T1-planeflier's Avatar
  • If you stick around-

    Ah yes,
    a skin I am somewhat
    proud of:

    from Trench

  • HIYA!

    Hello PMC!
    - — - — -
    You can call me Flier or honestly just Fly
    - — - — -
    I’m kinda new-ish, but I’ve met some great people
    - — - — -
    I enjoy making skins lol- and that’s it

    I am very passionate about certain bands if you didn’t notice
    I find interest in art, definitely music, animation, and of course, Minecraft
    - — - — -


  • “Don’t be afraid”

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    • LegendarySi's Avatar
      LegendarySi posted to guest book of T1-planeflier's AvatarT1-planeflier
      November 18, 2022, 9:16 pm to Public
      Just saw your profile and wanted to say. . . great taste in music
      honestly like the best band ever. I also saw that you're new to PMC and just wanted to say I know a lot. I've been here for like at least a week, sooo uhh. I'm kind of a veteran lol. Welcome I guess, even though it's been a month.
      T1-planeflier said 2022-11-22 00:17:30
      T1-planeflier's Avatar
      Oh hello there!
      sorry for the late response, I’m kinda inactive, but I make skins when I’m inspired
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  • Wall Posts

    • T1-planeflier's Avatar
      October 18, 2022, 3:41 pm to Public
      lvl 3
      Darkfap said 2022-10-18 18:56:57
      Darkfap's Avatar
      Lets go.
      Scribblez01 said 2022-10-18 15:54:06
      Scribblez01's Avatar
    • T1-planeflier's Avatar
      October 15, 2022, 3:32 pm to Public
      Level 2
      Veillax said 2022-10-15 16:51:17
      Veillax's Avatar
      Papa Enny said 2022-10-15 16:38:39
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      Scribblez01 said 2022-10-15 16:27:07
      Scribblez01's Avatar
      :000000 CONGRATSS
      TheCrypteral said 2022-10-15 15:34:50
      TheCrypteral's Avatar
    • T1-planeflier's Avatar
      October 12, 2022, 11:22 pm to Public
      First day and I’m out of comments nearly everywhere
      this is either really hopeful or not good at all
      TheGlitchedRobin said 2022-10-12 23:28:29
      TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      I think that's good
      Jupit3r said 2022-10-12 23:25:07
      Jupit3r's Avatar
      XD glad you’re fitting in and making friends!
      TheCrypteral said 2022-10-12 23:25:07
      TheCrypteral's Avatar
      Trust me, it's hopeful
    • T1-planeflier's Avatar
      October 12, 2022, 7:20 pm to Public
      Hello PMC!
      I am very new, so, uh, just hi :]

      if anyone has tips on how to navigate this site or recommendations of people to check out pls let me know
      Hello_there__ said 2022-10-13 15:08:30
      Hello_there__'s Avatar
      You'll figure it out maybe I would recommend going in chat, you'll usually find me there after 3:40 pm on week days, or on weekends you'll see me there quite often
      GracieMockingjay said 2022-10-13 08:56:01
      GracieMockingjay's Avatar
      Hi! I'm May, but everyone calls me Grace/Gracie.
      Here is a list of ppl who are pretty active- you'll love them.
      and me, ofc.

      Enjoy your time @ PMC!!
      Papa Enny said 2022-10-13 07:08:42
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      Welcome to PMC
      Here some basics to start with:
      1. Do never ask for XP, you can get a warning from the staff. You need XP? Try to post some stuff
      2. If you will find a bug, you should make a ticket(bug report)
      3. Wallpost is your place, where you can share your posts like here(everyone could see it). Guest Book is more for your visitors, no not all can see it
      4. Don't steal, trace - you can get a takedown or even temporal ban for posting(you stole a skin - you cannot post a next for 5 days)
      5. Avoid drama or creating alts to continue or bypass blocks - all of your accounts can get banned for breaking this rule
      6. If you need help, you can always ask
      7. Levels has some limits like amount of PMs and Comments, which can be expanded by levelling. Level 5 allows you to create groups or make collaborations
      8. Avoid political related talk - it can always end in chaos

      I hope it can help you to organise yourself here. Have a nice time
      MerBatPhan89 replied to Jupit3r's comment below 2022-10-13 05:05:34
      MerBatPhan89's Avatar
      Yep! ����
      Jupit3r said 2022-10-12 23:19:48
      Jupit3r's Avatar
      Hiya! I’m Jupit3r, nice to meet ya, and welcome to PMC! If you got any questions, or just want someone to hang with, I’m generally available, and will respond generally quickly
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