Vaderman24's Avatar
  • About

    Hey there, people call me Vader. I'm just a guy who likes to make Minecraft resource packs in the style of Programmer Art.

    Ancient Legacy Projects & Collaborations
    In an attempt to document classic Minecraft, here are projects and related links from the days of old that I was at one point involved in.



    (2013 - ~2014) Hero of The Void (Tales from The Void: Reclamation of Cortellus) | Project Creator Manusha

    Project Creator: Manusha

    Lead Developers: Datenstau,Vaderman24, xUSMCxMARIN3x
    Main Builders: Datenstau, @Drum52, GoldenApple231, @Kevin-Rose, Manusha, @Sebastian-Willows, Strahinja, Vaderman24, xUSMCxMARIN3x
    Initiate Builders: @Mitchellcody1, @Sam

    Hero of The Void was an ambitious adventure map project that was intended to be an adventure/castle siege rpg/puzzle/survival wave map. The map was split into two separate projects that took place in the same universe, one being Tales from The Void: Reclamation of Cortellus, which is where all of the current screenshots and videos come from. The other, 'Hero of The Void', was meant to be an open world adventure map released after the first. It never got started due to the first map being incomplete.
    I was deeply involved at the start of the project to the point of being assigned the role of lead developer alongside fellow players Datenstau and xUSMCxMARIN3x, even though I had originally applied to just be a builder.

    The planned end goal was originally to have Alternate Endings, Cinematics, Custom Items, Custom Mobs, Custom Music, Custom Shops, Custom Sound Design, Loot Tier Systems, NPC Dialogue/Voice Acting, RPG Class Systems ,Scripted Boss Fights , Scripted Events, and Utilize Scoreboard Systems. However development never went much further then the building phases & music/sound design, I think the scope of the whole thing slowly crept up until a creative wall was hit that halted the overall motive to continue.

    Even though the project never ended up coming to it's full potential, I managed to locate a backup save of the map on an old drive. Maybe I'll do a video sometime to showcase it and upload the map for people to explore, I'll come back to the idea at a later time.

    Minecraft Forums Recruitment Threads

    Planet Minecraft Recruitment Threads

    YouTube Videos
    [Minecraft] "Hero of the Void" Sound Design Preview (LF Builders!) by Manusha

    [Minecraft] "Reclamation of Cortellus" Teaser Trailer I: 'Dawn of Decay' by Manusha

    [Minecraft] "Reclamation of Cortellus" Teaser Trailer II: 'Glimmering Hope' by Manusha

    [Minecraft] "Reclamation of Cortellus" Teaser Trailer III: 'Crimson Fate' by Manusha

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  • Other Resource Packs & Add-ons

  • Vader's Programmer Art Add-On's

    (1.7.2 — 1.20.6)[Optifine] Vader's CTM Programmer Bricks Pack — Programmer Art Add-On
    [Optifine] Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack - Programmer Art Add-On (1.10 - 1.12)
    Vader's Alternative Programmer Blocks Pack - Programmer Art Add-On (1.8 - 1.12)
    (1.0 — 1.21) Vader's Golden Programmer Wheat Pack — Wheat Replacement
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    Videos: 30

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    • Vaderman24's Avatar
      July 12, 2024, 12:17 am to Public
      Sup all. I'm makin’ resource packs again, once again starting with updating my old packs, but with some new stuff will be released in between.

      Going forward, I have decided I'm going to be a bit more silent with any sort of progress or preview related stuff related to work in progress projects. Not deadpan, only a bit. From now on I'm just sorta going to drop some things here and there instead of just talking about the things then disappearing for weeks at a time.

      I've realized everyone has the right to an opinion, and I believe all criticism is good, the positives & the negatives. However, sometimes when showing off something you’ve maybe spent hours on just to get working in an early state. It’s simply not as impressive when viewed through the lens of a stranger who’s had little to no prior context as to what they are looking at. I dunno if this is a feeling that happens to anyone else, but It’s sometimes a bit discouraging when you throw something like that out there as a neat little thing then you get crickets back. Or people say something looks off when it didn’t originally look off to you, but oh wait, it kind of does now that you mention it. Wait, does it? It does! No wait… No it doesn't… Maybe..? Dr. Who knows anymore, space babies..? Sure... Why..? My arms are too long... Oh look, ‘Plot Armor Ending S26’.

      Terrible, I know, but I hope I could somewhat convey the feeling of the silly picture I just word vomited. Anyway, this is just the way I feel will be best for me to continue creating things I think are cool or interesting. Stay tuned for some new stuff and updates.

      Thanks for reading,

      Vaderman24 replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-07-12 06:34:10
      Vaderman24's Avatar
      Sadly when it comes to player skins, they have always had a poor viewer response experience even before Planet Minecraft was around.
      ScotsMiser said 2024-07-12 03:09:06
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      Yes, a resounding silence (or a 'meh' ) when one has put effort into something can be quite disheartening…

      On the other hand, few skins or mob skins seem to get any comments at all (texture and data packs; at least the first few pages of best of 2024 seem to fair considerably better)
    • Vaderman24's Avatar
      April 27, 2023, 1:21 am to Public
      New collab video out and about with Mickey Joe Alpha over on his YouTube channel where we check out each others resource packs & 2 of my unreleased Minecraft maps. Feel free to stop by and say a few words if you've got the time.

