Minecraft Mods

Blourousite Upgrade Mod 1.8.11

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BobTheGodly's Avatar BobTheGodly
Level 48 : Master Modder
Welcome I am BobTheGodly and am back with the Blourousite Upgrade mod. Upgrade from diamond today!
-a great small mod
-good for modpacks (permission granted no need to ask)

What You need.
Minecraft Forge 1.8.1
Minecraft 1.8.1
Bacon (or a human leg if your a cannibal)
Let me know of any bugs or problems!

What is this mod you ask?
Well let's begin. The Blourousite upgrade mod is a very simple mod concept. Start with Diamond Armor and make it better.

What do you mean by better?
That is a very simple question, but it does need an answer. the Armor in this mod is self enchanting. That means upon wearing the armor it will give itself an enchantment for free. Yup that's right make this armor you get a free enchantment. Aside from that both the sword and armor received a slight boost in durability meaning you get more bang for your buck right off the bat.

What texturepack are you using?
I get asked this question frequently. There is no extra texture pack for this mod all the items in this mod are 128x. (except the armor icons). As a modder I strive to build the best mod I can with the fewest bugs in the coding, and I feel that higher quality textures brings the mod itself to a higher level.

Where can I get more info on this mod and others you've made?
That's simple just go to my blog BobTheGodly.weebly.com for all the information about my mods, including recipes and an in depth look into each item in my mods. Visiting my website is the second best way to support my mods, the very best way is to become a patron at www.patreon.com/BobTheGodly

Why Donate?
Donations drive my forward in my modding faster than any other form of patronage. Every donation means something to me, it means I have done a good enough job to deserve payment, that someone is saying "I believe in what you do, take this and put it to good use". So if I have done a good enough job look into becoming a patron.

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CreditThe modding community for answering questions and making tutorials. Keep Subscribing.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

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02/22/2014 12:30 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
BobTheGodly's Avatar
Well this mod got a lot more reception than I had expected, I literally thought I was just polishing turds on this one thank you all for proving me wrong.
02/21/2014 1:49 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
dagget10's Avatar
is there a 1.5.2 version or a matching texture/resource pack :3 it looks unreal in minecraft, simply epicness
02/22/2014 12:33 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
BobTheGodly's Avatar
There is no 1.5.2 version I try to keep all my mods in one version ( I know I need to update my mods soon) Thanks for the compliment I try very hard to make my work standout.
02/26/2014 12:22 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
dagget10's Avatar
ill try and get it working, but im wondering, is there a resource pack to match the hd, it is weird having hd and pixelated all in one game, oh, and why do i need bacon?
03/01/2014 12:33 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
BobTheGodly's Avatar
go to any 128x texture pack and they should blend nicely.
02/21/2014 5:31 am
Level 27 : Expert Taco
spike43884's Avatar
Its a clever idea, Upgrading armour...Well well well, What about making a expanded version of this (by the way itd be good in 1.8 to do a expanded version as new materials will come) And All armours and weapons and tools have 2 upgrade possibilities (EXCEPT WOOD TOOLS/WEAPONS AS THEY ONLY HAVE 1) And in wood tools, you can add iron and thats it...I mean its wood...its made to be basic.
But with all other items, You Can add Metals/Gems So Emerald, Diamond, Iron ignot...Nether quartz...And so on, you can add only 1 of those, And its called 'Encrusting' And lets say Diamond gives the armour the effect of, No Ice Sliding, Or 'Friction' And, Then the second upgrade (the one that wood can use aswell as all other armours) Which is Combining, Which lets say you have a Iron Armour, You COMBINE a Gold Block, And it will have a small bit below the title of the armour saying (Combined with _____ Aswell as just below that Encrusted with _____) And then below the enchantments, And combining gives it the benefit of that material, or just for looks, So your iron armour now have some gold regions on it...Or you may want to combine IRON BARS with Gold armour and you get Gold Armour Combined with Chain, and it makes zones of the gold armour chain armour...Of course because of this the combining works with texturepacks, and on a certain zone on all weapons/tools/armour theres a encrust place which the gem goes into...but you can also (in 1.8) Combine with, Granite, (Polished/unpolished) And, with stone/heavy materials it makes the armour slightly slower to move in, but much stronger. And maybe a special block added that you do it in...And possibly tempering aswell, to increase strength
  • Tempering done in: Chain Bucket+Lava block (Chain Bucket can be placed from any ceiling on a chain and it looks like a cauldren without legs and lava/water are able to be put in it at half height) And you put it above a lava block / a water block and may lower/rise it and put in 1 item, after the chain bucket +lava block them chain bucket +water block and it can be tempered 5 times.
  • Combining Done In: Blacksmith Table
  • Encrusting Done In: Blacksmith Table

The blacksmith table is a table which in the center you may put a tool/armour/weapon and then Below you put any COMBINING ITEMS (combining done once) and at the sides you may do ENCRUSTING ITEMS (encrusting may be done twice but only once to a bow or a hoe) And then it slowly completes like a furnace, but the higher grade item (so diamond is highest grade) the longer it takes, the higher the temper, the quicker it takes
02/22/2014 12:27 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
BobTheGodly's Avatar
I read a lot of what you had and I think you should check out my evolving swords mod it has an upgrading armor feature already included. you can find it on my blog included with the mod post
02/22/2014 3:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
spike43884's Avatar
I read it...But these wouldnt evolve but upgrade, it maybe be a expansion to evolving swords?
02/22/2014 3:33 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
BobTheGodly's Avatar
The name may not be perfectly appropriate but upgrading swords didn't have the same ring to it as evolving swords.
02/22/2014 3:59 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
spike43884's Avatar
Ehh, well...Still take this suggestion in mind
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