Minecraft Mods

[1.12 - 1.10.2] Block Launcher 2.1.1

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rafradek's Avatar rafradek
Level 40 : Master Network

You are allowed to use this mod in your modpack

This mod will end your problem with running out of ammo, as you can with it shoot blocks from your inventory!

Blocks deal damage depending on how hard it is, and gives serious knockback.

For first, you will need to craft a block launching part:

[1.12 - 1.10.2] Block Launcher 2.1.1 Minecraft Mod

Then, you can use it to make a gun:

Block Rifle

Has high rate of fire, can shoot weaker blocks such as dirt or cobblestone.

[1.12 - 1.10.2] Block Launcher 2.1.1 Minecraft Mod

Block Cannon

Can kill most mobs with one shot, but needs more heavy blocks, obsidian, or stone at least.

[1.12 - 1.10.2] Block Launcher 2.1.1 Minecraft Mod


Shoots multiple blocks at once, deals high damage at close range.

Block Thrower

Shots flammable blocks, spreads fire everywhere

TNT Cannon

Automatically triggers TNT when used.

TNT Launcher

Fires faster projectile, which explodes instantly after impact, but explosion is smaller.

Diamond launching part

To craft a better weapon you need a diamond launching part:


Has very high rate of fire, but small knockback. Fires weaker blocks.

Block Sniper Rifle

Damage and block size scales with distance traveled.

TNT Mines Launcher

Shots TNT that explodes on contact with mobs and players, or by pressing left mouse button.


Every weapon can be made "sticky", by adding 4 slimeballs to them.

If you want to make blocks bounce off walls, you need to put even more slimeballs:

Finally, if you want to make explosions harmless to blocks and mobs (except fall damage), 4 feathers must be added to any TNT launching gun. Weapon fires much faster, and has 80% chance to not consume TNT from inventory

Shotblock can be upgraded to fire full stack of blocks at once, but increases block spread.

New in 1.11: Weapons with crushing attribute can break blocks on impact


Power - Every additional level increases speed, damage and knockback by 33%

Efficiency - Gives from 25% to 75% chance to not consume used block from inventory

Drop Resistance - Increases amount of drops from destroyed blocks (TNT launchers only)

Elasticity - Makes fired block bigger, but allows to travel through smaller gaps (Normal launchers only)

Universality - Allows to shot heavier/lighter blocks, and slightly increases fire rate.

Hellfire - flames burn blocks at insanely fast speed, causes bigger damage to enemies.

Fireworks - after an explosion, additional TNT appear scattered in the air.

No Gravity - Blocks travel at straight line.

Block effects

Sand, gravel - blinds.

Glass - breaks on impact and applies poison effect.

Plants - heal

Web - slowdowns.


Made by Brinko54:


Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12

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11/01/2017 1:44 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Archer
qwEArfzwsertgredtyhr's Avatar
:D I've wanted a mod like this for a while, I like the attributes loke bouncy, sticky, and crushing. Keep up the good work! :)
08/21/2017 10:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
willkenny11223344's Avatar
can you build a hous with it? or will the blocks fly everywhers or dose it stay in a strayt line
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