Minecraft Mods

Better Gold Mod [1.5.1] - Major Update! New structure, weapon and boss!

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JasonWebb's Avatar JasonWebb
Level 43 : Master Engineer

Better Butter Mod / Better Gold Mod
(whichever you preffer)

When was the last time you made a golden pickaxe in a survival world?
Eh? Never? Well, this mod will change that and add new features.
Don't download the mod without reading the installation instructions, it is a bit different than the rest.

Minor changes: <-- the not so important stuff

Gold tools

Gold tools have a very high efficiency, well, this mod makes it higher.
You may be thinking, but golden pickaxes can't mine obsidian so what use is this. Well, with this mod gold can mine the same blocks as diamond.
As a bonus, the enchantability of the gold items has been increased by double the amount, making it very possible to get very good enchantments on gold items with very low levels.
The durability of the gold tools stays the same, that is, very low.

Gold sword

The gold sword is practically useless. Well, this mod makes it the most powerful sword on minecraft with 20 damage! However, it only has 32 uses, so use it against a 32 mobs and you have it no more.
This sword also has the same enchantability as gold tools.

Gold armor

Gold armour in this mod is double as protective as diamond armor, but with higher enchantability.
However, it has a lower durability than it used to have. Making it the most protective armor but it will wear off in a night of mob fighting, so use it carefully.

Gold ore

Now, if gold items are so OP, shouldn't it be rarer? That's right, gold ore is half as likely to appear as before.

Zombie pigmen

Zombie pigmen will spawn with stone swords now to prevent them from being OP. They will not drop gold nuggets as a common drop now, but as a rare drop, given the usefulness gold has now.

Major changes: <-- the important stuff

Water Temple (new structure)

This new structure is one of the main features of the mod, I imported it from a map I made.

-It will only spawn once in a map and only in the overworld.
-It is generated when the group of chunks where it will be are generated, this means that the chunks where the structure will spawn must not be already generated because this will mean it will not spawn at all. This is why it is recommended to generate a new world when using this mod.
-The structure will spawn in a 2400 block radius from the (0;0;0), that is the center of the map. That is why, if you haven't wondered to far off in your already generated world, then you have a high chance that the structure will spawn. If in doubt, generate a new world to use this mod.
-The structure's location is calculated from the seed, so if you generate twice the same map (with the same seed), you will have the structure spawning in the same place.
-Inside it are the only four "Divine Gold" blocks you will find in the map (see image bellow). These blocks are used to spawn the Gold Goldem boss.
-Trees and animals will spawn randomly on the structure, according to the biome bellow.
-As you can see in the image bellow, the water flowing from the "Water Temple" will not flow all the way to the bottom. This is because of the way the temple is generated. To access the temple you will have to stack your way up to the water column.


The temple seen from the ground. Note the wate columns not reaching the ground.

The temple seen from above. Note the different trees according to the biome.

Center of the structure. See the four blocks surrounding the central pillar.
These are the "Divine Gold" blocks.

The Staff (new weapon)

This weapon shoots fireballs in a straight line, no bullet drop!
The fireballs will ignite any mob they hit and deal damage at the same time (with the exception of mobs that don't take fire damage, such as zombie pigmen).
Similar to arrows, it requires fireballs as ammo. However, if enchanted with infinity 1, it will behave the same as with the bow, no ammo consumption.

Crafting recipe:


Golden Eye

In the likes of the Ender Eye that is used to find the End portal, this item will allow you to find the "Water Temple" (so you don't have to run around the whole map). Unlike the Ender Eye, this Golden Eye will not shatter when thrown, but will always drop. So given that you always manage to retrieve the item, you will only need one to find the "Water Temple". The use mechanics are exactly the same as the Ender Eye.
Given the spawning rate of gold ore, it is rather expensive to make.

Crafting recipe:


Divine Gold

New block only found in the "Water Temple" that is used to spawn the Goldem Goldem Boss.


