Minecraft Mods

[1.6.x/1.5.x/1.4.7] Underground Biomes (Forge, SMP compatible)

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Grom PE's Avatar Grom PE
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Underground Biomes Mod v0.4.2c

Originally by Exterminator Jeff

  • Overhauls the underground experience with Underground Biomes that define the rock types present
  • These biomes occur differently to the surface biomes making exploration underground more interesting
  • Adds 57 new blocks using 12 block IDs and 2 new items (so far):
    - 8 types of Igneous rock with Cobblestone and Bricks
    - 8 types of Metamorphic rock with Cobblestone and Bricks
    - Half slabs for all Brick types
    - 8 types of sedimentary rock
    - A coal storage block(for Minecraft 1.5.x and earlier)
    - Lignite, a low quality coal found in large quantities
    -Fossil piece, a rare drop found in sedimentary rock and crafted to bone meal
  • All Vanilla recipes updated to use new rock, cobble and brick types
  • A very rare drop of lapis lazuli and redstone from deep metamorphic stone
  • A very rare drop of gold and other mod metal nuggets from deep igneous stone
  • A rare drop of fossils (from limestone, chalk, siltstone, lignite and dolomite), flint items (from chert) and clay (from shale)

Images and detailed description
Anthracite and Lignite:
Anthracite is essentially a coal storage block for Minecraft 1.5.x and earlier. It can be made by crafting nine pieces of coal and can smelt 80 items. Lignite is an item dropped from lignite rock. It is a very impure form of coal and burns for 1 item in a furnace. It can be found in large deposits.

Rock hardness table
Block% Hardness Blast resistance
Vanilla (for comparison):
Minecraft Stone 100% 1.530
Sandstone53% 0.8 4
End stone 200% 3.045
Red Granite 150% 2.25 40.5
Black Granite 140% 2.139.3
Rhyolite110% 1.65 33.3
Andesite120% 1.836.0
Gabbro 80% 1.221.0
Basalt120% 1.836.0
Komatiite 130% 1.95 37.8
Dacite100% 1.530.0
Gneiss110% 1.65 33.3
Eclogite100% 1.530.0
Marble110% 1.65 33.3
Quartzite 130% 1.95 37.8
Blue Schist70% 1.05 16.2
Green Schist 70% 1.05 16.2
Soapstone40% 0.6 6.0
Migmatite90% 1.35 25.8
Limestone50% 0.758.7
Chalk50% 0.758.7
Shale50% 0.758.7
Siltstone60% 0.912.0
Lignite50% 0.758.7
Dolomite 50% 0.758.7
Greywacke 100% 1.530.0
Chert90% 1.35 25.8
(Bricks and slabs are the same as smooth stone, cobblestone is 33% harder to mine but has the same blast resistance)

Mod support:

More Fuel, Tweaks, and Everything by Grom PE -Adds Underground Biomes block support for Equivalent Exchange 3 (stone transmutations) and Thaumcraft (aspects for blocks and items).

Mod compatibility:

Currently may not work with ID resolver!
It should be compatible with other mods, including worldgen ones.
You can change Block IDs in the config file in case of ID conflict.

All recipes from the base game are by default modified to accept modded stone.
In case that doesn't work, try /oredictifystone chat command (requires cheats/server owner powers).
In case other mods require regular cobblestone, it can be crafted by arranging modified cobblestone in 2x2 pattern (configurable).


1. Install the latest version of Minecraft Forge, or skip to 3 if you already have it.
2. Once Forge is installed run Minecraft once to make sure it has worked and to set up the necessary folders.
3. Put the zip file of the mod into your /mods/ folder in the minecraft directory.
If there is no /mods/ folder then Forge might not have installed correctly.
4. Run Minecraft. If Minecraft loads and the mod shows up when you click the mods button in the main menu then it has worked.
You can edit the mod config file if you want by going to the /config/ folder in your minecraft directory and opening 'UndergroundBiomes.cfg'with Notepad or any other text editor. You can set all the block and item IDs for the mod here to fix any conflicts that may occur with other mods.


All source code is now available on Github. Feel free to fork, submit bugs, feature requests and patches!

An XMPP groupchat for talking about this mod or Minecraft modding in general:http://chat.grompe.org.ru/#mcmoddev(xmpp:mcmoddev@chat.grompe.org.ru)

CreditOriginally by Exterminator Jeff, development taken over by Grom PE
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

5 Update Logs

0.4.2c : by Grom PE 10/29/2013 7:06:50 amOct 29th, 2013

- Polish localization by unek
- Turkish localization by toltol
- Chinese localization by laincat
- Configurable max generation height
- Configurable hardness and resistance modifiers
- Fixed rhyolite and marble brick slabs not appearing in creative tabs
- Fixed stone metadata on silk touch harvest
- Changed stone and cobblestone oredict names according to the latest Forge
(fixes uncraftable items from stone for Forge #934+)

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10/30/2014 9:27 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
LovesEmpoleon's Avatar
Pls Update!!!
mason tatreau
04/01/2014 7:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mason tatreau's Avatar
can  i use this my modpack plan to release to da public
02/03/2014 1:45 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
DJ_Fazmandoo's Avatar
I can't seem to use the cobblestones with Tinkers' Construct, they don't show up in the tool station. Is there a fix?
11/09/2013 9:09 pm
Level 29 : Expert Architect
pandabear881's Avatar
**thumbs up*
10/30/2013 1:05 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
ENuclear_235's Avatar
Looks like a great mod! I'll try it out!
09/05/2013 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
YOLOBro122's Avatar
Awesome I love it!
07/06/2013 2:36 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc186759's Avatar
07/04/2013 9:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
creeper_no_creeping's Avatar
can i use this for my mod pack
07/03/2013 1:29 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
8BitShadows's Avatar
That's really cool :D
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