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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate
      June 18, 2024, 5:33 pm to Public
      Today was ugjfjfb
      Had a rendez-vous, took more than half of the day
      Lost my phone outside
      Had to ' shave ' my sheep and got my hands all sticky ( because of some wool-protecting thing ) Had to hold him by the horns and it really was no fun because not only did it look like he wasn't enjoying it at all it also was pretty hard to control him
      Internet was really really bad today and could barely open any websites
      yesterday my mother accidentally unplugged my pc while it was on and now pretty much any game has very very bad performances ( managed to get 131k ping in a loading screen )
      a friend of mine lost his great grandfather
      the weather was Very bad outside and I weight my words: it was a constant flow of water and everything was soaked
      a fly decided to suicide under my foot
      it's 23:34 and I can't sleep
      but I still got a positive outcome
      1 - managed to watch some Spiritus Systems videos
      2 - My sheep looks so silly
      Square Pirate replied to RocketStudio's comment below 2024-06-27 17:34:20
      Square Pirate's Avatar
      Thanks, appreciate it. Next couple of days we're pretty bad either and got basically no progress done ( sorry for late reply )
      RocketStudio said 2024-06-19 04:48:20
      RocketStudio's Avatar
      Wow your day was sh*t
      Force à toi ✊
      (Yes i'm doing franglais but ik you're french and idk how to say this in english sooooo)
    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared Silabear's post
      June 18, 2024, 5:20 pm with Public
      Silabear's Avatar
      June 18, 2024, 2:58 pm to Public
      I know what you did

      no but fr you’re probably thinking “hmm yeah I did do _______ but he’s probably not referring to that”

      yes I am in fact referring to that
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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared BigFatPotat's post
      June 17, 2024, 5:28 pm with Public
      BigFatPotat's Avatar
      June 17, 2024, 4:36 pm to Public
      So... it's been a while lol. Just here to say that I am in fact going to update Refreshed soon, I've just been really busy with RL stuff and don't have as much time/motivation to work on it as I'd like. There aren't a ton of new items done at the moment, but I'm working on food items and such, and I've started on the GUI for Bedrock a little bit. Progress, but slow.
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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared Silabear's post
      June 9, 2024, 11:51 am with Public
      Silabear's Avatar
      June 9, 2024, 11:31 am to Public
      don’t yap meanly about people behind their backs, because eventually they’ll find out

      this morning I was told about a conversation in another discord server which was mostly made up of berating me and my friends/projects, and it’s upsetting me (I imagine) more than they expected, for a number of reasons

      like if ur gonna hate on me, sure, but do it in private
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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared Spongie's post
      June 7, 2024, 6:14 am with Public
      Spongie's Avatar
      June 7, 2024, 2:07 am to Public
      hihi ! fluffybootz and I are hosting an event, we just posted the forum so come check it out ^_^
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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared McMeddon's post
      June 7, 2024, 5:16 am with Public
      McMeddon's Avatar
      June 7, 2024, 4:51 am to Public

      This morning we reached 4000 Subscribers
      on PMC

      very W !
      Many Thanks !
      Much Greatful !

      Soo Yippiii

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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's post
      June 4, 2024, 3:52 pm with Public
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
      June 4, 2024, 11:03 am to Public
            />  フ
            |  _  _ l
            /` ミ_xノ
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          /  ヽ   ノ
          │  | | |
       / ̄|   | | |
       | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)

      share the cat

      his name is jeff
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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared The Legendary Bilge Rat's Tavern's post
      June 4, 2024, 5:07 am with Public
      The Legendary Bilge Rat's Tavern's Avatar
      The Legendary Bilge Rat's Tavern post by ClayMan1077's AvatarClayMan1077
      May 23, 2024, 5:28 pm to Public
      pride month is on the horizon lads so remember!

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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared PsioPsia001's post
      June 4, 2024, 5:06 am with Public
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      May 27, 2024, 9:52 am to Public
      - What is patriarchy?
      - It's being ruled by the patriarch of Constantinople.

      - the history lesson, feat. Justin
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    • Square Pirate's Avatar
      Square Pirate shared PsioPsia001's post
      June 4, 2024, 5:03 am with Public
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      June 1, 2024, 4:52 pm to Public
      Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
      I want to notice a problem that I (and probably many other people) face and is kind of related to it. However, it applies to some straight people too.

      Do not shame people for not being in a relationship. It doesn't equal immaturity. And even if it is related to not being fully mature in some cases, it's fine. Let them wait. I am sick of hearing "You're [​age] years old, you should grow up and start being interested in romance". Sorry, it doesn't work like this. Maybe the person is asexual/aromantic. Maybe they're not, but they think they're too young for relationships. It's always valid and definitely not random family member's business to complain about.

      Do not shame people for not following your expectations of a binary gender. Not every cis person's personality matches the average stereotype, some are almost the opposite. Some people feel comfortable having a different hairstyle than it is expected of their gender or wear different clothes. And some people aren't cisgender and they are even more tired of people telling them to behave like a [​gender] that they don't identify as.

      Tldr: be kind to others and allow them to not fulfill your traditional expectations of gender and love life
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