Minecraft Mods

asdfmovie Mod [Early Access]

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Seltak-Studio's Avatar Seltak-Studio
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder

asdfmovie Mod

Done: 5%

- new dimension
- new mobs
- asdfguy (enemy)
- new biomes
- new blocks

Post your ideas and help creating this mod

Please write your ideas into the comments and if you have any map structures that you
want to see in this mod, please post them with download or write me private. Im currently
working on this mod, there will be daily updates and a lot of more features. You can download
the mod now and test the new dimension, the asdfguy and more! But please tell me your
ideas and features, you want in this mod. Thanks and have fun in asdfmovie Minecraft!

How to build the portal?

Build a nether portal out of pillar quartz blocks
and then activate the portal with the "asdfmovie key". (right click)
You can find this key in creative under "Tools" or you
can craft this key in survival with one cake in the middle
and 4 diamonds around that cake.

Planned features:

Muffin Endboss
New Comic like Structures
Train Meme
Potato Mob
Female asdf Mob
Baby asdf Mob

insert_drive_file Download asdfmovie Mod

asdfmovie Mod [Early Access] Minecraft Mod
asdfguy & asdfmovie key
asdfmovie Mod [Early Access] Minecraft Mod

Mc Mods
Mod inspired by TomSka (https://www.youtube.com/user/TomSka)
CreditSeltak, MCreator: https://mcreator.net/
Progress5% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

1 Update Logs

Update: Optimization : by Seltak-Studio 09/26/2019 8:59:51 amSep 26th, 2019

Update: Optimization
asdfmovie Mod

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06/03/2020 1:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LaserMaster's Avatar
dont make a meme of i like trains in the mod make it if someone says it in chat a train will come kill them and everyone infront f them
01/18/2020 5:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc2890242's Avatar
10/23/2019 7:46 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Magical Girl
SomeBasilKinGirl's Avatar
TomSka got dark.
09/07/2019 5:00 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Crafter
BfoCrazy's Avatar
You can remove the particles of the portal. They are to much! And you can use your own blocks instead of quartz and wool. And you can change the texture of asdfmovie key. Good luck with making the train meme lol 🤣😃😊😀
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