Minecraft Mods

Arc Core [1.7.10] [Alpha] [1.8.9/1.9 Coming Soon!]

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GildedGam3r's Avatar GildedGam3r
Level 44 : Master Poro
Arc Core [1.7.10] [Alpha] [1.8.9/1.9 Coming Soon!] Minecraft Mod
Table of Contents:
1.About Arc-Core
8.Works In Progress


Arc-Core is an adventure based mod that adds a variety of magical and tech based features to minecraft, primarily magic. Ranging anywhere from an item infuser to the dimension of the gods, oh and a bacon tree, you can't forget the bacon tree. This mod is currently in Alpha, so reporting any bugs or balance issues you find would be extremely helpful! Once I release a few of the dimensions, I will be providing a version for 1.7.10 - 1.9. Please feel free to comment with any suggestions for things to change or add.

Update Plan:
Each update will come with its full set of blocks, ores, mobs, dimensions, etc. Updates are being released based on in-game difficulty and so that they are in the order of which you would have to use their corresponding items and such anyway. The Questing Update will come with a semi-choice based main story-line, as well as quest-giving AI, reward bags, special items, side-quests, mini-bosses, currency for trading with villagers in the Arc-Core dimensions, as well as an additional menu/GUI for questing(saved this for last as it will require all of the previous updates and will most likely be the most difficult to code <-- just assuming).

Bugfixes will be released whenever needed.

Updates in order:
  • Fairy Update
  • Nihilian Update
  • World on Fire Update
  • Ascension/Corruption Update
  • Questing Update

Arc Core [1.7.10] [Alpha] [1.8.9/1.9 Coming Soon!] Minecraft Mod

Arc Core [1.7.10] [Alpha] [1.8.9/1.9 Coming Soon!] Minecraft Mod

  • Arc-Core - used in machine recipes as well as arclight components
  • Prototype Arc-Core - unstable Arc-Core used in creating abyssal armor and tools
  • Arc Diamond - used for making arclight ingots
  • Ascended Ingot - ascended ore in furnace, for ascended armor and tools
  • Raw Bacon - crafted from bacon logs
  • Bacon - raw bacon in a furnace
  • Emerald Encrusted Bacon - used to make emerald encrusted bacon armor and tools
  • Bacon Root - bacon log in furnace
  • Bacon Beer - bacon root + water bottle
  • Calcium Acetate - used as fuel in the Arc-Core Furnace (Fuel Mixer)
  • Cyclops Eye - dropped by Cyclops, no current use
  • Fairy Dust - dropped by Fairy, no current use
  • Fuel Gel - powers Arc-Core Infuser
  • Organic Fuel Gel
  • Survivalist Fuel Gel
  • Infused Quartz - used in crafting Prototype Arc-Core
  • Moissanite - used for creating moissanite armor and ttols
  • Nihil Soul Shard - dropped by Nihilian Spirit, no current use
  • Palladium Ingot - palladium ore in furnace, for armor, tools, and arc-core

  • Arc-Core Infuser - combines items into new ones
  • Arc-Core Furnace - used to create fuel
  • Arc-Core Lamp - lamp powered by redstone
  • Arclight's Chocolate Cake
  • Ascended Ore
  • Bacon Leaf - for bacon tree, drops emeralds(rare) and bacon saplings
  • Bacon Wood - for bacon tree, can craft into bacon, or smelt into bacon root
  • Bacon Sapling - craft-able sapling for growing bacon tree
  • Moissanite Ore
  • Nihil Block - used for making futile armor and tools
  • Palladium Ore

  • Fairy - spawns in Gilded Forest and Gilded Plains
  • Nihilian Spirit - spawns in the Land of the Nihil
  • Cyclops - spawns in Firelands

  • Gilded Forest - fairies spawn here, soon to be home to a fairy castle
  • Gilded Plains - fairies spawn here, minotaurs soon to spawn here as well
  • Fire Lands - mountainous area where blazes and cyclops spawn
  • Land of the Nihil - nihilian spirit spawns here, soon to have a nihilian stronghold
  • Red Forest - currently just a red forest, special mobs soon to come

