Minecraft Mods

ArcadeCombat Plugin

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forseth11's Avatar forseth11
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper
Arcade Combat is a Bukkit Plugin.  If you would like view it on Bukkit click here


ArcadeCombat is a melee combat enhancement plugin for Minecraft. In Vanilla Minecraft there are no melee combat tactics other than jumping and swinging which means that your equipment is the deciding factor in a fight. ArcadeCombat seeks to change that and add player skill as a key component to Minecraft's melee combat. In order to do this it has:
  • Blocking - The ability to actively defend yourself against an opponent's attack. It reduces knockback and blocks a configurable percent of damage per swing(you get hit for 5% more every time an opponent hits you to force players to not turtle).
  • Riposte - After you block an opponent your next few attacks are more powerful.
  • Bleeding - If you take too much damage from a single hit then you begin to bleed. Bleeding does damage over time.
  • Heavy attack - An attack that is executed by running and jumping. It bypasses an opponent's block and costs more hunger to use along with having a cooldown.
  • Dodging - The ability to jump backwards to quickly disengage yourself from combat (good for dodging an opponent's riposte). Has a cooldown.
  • Sword collision - If two opponent's attack each other within 100ms then their swords will meet and both will only take 1pt of dmg. Two players who are fighting like it's vanilla minecraft may find it difficult to kill each other.
  • Hunger Drain - A configurable amount of saturation or exhaustion caused per swing. This means people who attack and don't defend are at a hunger disadvantage and may have to take a break in the middle of the fight (simulating exhaustion).
  • Blockhitting - If you try and attack and block at the same time you will cause significant damage to yourself.

This plugin was requested by Helrin2.


  • /dodge toggle - This toggles the ability to dodge.
  • /dodge combat - This toggles the ability to have dodge toggled when you get attacked.


All of the config is explained with YMAL notes in the full config. Also the video explains it.
  • soundDelay: 5
  • cutCheck: 30
  • resetBlockOnAttack: false
  • swordMultiplier: 1.25
  • axeMultiplier: 1.85
  • swordExhaustion: 0.25
  • axeExhaustion: 0.5
  • swordSaturation: 0.2
  • axeSaturation: 0.5
  • topBlockPercent: 80
  • blockChange: 5
  • dodgeRechargeTime: 15000
  • bleedAmount: 5
  • bleedSpeed: 60
  • heavyAttackDelay: 60000
  • blockRegenAmount: 5
  • blockRegenDelay: 100
  • heavyAttackFoodDrain: 8
  • bleedStartDamage: 5.0
  • bleedDamageAmount: 3.0
  • autoToggleDodge: true
  • blockVelocity: 0.13
  • swingCollide: 100
  • checkForUpdates: true (Set to false to not get notifications about updates.)


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How to install

  1. Download
  2. Put in your plugins folder
  3. Enable the plugin (AKA reload / restart / start)
  4. Configure anything you want to change
  5. Reload
  6. Done
This plugin is used on: play.DuskFall.us
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

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