Minecraft Mods

Any Dimension Mod 1.12.2 (208 dimensions!)

  • 202,446 views, 35 today
  • 44,058 downloads, 8 today
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luxmiyu's Avatar luxmiyu
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Creeper Hugger

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Create dimensions made out of any block!

Ever wanted to see an entire dimension made out of gold? Maybe diamonds? Or just dirt? Or maybe.. TNT?!! Well I present to you, Any Dimension Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2!

Thanks to the success of this same mod I made almost 4 years ago, I have finally decided to remake it for Minecraft 1.12.2! You can find my older version (for Minecraft 1.7.10) on curseforge here. It has accumulated over 480 000 downloads since 2015! Thanks a lot guys for downloading this mod and I hope you are all enjoying it :3

Thank you so much for 1000 downloads in 1 week!

If you enjoyed this mod make sure to diamond it and favorite it! If you loved it, feel free to subscribe, I'll be working on something big for this mod someday soon! And I would really appreciate it all a ton! ♡


List of ALL dimensions
unknown dimension
stone dimension
granite dimension
polishedgranite dimension
diorite dimension
polisheddiorite dimension
andesite dimension
polishedandesite dimension
cobblestone dimension
mossycobblestone dimension
grassblock dimension
dirt dimension
coursedirt dimension
oaklog dimension
sprucelog dimension
birchlog dimension
junglelog dimension
acacialog dimension
darkoaklog dimension
oakplank dimension
spruceplank dimension
birchplank dimension
jungleplank dimension
acaciaplank dimension
darkoakplank dimension
sand dimension
redsand dimension
gravel dimension
tnt dimension
cobweb dimension
ironblock dimension
goldblock dimension
diamondblock dimension
emeraldblock dimension
lapislazuliblock dimension
redstoneblock dimension
quartzblock dimension
obsidian dimension
brick dimension
glowstone dimension
magmablock dimension
haybale dimension
netherbricks dimension
rednetherbricks dimension
purpurblock dimension
slimeblock dimension
sealantern dimension
prismarine dimension
prismarinebricks dimension
darkprismarine dimension
bookshelf dimension
craftingtable dimension
glass dimension
wool0 dimension
wool1 dimension
wool2 dimension
wool3 dimension
wool4 dimension
wool5 dimension
wool6 dimension
wool7 dimension
wool8 dimension
wool9 dimension
wool10 dimension
wool11 dimension
wool12 dimension
wool13 dimension
wool14 dimension
wool15 dimension
glass0 dimension
glass1 dimension
glass2 dimension
glass3 dimension
glass4 dimension
glass5 dimension
glass6 dimension
glass7 dimension
glass8 dimension
glass9 dimension
glass10 dimension
glass11 dimension
glass12 dimension
glass13 dimension
glass14 dimension
glass15 dimension
clay dimension
clay2 dimension
endstone dimension
endbricks dimension
glazed0 dimension
glazed1 dimension
glazed2 dimension
glazed3 dimension
glazed4 dimension
glazed5 dimension
glazed6 dimension
glazed7 dimension
glazed8 dimension
glazed9 dimension
glazed10 dimension
glazed11 dimension
glazed12 dimension
glazed13 dimension
glazed14 dimension
glazed15 dimension
snow dimension
ice dimension
ice2 dimension
concrete0 dimension
concrete1 dimension
concrete2 dimension
concrete3 dimension
concrete4 dimension
concrete5 dimension
concrete6 dimension
concrete7 dimension
concrete8 dimension
concrete9 dimension
concrete10 dimension
concrete11 dimension
concrete12 dimension
concrete13 dimension
concrete14 dimension
concrete15 dimension
powder0 dimension
powder1 dimension
powder2 dimension
powder3 dimension
powder4 dimension
powder5 dimension
powder6 dimension
powder7 dimension
powder8 dimension
powder9 dimension
powder10 dimension
powder11 dimension
powder12 dimension
powder13 dimension
powder14 dimension
powder15 dimension
stonebricks dimension
chiseledstonebricks dimension
bedrock dimension
terracotta0 dimension
terracotta1 dimension
terracotta2 dimension
terracotta3 dimension
terracotta4 dimension
terracotta5 dimension
terracotta6 dimension
terracotta7 dimension
terracotta8 dimension
terracotta9 dimension
terracotta10 dimension
terracotta11 dimension
terracotta12 dimension
terracotta13 dimension
terracotta14 dimension
terracotta15 dimension
fenceoak dimension
fencespruce dimension
fencebirch dimension
fencejungle dimension
fenceacacia dimension
fencedarkoak dimension
fencegateoak dimension
fencegatespruce dimension
fencegatebirch dimension
fencegatejungle dimension
fencegateacacia dimension
fencegatedarkoak dimension
sponge dimension
pumpkin dimension
jackolantern dimension
netherrack dimension
quartzore dimension
coalore dimension
ironore dimension
goldore dimension
diamondore dimension
redstoneore dimension
lapislazuliore dimension
emeraldore dimension
cauldron dimension
brewingstand dimension
stonebutton dimension
woodenbutton dimension
boneblock dimension
trapdoors dimension
irontrapdoors dimension
melonblock dimension
netherwartblock dimension
soulsand dimension
jukebox dimension
noteblock dimension
redstonelamp dimension
piston dimension
stickypiston dimension
daylightsensor dimension
hopper dimension
sandstone dimension
chiseledsandstone dimension
smoothsandstone dimension
redsandstone dimension
chiseledredsandstone dimension
smoothredstandstone dimension
coalblock dimension
barrier dimension

