ThatKidAh's Avatar
Your friendly neighborhood Jesus-loving Christian Ah. :)
  • Meet Ah! ( the crazy one.. )


    I'm ThatKidAh, but you can call me Ah.
    I joined Minecraft just under 2 years ago and I have been obsessed ever since. I am an aspiring author and I love to write! I like to play with my friends in minecraft, talk to people and create chaos! Really, In all honesty, I'm an introvert. People drain me really fast yet I will always talk xD. Do NOT private message me, I will NOT respond. Use guest book instead.
    About me:
    My hobbies are not many.. but they include music and gaming? I have played piano for 8 years! Still going with it too.
    I love:
    1. Tea
    2. My friends and family
    3. Minecraft
    4. Pandas
    5. Learning ( Science and some math )
    6. and other things!
    I can be overly talkative and confusing at times, although I would love to chat and I accept all constructive criticsm with open arms on how I can improve! I also love to roleplay/cosplay, create characters and write creative lore about those characters! ( I can talk all day about them don't get me started unless you want to hear a 5 hour rant.. :) )
    I am also always looking to make new friends so feel free to post to guest book or something to chat! I don't bite I promise. I'm just... we won't go there. ANYWAYS!

    Have an awesome day and *salute* - Ah.
  • Wall Posts

    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 25, 2024, 7:04 pm to Public
      Starting a version of 'Wildfire' for my writing assignment! I haven't wrote in quite a bit.. so this is fun. Debating if I should post it here when it's finished. :')
      Anyways, hope everyone is having a wonderful and blessed day! Remember the Lord hears you, sees you and is with you in all that you do. He is perfect in all His ways. <3
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 22, 2024, 12:44 pm to Public
      Helloo! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. To start off, for those that went to church, I hope that you had a good time and an encounter with Him! I wanted to talk about a topic which has really been revealed to be a lot recently.

      God loves us so much, He created us and not only does he want us to receive his free gift of salvation, but he wants to be a part of our every day lives. Did you know that in the book of John, that there are 7 I Am's? One 'I Am' for each day. He is holding you up throughout your week! What about my year? 365 times the Bible says, 'Do not be afraid." Fear is not from Him! He wants to be with us. He sees you, loves you and remember that through everything He is for you.

      Think about it. We call phases or times in our life (whether good or bad) 'seasons of life.' You know what's the thing about seasons? Though some may have snow, cause ice, be extremely hot, they all have a purpose. If it's to help plants grow, or do something in our Earth. ALL seasons have a purpose, and this is the same for the 'seasons' of our lives.

      God wants to speak to you. He has things planned for you and has a purpose for you! We have to do our part as well- allowing Him to speak to us. Picture it as this: Imagine you are talking to your friend and she/he is talking to you.. yet you're sitting on your phone, scrolling through something or texting while she talks, not even paying attention. That's when we are distracted and don't allow Him to speak to us! We need to set aside times of our day to be quiet and listen to what He has for us and not only listen and ask for help when we need Him to do something for us.

      God wants to have a strong, firm relationship with us. Make sure to set aside times to allow him to speak to you, to have fellowship with Him and just to be in his presence. Invite him into wherever your 'quiet place' is and just have a time of worship.

      ""Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast our demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" Matthew 7:21-23. <3 (sorry this is so long LOL)
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 20, 2024, 1:31 pm to Public
      Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. Decided to a verse- well.. verses.
      "But you, dear friends, must continue to build your lives on the foundation of your holy faith. And continue to pray as you are directed by the Holy Spirit. Live in such way that God's love can bless you as you wait for the eternal life that our Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy is going to give you. Show mercy to those whose faith is wavering."

      Jude 1:20-22. <3
      Commentary: "To pray as we are "directed by the Holy Spirit" means to pray in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. He prays for us (Romans 8:26, 27), opens our mind to Jesus (John 14:26) and teaches us about him (John 15:26). John warns his readers to live close to God and his people, not listening to false teachers who would try to pull you away from him (John 15:9-10)."
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      ThatKidAh shared BigFatPotat's post
      April 20, 2024, 1:14 pm with Public
      Looking great so far! Check it out. :D
      BigFatPotat's Avatar
      April 20, 2024, 1:07 pm to Public
      Hey guys! I'm happy to announce that Refreshed is finally here, for both Java and Bedrock!

      I've been working on this pack for a long time now, and I've really tried my hardest to give you guys my best work. I plan on expanding this pack to something much larger than just some items in the future, so I hope you can stick with me.