      MushirMickeyJoe said 2023-04-30 03:28:03
      MushirMickeyJoe's Avatar
      Thanks for coming on, dude! <3
    • Vaderman24's Avatar
      August 14, 2022, 4:23 am to Public
      I'm going through old messages and comments and noticed multiple people asking for permission to use my textures in their own resource packs. So I've gone ahead and updated my 'Legal Stuffs' sections both on PMC and CurseForge to the following.

      You may freely use any file in this project for your own projects & purposes without asking me. All I ask is that you give credit with a link to this projects page.

      Please do not reupload this project elsewhere without your own changes and project name.

      I've also gone ahead and made some small fixes to each projects thread to clean it up slightly and made the following project name changes since the old names and descriptions no longer matched what they represented.

      Vader's Alternative Block Pack - Is now - Vader's Alternative Programmer Blocks Pack (Classic)
      Vader's Stacked Items Pack -
      Is now - Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack
      Dirty Bricks Resource Pack -
      Is now - Vader's Dirty Programmer Bricks Pack
      Plain Wood Doors Resource Pack -
      Is now - Vader's Plain Wood Programmer Doors Pack
      Faithful Dirty Bricks Pack -
      Is now - Vader's Faithful Dirty Bricks Pack

      Thumbnails still need to be updated to match the new name changes, however I won't be doing so until development is started for the matching project. I've also added some information to the top of each project's page to help keep track of planned updates and releases.

      There's still a ton of work to be done and things to fix, but it's a start for now. More information will be posted when applicable.

    • Vaderman24's Avatar
      August 13, 2022, 8:00 am to Public
      Hi there, boy it's been quite some time since I've last logged on here. So much has happened to me since I last did any kind of update post so I'll try to keep this brief. All of my projects have fallen into chaos and disarray, many of them are 6-7 Minecraft versions behind on anything remotely playable (the last of which working for 1.13 & 1.14) this is my own fault. I over promised updates and burned myself out to the point of needing to take a good long break from the internet as a whole.

      This in turn has made me incredibly rusty with everything to do with Minecraft and my projects. Even though I took such a long hiatus, I never stopped thinking about Minecraft or the projects I've created. I simply no longer knew where to even begin or how to proceed until the moment of me posting this update. For months, I have wanted to say something but simply didn't know how to form the words I wanted to say. So I'm starting small with a post on Planet Minecraft.

      Why here and now? I can't really explain properly, I've just had an itch that never went away and it stems from feeling like I've abandoned this place and its community. Minecraft and this website means a lot to me as it has helped me get through the toughest and darkest times of my life. I anxiously write these words down with a newfound drive to continue what I had started years ago. However, this time around I will be taking things at a much slower pace until I get back in the groove of things.

      I'm of course referring to updating all of my Programmer Art resource pack add-ons. However, this may sadden many of you. I will be starting the updating process by first working all the way back to Minecraft 1.8.9, the earliest possible version my Random block pack works with.

      I will be starting the updates in the coming weeks to follow, starting with my Dirty Bricks Resource pack for Minecraft 1.8.9-1.19, then I will move to the next pack I feel like working on next. I expect the whole process to take a long time before I get to any kind of new project going as I am going to update everything from version compatibility to every thread and download link.

      Please do not ask me when something will be updated to "X" version of Minecraft. In time I plan to get around to it all so I can move forward with future projects, what I am planning on doing is already a huge undertaking for me and I am doing it simply out of passion for my favorite game. I will soon be posting more regular updates on my progress but I'm still working some thing out first.

      If you're interested to learn more about what really happened to me since my last update, I recently updated my about me section over on my Patreon page. There I wrote out my story to the best of my recollection on everything I felt necessary related to me and how I've been dealing with my medical condition as of late. Just a fair warning, it is a very big wall of text, I don't expect most people who stumble upon it to actually read the whole thing. I simply needed to have a place where I could explain things as most of what I've been through doesn't even feel real to me at times.

      This was meant to be short and simple, however I been holding this back for so long the words wouldn't stop flooding from my mind to my hands. Anyways, thanks for reading up to this point. I'll be updating things as I see fit in due time. Until then, have a good day and or night.

    • Vaderman24's Avatar
      September 20, 2018, 3:36 am to Public
      Hey there, it's been a while hasn't it. With the release of Minecraft 1.13, I know many of you who have been patiently waiting for me to update everything. I've been steadily making progress and have just finished 1.13 updates for the following resource packs.

      Dirty Bricks For MC 1.13

      Faithful Dirty Bricks for MC 1.13

      Plain Wood Doors for MC 1.13

      As for my other packs, work on Vader's Alternative Block Pack has begun(I'm redoing just about everything so it will take some time), and Vader's Stacked Items Pack will start being updated after Optifine 1.13 is fully released.

      Thank you all for being so patient and your continued support, I will be posting here a little more frequently as I update my packs.

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