafting boots first, it might help you escape death.

- Snow blocks are no longer heat-resistant and will melt in warmer biomes under
the sun or when placed close enough to any other light source.

- Spider, enderman, zombie pigmen and blazes also have a chance to drop heads.
Collect them all! Note that spider head is craftable to two spider eyes.

- Renaming items is now possible again, thanks to the new Writing Table block.
It is crafted with a piece of paper on top of planks. You can even create name
tags with it to name entities. Named entities will not despawn. You will need
Ink and Quill, crafted with glass bottle, feather and ink sac; paper,
and 1 experience level to rename stuff / make name tags.

- Written Book recipe was also changed to require Ink and Quill.

- Block of Padding now reduces fall damage, like a proper soft block.

- Cows and sheep heal when they eat grass. Punch them to teach them a lesson
every once in a while.

- Silk, crafted from 9 string (and craftable back to string) can be used to
store spider string in a more compact way.

- Now beds are made with 3 silk on top of 3 padding on top of 3 wooden slabs
and it's possible to use beds and lie down to rest, and regenerate even when
hungry. Regeneration rate is doubled and hunger rate is halved when resting.
Obviously, beds won't skip the night and won't set your spawn point anymore.
They also work in other dimensions.

- Diamond ingot recipe has been moved to the cauldron. Yep, this requires you to
burn some wooden logs under the cauldron. This is more fitting for the now
permanent nature of diamond ingots.

- Logs destroyed by fire now drop ash. Also wither skeletons drop ash. It can be
used as a fertilizer.

- Wolves now respawn in forest biome (but not forest hills) like hostile mobs.
This is mainly done to support long term servers, where no animals and wolves
left for kilometers around. This can be disabled in BTWTweak.cfg.

- Sitting wolf cubs no longer teleport to player as they grow up.

- The void fog is gone. It was annoying.

When you progress to the saw and tanned leather:
- Better microblocks: it's now possible to fill blocks to the next appropriate
shape by placing corners, mouldings and sidings: corners can combine into
mouldings, mouldings can combine with sidings to become stairs or with stairs
to become full blocks, sidings can combine into full blocks. Better yet, you
can see where exactly your microblocks will go and if they get merged!

- Sneaking now prevents falling from a rope. Rope climbing is much safer now.

- Chest, gearbox, note block, jukebox, door, trapdoor, fence gate, pulley,
bellows, ladder, bookshelf, hopper, platform, barrel, axle and saw, as well as
decorative wooden blocks like pedestal, table, bench, column can be sawed
with a bit of a loss. We all like recycling.

- The saw won't touch pressure plate you put in front of it. It was strange when
it made it pop out.

- The saw won't break anymore when facing a wool block but will produce wool

- Ladders are now placeable on vertically put sidings, or any suitable surface
for that matter, not just full blocks.

- Torches, buttons, ladders are now placeable on backsides of stairs.

- Buttons can now be placed on the top and bottom of the blocks. Unlike new
versions of Minecraft, such buttons are symmetric. Also, the buttons are now
placeable on any flat surface, not just full blocks.

- Loose rocks can be launched with a dispenser or a sling. The sling is crafted
with a piece of cut tanned leather and two ropes on sides. Note that the price
for throwing rocks manually is hunger, and the arc they make is not really
suitable against the Ghasts.

- Thrown rocks will shatter glass blocks, or if something lands on them from
a height.

- The turntable doesn't only make smoke and clicks now, it spins visually!

- Hardcore Packing with pistons now applies to loose rocks, which makes
cobblestone, and ender pearls, which makes ender blocks.

- New enchantment: Velocity. Applied to boots, and each level of it increases
walking speed by 10%, up to 30%. Ocelots rarely drop Arcane Scrolls of
Velocity, and also level 1 of that enchantment can be found in trades or made
in vanilla enchanter.

- Hard-boiled eggs can be made from raw eggs in a cauldron. Complementary to
this, if you place an egg on a padding block with an active light block above,
it will hatch. This allows you to control the end result of eggs precisely.

- Storage blocks for Wheat, Diamond Ingot, Coal, Charcoal, Coal Dust,
Nethercoal, Sugar, Bone, Nitre, Potash, Ash, Flour (requires 9 of each).
All of them can be retrieved by crafting back to items.
Block of Bone can be only crafted by Hardcore Packing.

- Block of Flesh, squishy block made of 9 Rotten Flesh by Hardcore Packing and
uncrafted by hand.

- Block of Sawdust, made of 16 Sawdust by Hardcore Packing and uncrafted by saw.

- Block of Slime, sticky transparent block made of 9 slimeballs. Note that it
doesn't affect piston mechanics like it does in later versions of Minecraft.

- Redstone and Lapis are now handled by Hardcore Packing, and all of the
above storage blocks.

- Small BTW fixes such as correct soap, rope, padding and wicker block hardness;
Gloom now consumes player's meat, mycelium and huge mushroom blocks no longer
show swirling True Sight particles, even though mobs cannot spawn on them.

When you get access to stoked fire:
- Rails in abandoned mineshafts are rusted and won't give as much of iron
anymore. If you need lots of iron, you need a mob trap.

- On the other hand, ores are still relevant because cooking them in the Kiln
doubles the nugget output.