      I don't usually ask for shares, but I would really appreciate it if you could spread the word.
      Thanks so much :D
      View original post
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 19, 2024, 8:41 pm to Public
      Anyone see Anne Wilson's new album called REBEL released recently? :0 Listened to it today and I really love the songs 'Red Flag' and 'My Father's Daughter.' You should totally check it out! :0 <3
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 19, 2024, 12:12 pm to Public
      Me realizing I have given over 15k diamonds and 14k hearts.. :-: I think I spam too much. LOL Hope everyone is having a blessed day for the meantime! It is Fri-yay people. B)
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 18, 2024, 6:38 pm to Public
      Hope everyone is having wonderful day! I just wanted to say this,
      Sometimes when I am worried, I get the feeling/the lie that God moves away from me. But it's the opposite. He moves closer to you! He wants to comfort you! When you worry, go to Him. As Philippians 4:6-7 says,

      "Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
      ThatKidAh replied to SouthIvy4690986's comment below 2024-04-19 08:39:27
      ThatKidAh's Avatar
      Glad I could help you out! :)
      SouthIvy4690986 said 2024-04-19 08:27:32
      SouthIvy4690986's Avatar
      Thanks, I really needed this verse today.
      MerBatPhan89 said 2024-04-18 18:57:12
      MerBatPhan89's Avatar
      Thank you for this post. 🙂
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 15, 2024, 8:55 pm to Public
      Hello Everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful and blessed day! Errr- I don't know what to put here so open to spam requests if anyone wants. :D if I haven't spammed you already... :))
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 14, 2024, 8:46 pm to Public
      Thank you everyone for 150 subs! And thank you to hothaifah for being the 150th! I appreciate it :D
      hothaifah said 2024-04-15 04:25:11
      hothaifah's Avatar
      thank you so much, it’s my pleasure!
    • ThatKidAh's Avatar
      April 14, 2024, 1:13 pm to Public
      Good Afternoon everyone! I hope everyone has been having a wonderful Sunday! Remember He is with you, He is for you and that his spirit is inside of you! Stay safe and have a relaxing rest of your day. <3
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    Friends (sorry for the pings!) ajthepeach, TheMountaineer, ShadowOnTheLoose, Elightin_elytra, StormWatcher, dancing reaper, QT_Cake, TheElmoEh, might have forgot some people.. if you wanna be friends just ask!
    Panda Mob Skin made by chibicat668:
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    Skin made of my PFP by dancing reaper:
    Sorry if I forgot something! Just let me know :D
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    For anyone who has looked at this widget, and is wondering vaguely the question of: 'Ah.. what story is next?' well then here's the answer! These may change, but are in order in what I will do next.
    Realm, Wildfire, Astral, Fantasy, Explorer/Adventurer, Above, Deep, Arrows.. rest not decided. :)

    -Voyager: 'Voyager' is a fictional book set in medieval times. When an 18-year old named Wyvern is caught in a sticky situation, he and his friends he meets along the way and ones from the beginning have to find their way back to their homes, which are half way across the world in some cases.

    -Fantasy: 'Fantasy is a highly fictional book in medieval times, in the perspective of a young, shy satyr named Lief. Due to Lief being a satyr, he is constantly chased and hunted by authorities, bounty hunters and others. Who can he trust..?

    -War: 'War' is a story of a young, wolf-human female hybrid named Nya. This fictional book depicts the story of the now 52-year old Nya and her time in the army and navy.

    -Above: 'Above' is a fictional book in the settings of a mysterious cloud kingdom. As (undecided character) arrives through a peculiar portal opened up in her town, she soon discovers that the knowledgeable area is more than what it seems.

    -Life of..: The 'Life of..' series tells the life stories of many ocs of ThatKidAh, from Hybrids to Humans, this series will reveal things behind characters used in the stories of ThatKidAh and their background/lore.

    -Deep: 'Deep' is a story about a young diver an explorer with an adventurous passion for the sea. As they explore, they come upon a large supposed shipwreck but discovers it was a submarine. What is the story behind this? And where did it truly come from?

    -Realm: 'Realm' is a fantasy fiction story that tells about one peculiar girl who discovers that she has the ability to hop between mysterious and magical realms. After years of using this ability to escape life, she finds herself trapped in a realm in where she has never been before.

    -Wildfire: 'Wildfire' is a story telling the tale of one young person and their family as mysterious fires break out allover town. As they explore, they discover it is not natural causes. It's something else. A magical situation was now upon them.

    -Flight: 'Flight tells the tale of a young man in the 1800s who ponders what is beyond the clouds, beyond the blue of the seemingly endless sky.

    -Millennium: 'Millennium' is a fictional story about a young woman named Fae who is launched into space near her 23rd birthday. But complications get in her way as her capsule is broken off of the spacecraft and is now floating endlessly in space.

    -Arrows: 'Arrows' tells the story of a long lost prince named Elijah. In this medieval story, Elijah tells the story of how he was raised and tragedies that have happened over the course of his life.. resulting in a surprise; he was now a ghost.

    -Overboard: 'Overboard is a fictional story in which tells the tale of two best friends who are on a ship, planning to go visit some distant relatives overseas. But when one of them goes missing, ( name of other friend ) must search for ( his or her ) friend before it is too late. What had happened?

    -Astral: 'Astral' is the sequel to Millennium, detailing about another person now being launched into space. Yet.. this time the roles are switched. Fae is a lead scientist after graduating college and (unnamed oc) is the young boy/girl being launched into space. The story is told in a two-way perspective view, going back and forth from Fae to (unnamed oc).

    Explorer/Adventurer: A sequel to 'Voyager' in where Wyvern is now an adult, detailing his life now. He now has a child and explains what has happened over the years, including what happened to his childhood friends he met. Wyvern still lives in the same place, at least near it. More details to come soon, this is literally put here so I don't forget this. xD
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