Zero_4793's Avatar
Level 55
Grandmaster Technomancer

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  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    July 2, 2024, 6:22 pm to Public
    Finally updated some of my datapacks. Also i have ditched the Nucleus coupling. All my new ones now stand alone, but work together well. Sorry for the wait.
  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    October 10, 2023, 5:35 pm to Public
    The recent 1.20.2 has altered something which has broken nucleus and so many of my datapacks which rely on it. I will try and fix it soon so it functions it the latest version
    Zero_4793 said 2024-07-02 17:50:20
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    Finally got around to this. Turns out the fix wasnt that hard, just some structural changes and renaming. Last few days i have ported a few of my favourite packs from old and broken to new and improved. Sorry for the wait.
  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    August 27, 2023, 1:25 am to Public
    Am starting to move many of my mc projects to git repo's

    For now you still download datapacks directly and the git link is in the description. But i may slowly phase over to git. Not sure yet.
    TechCircuit said 2023-08-27 18:23:02
    TechCircuit's Avatar
    Exciting change!
  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    June 20, 2023, 4:58 pm to Public
    Any builders want to contribute to the Dungeon datapack? hmu on discord @ zero_4793.
    I will later post a more detailed video on how to help with the project once i make it more public. but for now im just looking for a few people. So if you wish to see your rooms generate in the infinite dungeon, dm me on discord and let me know. I'll add you to my project server where i and some friends are working on this project :)
    Zero_4793 replied to Ins0mn1a's comment below 2023-06-20 19:15:20
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    For now i am just doing through discord. But stay tuned for once i open it up more publicly. i plan to release a how-to video on submitting rooms.
    Ins0mn1a said 2023-06-20 16:59:05
    Ins0mn1a's Avatar
    I would but I don't use discord.
  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    November 4, 2021, 4:23 am to Public
    Update on TARDIS datapack project.
    It is coming along well, like wow, i'm amazing myself.
    Now i just need help creating more rooms.
    You can find template and example rooms Here
    All help is appreciated, and not every room must be a console room, though those are wanted. You can also make other rooms, eg, library with a pool in it. Theater, Arcade, Kitchen, the list goes on...
    dadpool said 2022-06-06 14:52:49
    dadpool's Avatar
    > I wonder if the coordinate system could be a little more exact?

    I modified the source files to jump 64 blocks per level-pull and it both started moving a more satisfying distance and stopped glitching where every so often it would jump far in a completely wrong direction.

    Then again, maybe it was glitching in the first place because I was pulling the lever too fast so it didn't have time to set up the new Tardis locations?
    Zero_4793 replied to KineticRobot's comment below 2022-04-24 20:37:29
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    I know what i have to do. i just haven't had the time and motivation to work on this again. sorry
    KineticRobot said 2022-04-12 05:46:29
    KineticRobot's Avatar
    I wonder if the coordinate system could be a little more exact? Maybe it does fit the idea of a slightly malfunctioning tardis, but still. Are you wanting ideas for this?
    Zero_4793 said 2021-11-04 17:34:09
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    Previously the exterior of the Tardis was merely 2 lapis blocks and some banners. But thanks to Naddel, the exterior will be as good as the interior.

    #TARDIS exterior model:
    "TARDIS by Naddel_" by Naddel_:
    Available for download at
    Zero_4793 said 2021-11-04 06:58:08
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    Think of what a God would want in their infinite mansion. That is likely what exists in the TARDIS
  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    October 31, 2021, 5:56 pm to Public
    Hey y'all.
    I am looking for passionate Minecraft builders and Doctor Who fans.
    I am working on a pretty big project, and need help creating rooms of the TARDIS.
    Ideally i'd like to end up with one version of each doctors console room, and other rooms seen or theorized, such as the library with the pool in it, or other wacky ideas. But with multiple people helping out, you would only need to contribute one build.
    I have yet to decide block size (what each room will need to fit in), I'm thinking 32x32x16 or 48x48x24.
    If you are interested in building rooms for a TARDIS datapack, please message me here on PlanetMinecraft, or on my more active platform, Discord. Zero#4793
    Much appreciated, all helpers will be credited on the completed datapack
    Zero_4793 said 2021-10-31 18:39:35
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    If rooms are smaller and doorways misaligned, can use hallways/corridors to fix the misalignments
    Zero_4793 said 2021-10-31 18:33:57
    Zero_4793's Avatar
    I am leaning towards room size of 32x32x16.
    Which is to say, that is the prefered/max size. your rooms can be smaller.
    Also those dimension are of the bedrock box that should surround your room, so your interia should be within a bedrock box of 32x32x16
    I am still working on the initial console room, as to decide the placement position of doors, as they will all need to align
  • Zero_4793's Avatar
    December 6, 2020, 10:20 pm to Public
    Life has been chaotic and time consuming lately, as it has been for everyone.
    But i will get back to mc datapacks eventually XD.
    No eta on that though, sorry.
    I have many plans for mc dp when i do get back into though, and many partly developed projects waiting to be continued.
    There will likely be a spike of uploads when i get back to this.
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