Minecraft Mods

/Beta/ IceFrezee Dimension Mod 1.7.10 /Beta/

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themccraft907's Avatar themccraft907
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
==========/!/!Description English/!/!==========Ice Frezee Dimension Mod


I present you a mod created by me it added lots of new object but also a dimension of ice

New object:
Full tack in Ice Frezee
Tool + Ice Sword In Frezee
Ore Ice Frezee
Block Ice Frezee
Staircase different materials

Ores Ice frezee is in layer 0 to 10 it is very rare but you premet open a dimension very soon the texture of blocks and armor will change during the last days has arrived
if you encounter any bug or problem to say thank you in the comments below or contact me on this address: themccraft907@gmail.com

Coming up:
-Changing texture
-Creating a Dimension
-Opening of the dimension
-new ores
-but plenty of others

Thank you take into account that this is a mod therefore still in Beta testing

Stay tuned for future update :ImageImageD
==========/!/!Description Français/!/!========== Ice Frezee Dimension Mod


Je vous presente un mod créer par moi il rajouté pleins de nouveaux objet et mais aussi une dimension des glaces

Nouveaux objet :
Amures Complets en Ice Frezee
Outil+épée En Ice Frezee
Minerai de Ice Frezee
Block de Ice Frezee
Escalier de différent matériaux

le minerais Ice frezee se trouve en la couche 0 a 10 il est très rare mais il vous premet d'ouvrir une dimension tres prochainement les texture des blocks et des armures seront modifier durant les mise a jours qui arrive
si vous rencontré des bug ou des probleme merci de le dire dans les commentaires ci-dessous ou me contacté sur cette adresse : themccraft907@gmail.com

A venir :
-Modification des texture
-Création d'une dimension
-Ouverture de la dimension
-nouveaux minerais
-mais plein d’autres encore

Merci de prendre en compte que c'est un mod teste donc encore en Beta

A bientôt pour de prochainement mise a jours :D
Progress5% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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12/26/2013 6:43 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Narwhal
Giraffestock's Avatar
Temporarily disabled the submission. Changes are required. Please fix the download file and upload only the files you edited.
Submission Rules
12/25/2013 3:22 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Narwhal
Giraffestock's Avatar
Temporarily disabled the submission. Changes are required. Only upload content you personally created. Do not upload or modify work made by others. Please only upload the files you edited, not the entire Minecraft.jar file.

Submission Rules
12/26/2013 1:31 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
themccraft907's Avatar
I disagree I do not download file else I create myself I had the idea I myself is that it has the problem on the minecraft.jar I am currently in the process of corrected the problem !!!
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