Minecraft Mods

9x9 StylePack for MineColonies 1.16

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Mirality's Avatar Mirality
Level 31 : Artisan Caveman
A looflirpa style pack for MineColonies 1.16.5.


Every building is a 9x9 or some multiple thereof. There's a guide book in the Supply Camp that explains a bit more about how it's intended to work, but the short version is that the building interiors are filled with placeholders, so you can decorate the inside of most buildings however you like, and your changes will be kept as you upgrade, at least where it doesn't conflict with the functional upgrades for that level.

The town hall is a standard DireBase, with two small entry buildings, a machine room in back, and a basement underneath, all of which you can fill however you like (although try to not put anything in the walls, because those will repair).


  1. Open your Minecraft instance folder
  2. Open the "structurize" subfolder
  3. Unzip the contents of the download directly into this folder (the zip contains a "schematics" folder; this folder should be copied to the "structurize" folder, so you end up with "structurize/schematics/..."
  4. Start Minecraft and start a MineColonies world as normal; you will now have options to create a 9x9 supply camp and colony buildings.


  • All standard buildings (including the new Nether Mine) are included.
  • Supply Camp is included. Supply Ship is not.
  • Custom quarries are not included.
  • Fields and tree farm decorations included (though fields don't usually need to be built separately from the farmer)
  • Some "doorway" connectors included (to link buildings together, starting at level 2+)
  • Building and large building decorations are included, so you can make your own extra buildings for other mods or anything else you like, while still fitting the style of the rest of the colony.
  • No other decorations are currently included; suggestions welcome!

See Also

CreditLDTteam for MineColonies, and Thaylar for making the schematic editing map
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

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