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    Autistic Trans Woman living in the USA, East Coast

    This channel mixture of small QOL datapacks and larger, game altering ones.

    I work very frequently with Dukette, so subscribe to him if you enjoy our stuff.

    My old skin was by Pedicurable, who did a wonderful job, but my new skin is by TheDukette, a friend of mine

    Please Subscribe if you enjoy!
    Thega, She/her
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    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      November 21, 2022, 7:05 am to Public
      We're also getting a command to change biomes. Finally! I could have sworn WorldEdit had this for years
      Ink09 said 2023-01-15 06:51:01
      Ink09's Avatar
      im a bit late to this but last time i checked, worldedit has had a biome changing thing
      AgainstABC_mafia said 2022-12-14 13:58:47
      AgainstABC_mafia's Avatar
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      November 19, 2022, 9:50 am to Public
      Chiseled Bookshelf has a lot of potential for datapacking now that books can be taken out separately. I imagine you could make a clickable computer screen using the books to detect where the person had clicked
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      October 16, 2022, 12:28 pm to Public
      I know I'm retired, but does anyone want a datapack that lets you start with a random pet?
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      July 22, 2022, 6:05 am to Public
      Weird thing I noticed:

      In Minecraft, Coal is renewable (wither skeletons) and Diamonds aren't. This is the opposite of real life

      Edit: Charcoal is somewhat renewable, especially with fast growing trees, but coal from the ground isn't
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      July 6, 2022, 7:20 am to Public
      Would there be any interest in redstone contraptions if I posted them?
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      May 20, 2022, 12:33 pm to Public
      300 subs (for real this time)!
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      April 27, 2022, 12:10 pm to Public
      I have been silent for a while, and I figure I owe you all an explanation. My life has been busy in good ways recently, but that means I can no longer make datapacks. I don't know when I will return to making things here, but it won't be right away
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      April 1, 2022, 7:39 am to Public
      I don't want to make any promises, but plans for Become Creatures 4 have been made

      Important: The Goal of this datapack will be to simplify the formula, and have a less intrusive, more balanced game. Races will have fewer but unique traits, and the datapack will be smaller in nature
      Tow4rzysz replied to TheGayerest's comment below 2023-09-06 11:48:50
      Tow4rzysz's Avatar
      I think it is overall a good idea that will make balance easier and have each pick affect the gameplay in comparable degree.
      The creatures could mostly be reduced into what used to be a categories all their own, this time each subverting different part of gameplay:

      -An aquatic (merfolk?) with perpetual dolphin's grace and conduit power but permanent slowness III for which DG compensates in water (and that's good with how absurdly fast it gets with depth strider) but makes you ungainly crawler on land. Lack of water won't kill you, but inability to dodge projectiles or escape melee attackers will be a challenge. Forgoes traditional traveling;

      -A forest fae capable of brief flight, going invisible when sneaking, and fast movement, especially on leaves or wart blocks, but frail and greatly slowed down by armour. Forgoes traditional combat from damage-avoidance perspective;

      -A cave dweller (dwarf? troll?) that sees in darkness, digs quickly and is durable, but feels unwell in bright light or open space and is ungainly with weapons. Note: burning in sunlight while overly punishing early-game, is non-issue with good stockpile of fire resistance potions. Forgoes traditional light-dark relation;

      -A sapivore - combining very powerful alluring song and limiting eternal hunger that ties it to some NPC society. Forgoes traditional mob economy;

      -A magician (elf? daemon?) having ability to create a variety of wands for casting fireballs, blinding enemies and such, but at cost of inability to melee and reduced hitpoints. Forgoes traditional combat from damage-dealing perspective;
      TheGayerest replied to Theblockydragon's comment below 2022-04-14 09:05:07
      TheGayerest's Avatar
      Not really. I mostly work on this stuff as a hobby, so I do more or less as my interests change. Right now I am still nailing the core of what it's supposed to be
      Theblockydragon said 2022-04-10 16:00:47
      Theblockydragon's Avatar
      Do you have an expected release date? Not like super specific but like what month do you think it will come out? (I am not trying to rush you)
      TheGayerest replied to Theblockydragon's comment below 2022-04-03 12:22:39
      TheGayerest's Avatar
      Become Creatures Lite. That's a nice idea
      Theblockydragon said 2022-04-03 09:30:56
      Theblockydragon's Avatar
      Maybe you could do a Become Creatures 4 and a Become Creatures 4 Lite which would just have fewer races that are taking up the most space in the datapack.
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    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      March 24, 2022, 8:30 am to Public
      I've been hit by a lot of creator's block. Might release the 300 sub special early just to get my mind on track
    • TheGayerest's Avatar
      March 14, 2022, 1:13 pm to Public
      300 sub special has been made. BlastedBongos recommended something I'm not known for, so that's what I did. Will be revealed once I hit the goal
      SkyWillDie replied to TheGayerest's comment below 2022-03-16 21:18:58
      SkyWillDie's Avatar
      Yeah i just found it a bit funny :)
      TheGayerest replied to SkyWillDie's comment below 2022-03-14 20:05:12
      TheGayerest's Avatar
      That's probably true. Even still, I wanted to give credit where credit was due
      SkyWillDie said 2022-03-14 16:58:35
      SkyWillDie's Avatar
      Right lets be honest. those of us who are seeing this have seen the comment xD
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