Minecraft Mods

Better Tools [1.6.4][Forge]

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Neuroticcheeze1101's Avatar Neuroticcheeze1101
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Hey there, this mod is based upon the Forge API which can be found here. (Choose Forge Installer)

Thank you all for your input. Survey now closed - Analysing data.

1. Go to the link above, and find Forge 1.6.4 Recommended.
2. Download the installer for it.
3. Install forge on the client. (Make sure minecraft and the launcher is closed)
4. Go to your .minecraft folder and look for "mods" if you can't, then create it.
5. Place BetterTools zip in there.
6. Enjoy!

Possible/Known Bugs
*Means as of recently, this bug has been squashed.

- If mods containing the same recipes as in this mod are installed, these recipes are overwritten
- Horse armour is broken.
- Game might crash due to duplicate error of the achievement: "mineNewOre".☑
- A big page of id conflicts.

Legendarium storage:
undefined    Block of Legendarium
undefined    Legendarium

Crafting the tools:
undefined    Legendary Pickaxe, Mines out a 3x3x3 area per use.
undefined    Legendary Axe, Used to destroy the entire trunk of trees. Even jungle trees.
undefined    Legendary Spade, Can only excavate 3x3x3 holes of grass, dirt, sand, etc.
undefined    Legendary Hoe, Tills 3x3 areas of dirt or grass.
undefined    Legendary Sword, Hauls all mobs into the air within a 10 radius.NOTE (Creates a small explosion)

A little of what this mod offers:
You can craft with emeralds and obsidian and can now create new tool types with handles of the tool's material. This steeply increases durability. It DOES increase mining speed so very slightly, and the enchantment prospect of each tool (Except hoes of course) is much higher.

It has just been updated, so there's not much info about the updates and new recipes and such atm, give me time to sort it all out.

The Recipes are as you would expect. Only, the new sticks are made from fragments (Shards, nuggets, and chunks) of their base material. Eg, An emerald stick is made from emerald shards which are made from ...emeralds.
And a thank you to Jakerudd and JBDGames For their Reviews.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

7 Update Logs

3.0a (Bugfix) : by Neuroticcheeze1101 03/24/2014 4:27:50 amMar 24th, 2014

Bug fixes!
  • Iron nuggets from other mods can now be used in my recipes and vice versa.
  • Potential crashing due to a particular achievement dupe glitch has been removed.
  • Tool and armour enums were tweaked.
    • Obsidian is slightly weaker than diamond, but a full obsidian tool is almost 2x the durability of a normal diamond tool.


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06/25/2016 1:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey, When will you update the mod to version 1.7.10.? I really look forward to seeing this for 1.7.10. Thank you, In advance.
06/30/2016 11:13 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Neuroticcheeze1101's Avatar
I've kinda been in a rough patch recently and I'm trying to get some more inspiration to continue working on it. Really sorry. :(
02/04/2016 4:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Khaylebsters5's Avatar
1.7.10! Please.
07/09/2015 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JBC_1's Avatar
Can you plz make this mod for 1.7.10, I really want to use this mod it has some very awsome tools.
05/27/2015 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NyanGuy's Avatar
cant wait for this to be updated to 1.7.10 P.S awesome mod it make's mining so much faster wish this was in vanila...only in my dream's.........for now....
01/17/2015 11:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1814035's Avatar
12/01/2014 6:11 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Ungarr's Avatar
also i think this is one of those mods that should be in vanila mc
12/01/2014 9:58 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Neuroticcheeze1101's Avatar
Well, thanks.
11/24/2014 12:07 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Ungarr's Avatar
hay when you get the chance can you update this to 1.7.10? or change the obsisidian textures? also i think obsiian should be better then diamond in durability but it cant be enchanted also when i had this mod in my single player mod pack the horse armor wouldent work at all
11/30/2014 1:11 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Neuroticcheeze1101's Avatar
BetterTools V4.0a_mc1.7.10 is in the oven. :)
And yeah, sorry about the horse armour, I really want to add it but Forge has no hook for it yet. Other developers are putting up pull requests for it, so hopefully by the Forge 1.8 release they'll have added this.
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