Minecraft Mods

AnythingUWant Episode 2 New Boss

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Daveyo12's Avatar Daveyo12
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
AnythingUWant Release 2

Announcement: This long journey may come to an end. I am discontinuing the mod and declaring it as finished.

Is it really over?
Yes, but I might make a sequel one day or another mod.

Why this?
I am kind of tired of this game for now, I am interested on SM64 hacking.

Could it be countinued?
Anything can happen but I am not planning to and dont ask me to continue it. I dont have any real life friends who could help me.

Could you release the source code?
I may do it with an update which removes the two mods file and port the stuff to only one mod in the mod list.

When will you make the sequel?
Dont expect anything because I may do:
1. The sequel
2. Another mod
3. Nothing

sorry to look so rude but I just have to warn you its over.

Warning: It may show as 3 mods in the mod list, ignore it.

Welcome to AnythingUWant
This is a beta work in progress mod Ive been working on for 6 weeks now.
It adds ANYTHING!!!

Episode 1 of the evolution features:
-Dirt Armour
-Dirt Tools
-Grassy Dimension
-Smoo Biome
-Steve Mob
-Gems Ores
-Colored Gems used to craft epic swords
-Windows and Stone Blue, Night Blue, Yellow, pink, Green and Red
-Glass walls and tiny tnt islands spawning in the sky
-Darky Dimension
-Sheeps drop mutton just like in 1.8
-sandwish, cheese and bread slice
-Thanks to the ones who made youtube videos, DAJJJO and kingevan100 got to become mobs
-Gem Blocks for the different Gems
-Stone Brick water just for decoration
-French and French Canadian Language Support
-Goya Dimension
-Just a Pig ;)
-Gem blocks Can now be used as beacon base
-Trampolines :D
-Giga Biome
-Ore Stairs
-Gem and Gem ore Stairs
-2 awesome TNT Cannons (Creative Only)
-Creeper Trophy
-Compatibility with other mods tested
-Gem Armors
-Dirt and cobblestone Stack of nine, used to stack them and to craft multitools

Episode 2 of the evolution features:
-Gem Trampolines with potion effects
-Gem Armors now require full set to get potion effect
-Redstone Stairs are back
-2 new mobs: Rock Huge and Rock Monster
-Weakness Sword
-Switch to Creative and Survival by using the items for it
-Prepare to an immense update next 1 or 2 week
-New Boss: Glornious

Thanks to our three youtubers who made a showcase:
Silvering Stones (or DAJJJO): www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWuHRo9jXJ0
KingEvan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3RIWjurpXk
Creeperism: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyTYLIuQqWE

I love modpacks.
Yes, you can use it.
If you make a modlist, please just make sure
you give credit and a link to this page.
Also please post a comment so I can make
a modpack section.

Special Thanks to:
Hexagon: for helping me out on the enchantings
KingEvan: For his updated amazing videos
Silvering Stone: For his 2 videos

Please Help me:
Im a new modder and I am looking for some advanced tutorial series

If you know any good ones, please comment it

note: It is recomended you use Not Enaugh Items as I am not gonna upload the recipes.


Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

7 Update Logs

Release 2 : by Daveyo12 03/05/2016 3:19:23 pmMar 5th, 2016

New Boss and made sure it would not conflict with other mods

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03/07/2016 3:00 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Daveyo12's Avatar
I am sorry for the lack of things suggested but I will take them with me if I make another mod.
The next mod Will have a specific theme however. Should I chose real life politicians or star road?
03/06/2016 10:03 pm
Level 44 : Master Lad
Gravedigger7777's Avatar
Hope it goes well! :D
03/06/2016 7:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
kingevan100's Avatar
03/06/2016 11:47 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Daveyo12's Avatar
By the way, there is a way to spawn it on survival, I am not gonna Tell how however. The boss might be just dangerous and pointless to fight. For some of you, it might be simple and others, complex. Still, I Will let this clue, be carefull what you touch with your hands.
02/25/2016 4:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
kingevan100's Avatar
it has ben like a week now so can you update it
02/25/2016 6:53 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Daveyo12's Avatar
I couldnt this week end because i had visit and my parents dont let me use my computer during week days. Ill try this week end
02/15/2016 5:05 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
kingevan100's Avatar
can you update it soon i wunt to f=rec it rily bad
02/16/2016 3:31 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Daveyo12's Avatar
I understand, I will try to submit it this week end so you can record
02/10/2016 3:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
kingevan100's Avatar
hi i wunt to know can you make a updat with new mod like a panda that you can ride and new bosses pls it is going into a mod pack
02/10/2016 3:57 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Daveyo12's Avatar
Cool, a modpack, well the thing is I've coded a boss but I still need to find out how will it spawn and im working on a new map. Never thought of making a panda and im looking forward to mix movie or video games characters.
A boss is confirmed but a panda will have to wait a bit more.
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