Minecraft Mob Skins / Ravagers

Ravage the gentle giant

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Bluemysterious0's Avatar Bluemysterious0
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Ravage is one of the main pets and is one of the main characters in Sleet's World. Found by Missy who saves him from the illagers, Ravage was abused by the illagers when he was a baby ravager and was forced to serve as their steed during raids. unfortunately, Ravage was saddled many times by the evokers and ridden many times by the vindicators, which made him very uncomfortable, but he was eventually disowned by the illagers after repeatedly refusing the orders of the evokers and wasn't fed for months, leading to Missy eventually finding and taming him.

Allies: Ravage is allies with Sleet and the rest of his friends, but his most famous ally is Missy.

Enemies: Ravage dislikes all illagers with a burning passion. he is constantly reminded of all of the abuse when he was under the illagers' care.

Location: Ravage can be seen traveling all over the world, usually with Missy riding on top of him. He is usually seen helping Missy deal with any hostile mobs that interferes with players and will only attack players if him or Missy are attacked.

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