Golden Golem Boss

Once you get the four "Divine Gold" blocks from the "Water Temple", you will only need a pumpkin and you can spawn the "Golden Golem". You will only be able to spawn one in the map because there are no more that 4 Divine Gold blocks per map.
When spawned, it's fighting mechanics are the same are the Iron Golem, however, he has three times his health and his drops are somewhat special. In addition to this, he has double the attack strength than the regular Iron Golem.
When he dies, he will drop:
-20 gold ingots.
-Thor's Hammer <-- new weapon

Configuration to spawn the mob:

Thor's Hammer (the ultimate weapon)

Thor's Hammer can only be obtained by killing the Golden Golem, it is the ultimate weapon of the mod.
-Requieres no ammo (not even firecharges)
-It will deal 9 of damage (4.5 hearts) to the player when used, preventing it from being used continously (at full health can only use it twice before having to wait to regen).
-When right clicked, it will:
-->Create a circle of lightning bolts that will cause explosions in a 10 block radius centered in the player.
-->It will throw an explosive fireball with no bullet drop that will explode on contact with any surface/mob.

Thor's Hammer

I won't show images of usage, I'll let you test it :)

Compatibility: <-- you have been warned

I made this mod for being used as a standalone. I haven't tested if it is compatible with ModLoader, but I don't think so. It is NOT compatible with Forge but maybe in the near future I'll release a Forge version.

Tell me if you see any.

Similar mods:
When I made this mod I didn't check to see if there where others that had this name, so yeah silly me. I recently checked and found 2 others for previous versions of minecraft which haven't updated to 1.5.1 and they do similar things, they don't add more weapons nor new structures though (which is the thing that took me most time in this mod). As I don't mean to discredit anyone or to steal anyone's ideas I'll put a link to these two mods below. If the mod developers of those mods read this and want me to change the name of the mod, tell me.

Install instructions: <-- very important, otherwise it won't work

1) Locate the minecraft folder at %appdata%/.minecraft/
2) Copy the folder "structure" into this folder (it does NOT go inside the jar,
it goes in the regular ".minecraft" folder, alongside "bin", "resources", "texturepacks", etc.)
If you did this correctly, these are some of the files you should have in the ".minecraft" folder:
- bin
- resources
- saves
- texturepacks
- structure <-- this one is the one you copied in

3) Locate the minecraft.jar file at %appdata%/.minecraft/bin
4) Open minecraft.jar with winrar
5) Copy the files from the folder "For the minecraft.jar" into the jar
6) Delete the META-INF folder inside the jar
7) Enjoy

If you have any doubts as to how to install it, check out this video. It has an installation tutorial plus a mod review of the recent update:


Outdated mod reviews:
Mod review (proof it works):
Mod review (proof it works):
Mod review + installation tutorial:
Installation tutorial for forge made by Those Good Gamers:

Hopefully this mod will help see gold in a different way. :)
I am open to suggestions of what other gold related things I should add. Hope you enjoy the mod!

If you like the mod, consider giving it a diamond, it really helps other people to see it :)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5

6 Update Logs

Update #6 - Golden Golem changes : by JasonWebb 04/30/2013 10:52:39 amApr 30th, 2013

Changes to the Golden Golem mod/boss.
-Fixed bug that golden golem turned into iron golem when restarting the map.
-Changed texture to something more "goldy"
-Changed health as he was pretty easy to kill, put it upto 300.
-Fixed bug of Golden Golem not being hostile on default.

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11/12/2013 10:49 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
HaltingPollution's Avatar
Buuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrä¸ æ ¶ Not gold.
11/20/2013 4:52 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
seriously dude, not here
06/06/2013 4:44 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
equinoxmaster's Avatar
tell sky
05/30/2013 4:41 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
equinoxmaster's Avatar
NOT GOLD BUDDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/30/2013 4:41 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
equinoxmaster's Avatar
its BUDDDER for petes sake
05/08/2013 11:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DzKiro's Avatar
did this work in Minecraft 1.5.2?
05/09/2013 5:42 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
JasonWebb's Avatar
Haven't tried it yet. Will try it out tomorrow.
05/18/2013 11:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DzKiro's Avatar
did it work?
05/03/2013 11:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bman446's Avatar
Hey jason, every time i download it, my game black screens, i dont have forge or modloader in or anything... plz help meh
05/04/2013 10:58 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
JasonWebb's Avatar
You have to delete the meta-inf folder for it to work.
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