Pictures of Recipes will be added later.
Armors and Tools
For armors and tools use the vanilla recipes using their respective item(except abyssal):
Emerald Encrusted Bacon
Futile - nihil block
Abyssal - craft futile armor and tools with a prototype arc-core to get the respective abyssal item
Arc-Core Furnace
XXX X = Cobblestone
XYX Y = Arc Core
Arc-Core Infuser
XXX X = Furnace
YZY Y = Redstone Block
VVV Z = Arc Core
V = Iron ingot
XYX X = redstone
YDY Y = Glass
XZX Z = Palladium Ingot
D = Diamond
Arclight Ingot
Shapeless: Arc-Core, ArcDiamond, and Iron ingot
Prototype Arc-Core
XYX X = Obsidian
YZY Y = Infused Quartz
XDX Z = Arc-Core
D = Arc Diamond
Bacon Sapling
PEP P = Porkchop (raw) Bacon Leaf(gives 2) :
DSD E = Bacon Leaf - X - X = Emerald
PEP D = Emerald XYX Y = Leaf
S = Sapling -X-
Emerald Encrusted Bacon
Shapeless: 2 Emeralds + Porkchop
Infusion Recipes
Infuser is powered by the various fuel gels.
Arc Diamond - quartz, redstone, and a diamond
Infused Quartz - quartz and 2 redstone
Arclight's Chocolate Cake - cake and cocoa

Temporarily removed to work on balance when using with other mods:
Vanilla Ore Blocks - combine the respective ingot/item with stone(netherrack for quartz) for the ore block
Fuel Recipes
Arc-Core Furnace is powered by calcium acetate - egg, bonemeal, and a water bucker or water bottle
Fuel Gel - coal
Organic Fuel Gel - carrot, wheat, potato, baked potato, or bread
Survivalist's Fuel Gel - Bacon Beer ( pay no attention to the fact that means Bacon Beer has a proof of 180)

Fairy Update
Fairy Dimension
Fairy Gatekeeper(boss), Fairy Knights, and Corrupted Fairy King(boss)
Fairy Kingdom
Corrupted Fairy Castle
Ice Fairies
Frostbite (only applied in Ice Fairy biomes)
Baby Dragon(tamable)
Baby Ice Dragon(tamable)
New Flowers
Ice Tree
Gilded Tree
Fairy Tree

Nihilian Update
The Shadow's Realm
Nihilian Stronghold
Undead Baby Dragon(tamable)
Water of the Styx
Nihilian Gatekeeper(Boss)
The Shadow(Boss)
Shade rose
Phantom City
Curse of the Styx
Blessing of the Styx
World on Fire Update
Fire World Dimension
Dragon's Den
Lesser Dragon(boss)
King Dragon(boss)
Volcanic City

Dragon-born villagers(working on different name, suggestions appreciated!)

Ascension/Corruption Update
Realm of the Ascended
Realm of the Corrupt
Gate of Ascension
Gate of Corruption
Warrior's Key
Tainted Key
Order of the Ascended(AI Group)
Covenant of the Corrupt(AI Group)
Blessing of the Ascended
Sacrifice of the Corrupt
Corrupt Ore
Ascended Ore(will be removed from Overworld and added to realm of the ascended)
Temple of the Ascended
Sepulcher of the Corrupt
Corrupt Armor/Tools w/ Special Abilities
+ Special Abilities to Ascened Armor/Tools
Corrupted Souls
The Ascended
  • More Infuser Usages
  • In-game documentation
  • More Trees(Cookie tree anyone? *Might make trees a separate mod*)
  • Releasing a Mod Spotlight w/release of Fairy Gatekeeper and Castle(next update)
Progress45% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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08/03/2016 9:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
charizard_X9's Avatar
I'm sorry to bug you, but could I use this in my modpack if I leave a link to here?
05/08/2016 5:45 pm
Level 44 : Master Poro
GildedGam3r's Avatar
Just to let you guys know, the fairy dimension itself is complete, just working on structures, flowers, and some potions.
04/27/2016 6:00 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
HbTextures's Avatar
I would almost say this is one of these mods which doesn't add anything we haven't already seen, but it has fuel and machines.

I love it already.
04/27/2016 6:39 pm
Level 44 : Master Poro
GildedGam3r's Avatar
Yea I'll admit it's not that unique in a sense as of now, but I'm working on sprucing it up a bit. Glad you like it! Tell me what you think of the fairy lol
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