Minecraft Mods

[1.7.10]Ruby Mod | Tools, Items, Weapons and MORE!

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Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Ruby Mod
This mod currently adds all kinds of ruby things. It has full set of Ruby Armor, Ruby Tools, and three variations of Rubies. Ruby, Hardened Ruby, and Ultimate Ruby. Rubies are very easy to obtain and found just about everywhere ingame. Hardened Rubies are crafted from Ruby Blocks. To create a Ruby Block, you must have 9 Rubies in the crafting table. To create the Hardened Ruby, you put 9 Ruby Blocks in the crafting table. To create Ultimate Rubies, you must have Hardened Ruby Blocks and place 9 of them in the crafting table. Very hard to get full set of Ultimate Ruby Armor.

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Rubies, Hardened Rubies, and Ultimate Rubies
All Ruby Tools
Ultimate Ruby Tools
Ruby Furnace(Can only use Hardened Ruby Block as fuel)
Ruby Ore (High Spawn rate)
Ruby and Hardened Ruby Block
Ruby Armor
Ultimate Ruby Armor

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Well, this is our first mod. All textures were created by megagamers17 and everything was coded by megagamers17 and wire55. It took a while for us to create this wonderful mod. This is for Minecraft 1.7.10. The recommended Forge version is or later. I know there are bugs with the furnace, we are trying to fix them at this very moment. There may be other bugs, that is what you guys are here for, to report them. We will be adding more Items in the future.

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Ruby Furnace is not working correctly

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Fix the Furnace
Add more Items
Add new biome
Keep updating the mod

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1. Extract the jar file from the zip
2. Make sure you have forge 1230 or higher installed
3. Put the RubyMod jar file in your mods folder
4. Enjoy the mod!

Copyright Info
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This document is Copyright ©(2014) and is the intellectual
property of the author. Only Minecraftforum.net, planetminecraft.com and mcmodcenter.net are able to host any of our material without our(megagamers and wire55) consent. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advanced written permission. If you mirror this mod page or anything We've(megagamers and wire55) made on any other site, We(megagamers and wire55) may express my angst at you in the form of a lawsuit.

Extra Info
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Disclaimer: To use this mod in a modpack you need to make sure you do all of the following:
1. Post to this and to the MCF Thread that you will be putting it in a modpack
2. You cannot make any type of money from the modpack
3. Give a link to the modpack
4. Remove it if megagamers17 or I request you to

Creditmegagamers17 over at Minecraft Forums
Progress25% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by TH3ONLINEGAMER 12/30/2014 1:00:40 pmDec 30th, 2014

Added a modshowcase byTeutonic Knight.

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02/18/2015 11:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nemo4ever's Avatar
This is a perfect example of an idea well executed. great work and thanks for sharing.
The armor looks awsome, a wiki with some more info would be great.
12/30/2014 9:58 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
TaylorPlaysMC's Avatar
I downloaded the mod.... BUT in the ultimate ruby armour am i supost to fly, if so when i take the armur off i can still fly and not take anymore damage, HELP and FIX THIS
12/30/2014 10:32 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
You are supposed to be able to fly and we are working on fixing the issue with still flying after taking it off.
12/31/2014 4:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
TaylorPlaysMC's Avatar
ok cause without it i still take zero fall damage
Teutonic Knight
12/29/2014 4:28 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Teutonic Knight's Avatar

Hello I did a modshocase on your mod can you post it on your showcase.

12/29/2014 6:58 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Give me the link and I will add it. :)
Teutonic Knight
12/30/2014 12:06 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Teutonic Knight's Avatar
Did you get the link
12/30/2014 12:59 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Just got it, posting now.
Teutonic Knight
12/30/2014 5:47 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Teutonic Knight's Avatar
Thnx wondering could you possibly subscribe to my channel and also could you make a simple mod that adds a few things like a autosmelt mod where any pickaxe smelts ore into that ingot
Teutonic Knight
12/30/2014 8:05 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Teutonic Knight's Avatar
Nevermind the autosmelt somone already meade that mod but could you make a mod where you can make a Gothic Knight sword here is the link of what it would look like and also could you make the sword fit to faithful 32 texuture pack that would be awesome oh yeah here is the link

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