- Potash and ash can be used as a fertilizer for farmland or planter. It can
simply be dropped on the top of the block, like bonemeal.

- Stoked cauldron can make glue from 64 bone meal.

- Wool blocks can be boiled in a stoked cauldron to retrieve components.

- Piston can be melted down in a stoked crucible to retrieve metallic
components. More recycling!

- Charcoal texture has been backported the from newer Minecraft versions.

- It is no longer possible to escape through the roof of Nether.

Late game:
- Villagers now display newest offers in the beginning of the list rather than
the end, to put an end to constant scrolling through offers.

- Dynamite is now lit with hold and thrown with release of a button. This makes
throwing dynamite more precise and much more fun! This feature is dedicated to
the good old Blood 3D game.

- Cobblestone and stone drop in cobblestone blocks if destroyed by a soulforged
tool. Like in good old times.

And finally, some general goodness:
- Pressing the hotbar key of already selected slot will cycle items in the
corresponding inventory column. This is configurable in BTWTweak.cfg.

- /playtime command that can be used to track the age of the world, and how
long you've kept being alive.

- New key shortcut, default on R, to open the chat with "/tell " + last told
username so you can chat easily in private.

- Sign posts now accept unicode characters.

- Chat now accepts IME input and messages can be 256 characters long.

- Improved font display for latin and cyrillic scripts when unicode font
is chosen. That includes a fix for wider characters.

- Removed the annoying inventory shift when player has effects/buffs.
It was getting unbearable when running in and outside of a beacon range.

- If you install over CraftGuide, it will be patched so it works from the
inventory screen and compass and clock stop displaying real data in its GUI.

- When disconnecting, the player entity is removed only after 60 ticks
(3 seconds). This prevents exploiting initial invulnerability by
repeatedly disconnecting and connecting in dangerous situations.
Make sure to disconnect only when safe from now on.

Particular things to note

- Before installing, make sure your cauldrons and crucibles don't contain more than 9 items, as this mod reduces their inventory to 9 slots and the rest will disappear.
- Before installing, make sure your buildings aren't made of snow, as this mod makes it melt from heat.
- Backup your worlds!
- If playing on a server, both server and client must have this mod installed.


- Requires Better Than Wolves mod.

New releases are uploaded to GitHub:


1. Create a new folder
2. Put BTWTweak.jar in it
3. Put minecraft.jar (or minecraft_server.jar) with BTW already installed in it
4. Run BTWTweak.jar: double-click or use the command line: "java -jar BTWTweak.jar"
5. Select the file to patch in BTWTweak (for minecraft.jar: type "c" - press Enter)
6. If patch is successful, delete the original minecraft.jar and rename minecraft_tweak.jar to minecraft.jar
7. Use the patched minecraft.jar to play, enjoy!

Windows users: if double-clicking doesn't work for you:
- uncheck WinRAR file association for .jar extension, and/or reinstall Java


This mod has no videos yet!
I would gladly welcome someone making an overview of this mod changes, or a let's play session, anything containing BTWTweak.


A chat for talking about this mod or Minecraft modding in general: http://chat.grompe.org.ru/#mcmoddev (xmpp:mcmoddev@chat.grompe.org.ru)
CreditBetter Than Wolves © FlowerChild
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5.2

25 Update Logs

v0.9o : by Grom PE 02/25/2018 1:38:10 pmFeb 25th, 2018

- Fixed compatibility with BTW version "4.A9 Pustules Lancing".

- Skipped kiln crack fix as it is now implemented in BTW.
Previous versions of BTW still get the fix.

- Changed configurable Hardcore Spawn radius so it can only be increased from
default value of 2000 blocks.

- Added blood wood planks and stairs to microblock merging.

- Fixed middle-click block picking for wooden microblocks, again, also
including blood wood.

- Added blood wood blocks to creative tabs.

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10/17/2015 11:13 am
Level 42 : Master Modder
Brevoort43214's Avatar
Looks awesome ;D
04/09/2015 8:50 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
GamerGeeked's Avatar
you could have told me it was BTW, i thought it was thaumcraft
Grom PE
04/10/2015 5:25 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Grom PE's Avatar
Why you thought it's for Thaumcraft when it never mentions that yet you skipped over "Better Than Wolves" in the title is beyond me.
04/10/2015 10:00 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
GamerGeeked's Avatar
Slimey Games
11/27/2014 6:32 pm
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Slimey Games's Avatar
So this mod i like a Vanilla addition that could be in a update of minecraft  sort of thingÉ
Caporal Dxl
05/24/2014 2:07 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
An add-on it's called!
Grom PE
05/25/2014 5:40 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Grom PE's Avatar
Perhaps. I didn't give much thought what differs an add-on from a mod, however, I can say advanced technique has been used to change BTW in ways not normally possible by "official" add-ons.
Caporal Dxl
05/25/2014 7:13 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
Dude, now really! "Mod for mod" means add-on. A mod is Tinkerer's Construct. An add-on for it is called Iguana Tweaks for TiC. Thats how this goes!
01/31/2014 8:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
LoliePop's Avatar
Can you please post an installer for the mod download because i don't know how to get mods? Plus does the mod require forge or modloader?
09/11/2013 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
justjack10's Avatar
That looks cool im so geting that mod
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