How to Play

This mod is really simple! All you have to do is follow these steps and look at the screenshots:

  1. Craft Ender-fused Quartz Rods using 2 quartz and 1 ender pearl each.
  2. Craft Empty Portal Activators using 2 Ender-fused Quartz Rods and 1 obsidian.
  3. Combine an Empty Portal Activator with the block of your choice.
  4. Build a portal with that same block.
  5. Right-click on the portal with the Portal Activator you just crafted.
  6. Explore your new dimension! (Beware of Wither Skeletons)

How to Download and Install

Install just like any other Forge mod:
  1. Search, download and run the Forge Installer for Minecraft 1.12.2 (recommended or latest version).
  2. Download this mod and place the JAR file into the "mods" folder in your Minecraft directory
  3. Open the Minecraft Client and select the Forge Profile.
  4. Run Minecraft Forge.


If you want to stay completely safe, unless you know what you're doing, backup your entire "saves" folder and use this mod on a brand new minecraft world.
Dimensions made out of non-full blocks (slime blocks, fences, brewing stands, buttons, etc.) are very laggy. Enter at your own risk. Various dimensions are made out of blocks with low blast resistance, so be careful with TNT chain reactions!

This mod was made with a really awesome program called MCreator, get it here: https://mcreator.net/.

Final Notes and Permissions

You may take screenshots and record videos and post them anywhere, as well as make maps and/or modpacks using this mod, as long as you give proper credit and link to this page! Feel free to message me about your creations if you do end up using my mod and I will gladly check them out!

Also, if you have any suggestions or comments, leave them down below, I'll answer really quickly! :)

Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoyed this mod! Wish you a great day from luxluxdev~
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

7 Update Logs

Removed Ad Link : by luxmiyu 06/10/2019 6:17:47 pmJun 10th, 2019

I have uploaded the mod back to PMC and removed the Ad Link!

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08/24/2021 2:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lititboy's Avatar
Can you send the image of which quartz to use smooth quartz block or what should we use and can u send the image
06/19/2021 1:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
theslayergamer's Avatar
make one for 1.8.9 version plssss
04/18/2021 11:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Paintlab20's Avatar

Why is there tnt in each dimension?

04/15/2021 3:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
albypro_fake's Avatar
thank you man!
04/05/2021 7:33 am
Level 21 : Expert Pig
SLAYTOE's Avatar
Does this mod works for 1.16.5?
06/15/2021 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Proyounot's Avatar
03/08/2021 5:05 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Miner
RandomCraft47's Avatar
04/03/2021 6:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
emerald_camMANYT's Avatar
your obviously doing something wrong, no one else is having this problem
03/01/2021 7:44 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Miner
RandomCraft47's Avatar
i put the mod in mods folder and when i open the game it works fine but nothing about the mod is Appearing like the mod isnt in the mods folder
09/02/2020 4:51 pm
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
gamerabit16's Avatar
je vais essayer ce mod il a l'aire super bien :)
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