Sus_Sus_3-point-0's Avatar
IT WAS BLUE!!!!1111!!1!!1!!11!!11!1!!11!!11!!
Level 16
Journeyman Sus Sus

Wall Post by Sus_Sus_3-point-0

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  • Sus_Sus_3-point-0's Avatar
    July 6, 2024, 12:34 pm to Public
    Good morning PMC! (afternoon or evening {p.s thanks for teaching me this Elightin_elytra}) I'm officially back at home! With just minor injuries! Yes to sunburns, squirrels biting me (feeding them peanuts with my sister), and scrapes and bruises. No, the bites did not penetrate my skin, so I didn't need to get a rabies check.
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    Elightin_elytra said 2024-07-06 12:36:44
    Elightin_elytra's Avatar
    Yikes, well, I hope you have a great rest of the day!

    (Another thing, glad I can use my influence for the better!)
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