Minecraft Mods

Bizzare Animals!

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Poltergeist666's Avatar Poltergeist666
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
Bizzare Animals! Minecraft Mod
Mod that adds new animals to the game, most of them are passive or attack only when hurt!
They have special interactions, like lizard or frog eating flies, penguins lying eggs, or lions chasing giraffe!
I will add more and more animals with future updates, you can suggest what animals would you want to see in the next update!

My Discord, you can suggest things, report bugs etc. here: discord.gg/YthyRs9U7A

Current list of animals:
-Dart Frog, two variants!
-Lizard, two variants!
-Tarantula, four variants!
-Penguin, two variants!
-Green Python!
-Grizzly Bear!
New animals:
New animals:
-Sun Bear!
-Goblin Shark!
-Maned Wolf!
New animals:
New animals:
-Dwaf Caiman!
New animals:

Each animal will spawn in a biome that is closest to natural habitat of them, for example lions and giraffe spawns in savanna!

Hope you enjoy this mod!
Made with MCreator

Bizzare Animals! Minecraft ModBizzare Animals! Minecraft Mod

New big update!

Old models has been changed to the newer versions, animals look now better, they have better animations, or skins

List of mobs that were changed:
-Goblin Shark!
-Maned Wolf!
-Desert Lizard!
-Yellow dart frog!
-Strawberry dart frog!
-Green python!
-Dwarf Caiman!

All the other mobs had some tweaks to textures, or tweaks to movement
Progress70% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by Poltergeist666 09/29/2021 10:50:49 pmSep 29th, 2021

New big update!

Old models has been changed to the newer versions, animals look now better, they have better animations, or skins

List of mobs that were changed:
-Goblin Shark!
-Maned Wolf!
-Desert Lizard!
-Yellow dart frog!
-Strawberry dart frog!
-Green python!
-Dwarf Caiman!

All the other mobs had some tweaks to textures, or tweaks to movement

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09/30/2021 2:53 am
Level 46 : Master Dragon
SirKrunk's Avatar
Wither soul111
09/08/2021 9:41 am
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
Wither soul111's Avatar
what size is the texture resolution?
09/08/2021 10:32 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
Poltergeist666's Avatar
its in every resolution, lol - what i mean is, this mod is old, and when i was making first creatures i didnt really care about quality, but now that i do i will remake old creatures to be 16x16 with better models, and new mobs will be 16x16 too, for example knagaroo and emu are 16x16 cuz i made them yesterday
07/12/2021 7:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bruhchungus69's Avatar
So, I just spent good ten minutes fighting and dying almost immediately after spawning to a group of mosquitos that got into my house. Not fun, I think they might be a bit op damage wise especially being so small and hard to see let alone hit. is there a way to change this as an end user?
07/12/2021 2:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
NIkki_Pixel's Avatar
Yeah I installed this mod on my server and have had nothing but complaints that the mosquitoes are way too op. I have personally died at least 10+ times from these dang things..and with armor and a shield as well. Is there a way to remove them? Cause we love the rest of the animals!

I think for these they should do maybe like half a heart of damage or something. Or just not have them at all...lol

btw I LOVE the ANT!! so cuute!! XD be cool to have grasshoppers!! Id love those instead of mosquitoes ;)

can you bottle bugs? or keep them somehow?
07/12/2021 7:16 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
Poltergeist666's Avatar
i'll nerf them
07/12/2021 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bruhchungus69's Avatar
ok, cool thanks
07/05/2021 4:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DangerBlondo's Avatar
hey anyway to find out what mods incompatable
07/05/2021 6:15 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
Poltergeist666's Avatar
ye, u have to remove one by one from the folder and see if game works, u can just drag them onto your desktop, and then put the rest of mods in the mods folder, ofc without the mod that was causing the problem
07/08/2021 2:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DangerBlondo's Avatar
sorry let me rephrase that im trying to download thing mod i put it in my mods folder try to open minecraft it crashes i think its since its incompatable with one of my other mods i have no idea what one is making it so i cant have this mod its AWESOME with the animal list im trying to do it but the thing listed



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