Minecraft Mods

Animated Floors! - Turn your Lobby to a fun place! :D

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fillpant's Avatar fillpant
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Animated Floors is a plugin ready to turn any rectangular area on the x and z axis to a disco floor!

It essentially changes blocks constantly to allow a nice scrolling effect, Entities standing on them will not glitch as the blocks are changed.

- A list of different animations to select
- Fully customizable
- Custom user specified block lists with custom data-value support
- Simple to use and configure
- Simple in-game user interaction via commands


• /AnimatedFloor or /af
The main command, shows a list of all commands for AnimatedFloors

• /addFloor <Floor name> <BlockPaternName> <Animation Ticks> <Animation Type> <ResetItem>
Add a new animated floor.

• /removeFloor <Floor name>
Remove an animated floor

• /listFloors
See a list of all known animated floors


• af.help (for /animatedfloor or /af)
• af.list (For /listfloors)
• af.remove (For /removeFloor)
• af.add (For /addFloor)

How to use:
To install this plugin, simply go to the 'Plugins' folder in your server's folder and put in the jar file downloaded. Then, either reload or restart your server and the plugin will generate the requiered files.

Open the Config.yml file, it will look something like:


StopFloorsWhenEmpty: turn this to true to stop floor animations when
no players are online. Just to save resources. Note: it will stop blocks from being changed, the tasks will run as normal.

BlockPaterns: under this section you can create lists of blocks that will later be used in the AnimatedFloor.yml in the "BlockPatern" option. The format is itemID;datavalue See the examples provided. You can add as many as you like. If you input just the item ID without any data value next to it, that is also fine.

WARNING: List names such as Glass_List should not apear more than once! Different case letters do not make it different!

Now after you have added your lists of blocks, You can proceed to AnimatedFloors.yml. It will initially look like that:
AnimatedFloors: {}

That is not it though. This is the file where animated floors you add will be stored. So go ahead and add a animated floor either by command ingame or write it directly in this file, And example:
AnimatedFloor example

It is important to maintain the correct spacing. Also do not use tabs! use spaces instead.
So, lets go over this file a litle bit:
FloorName will be the name of this animating floor, Each floor should have a different name, Case difference does not count.

AnimationDelayTicks is the delay between each block change per animation, it is in Ticks, Ticks is a time scale used by Bukkit and Spigot (and not only) where 1 second  = 20 ticks.  So if you input 20, that is 1 second between each animation step, 40 is 2 seconds and so on. All positive values (excluding 0) are accepted.

LocationFrom: The location from where the floor begins. (one corner of the rectangle)

LocationTo: The diagonal corner of 'LocationFrom'.

BlockPatern is the list of blocks to be used in this animation. Remember the lists of blocks we talked about in the "Config.yml" ? Those are the ones. This option is not case sensitive.

DoReset is the option that controlls weather or not the animation will reset the floor after it is done or not. In large scales of floors this may cause some lag for a moment.

ResetItemID, here you can input the id of the block that will be used to reset the floor. You have to add this ONLY if you set "DoReset" to true. So when a reset occurs, the entire floor will become whatever block is represented by this id.

AnimationType is the type of anymation (as the name sugests) that will be displayed on this floor.
All animation types:

--{Ingame Configuration}--
You can add floors via commands too! instead of having to go through the trouble of adding them via the files.
To do that use
/addFloor <Floor name> <BlockPaternName> <Animation Ticks> <Animation Type> [ResetItem]

Floor name is the name of the floor to be added, it has to be unique
Block Patern Name is the name of the list (the ones in config,yml)
Animation Ticks: The delay between each animation step.
Animation Type: Check out the available types ^
Reset Item: This parameter is not required, if you specify it, then the animation will reset when it finishes. This parameter represents the block id that the floor will be set to.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by fillpant 11/01/2015 2:10:18 pmNov 1st, 2015

Made code more efficient.

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10/01/2015 1:51 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
flagman2405's Avatar
In command blocks, I can be good but you are a pro for make plugins plugins. GG to you, you're really talented.
08/22/2015 5:55 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Johnanater's Avatar
When developers make a cool premium plugin. Someone is gonna make a free one. 

It looks nice!
08/24/2015 5:38 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Indeed. And due to the nature of java and how easy it is to decompile code, one will buy it, and coppy the code to make a similar free plugin to gain popularity. 

i am really anoyed since im trying to gather money to pay for some services i keep, that i cant otherwise since my country is in strict capital controll...  So we cant get any money out of the country in any form so yeah... i will have to earn them directly out of the country.
Thanks for your comment.
08/17/2015 2:28 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Yuuki-sama's Avatar
Very cool
08/18/2015 4:58 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Happy to hear it! Hurry up! it is on sale these days!
The Curdler
08/16/2015 7:30 pm
Level 40 : Master Spider Rider
The Curdler's Avatar
I have 1.8.8
08/18/2015 4:58 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
:o nice! it works there as well
The Curdler
08/18/2015 9:06 pm
Level 40 : Master Spider Rider
The Curdler's Avatar
But idk how to download plugins XD Yet i know how to change my guest id on roblox.. {If you dont like roblox, i is sorreh}
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