SmolFairy's Avatar
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    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse
    ◦•●◉✿ About Me ✿◉●•◦

    Teen image Female
    Christian image Straight
    Smol image Enneagram 4w3
    Image result for Lilo and stitch png
    Flower divider by KnifeInToaster
    I am a non-human child who is mildly obsessed with TØP and Lilo and Stitch! And I'm WAAAYYY too obsessed with BNHA (My Hero Academia). SEASON 4 BRUHHH
    I have struggled with depression and anxiety and I'm pleased to say that I am on the mend! Things are looking up. Despite that, I do have bad days/weeks and I have been hurt by far too many people who say I'm not healing fast enough, and who don't have the grace to walk with me as I am. However most people just think I'm smol and cuddly. -w-
    I don't post here often but just lurk around the wall posts...
    See you around I guess?!

    Flower divider by KnifeInToaster

    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse
    Image result for stitch header
    ◦•●◉✿(People I care about)✿◉●•◦
    image -Evie
    image starcure
    image valkyries--
    image @Peridot XJ9
    image Trader
    image CaelChan
    image There's probably more but I'm lazy
    image Name
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    Image result for stitch header
    flower divider by punipunipuu
    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse
    ◦•●◉✿ Support Stamps ✿◉●•◦

    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse


    Don't got one yet \_(. . )_/

    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse

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    Probably my favorite song on the BNHA OST so far.. it comes into my head a lot when I read a good paragraph about a character in a story or when I'm writing :3 You probably don't need 15 minutes of it, but incase you do...

    So good

    Very deep and personal for me ~(%)~

    Grace Vanderwaal is a big inspiration for me... I hope that maybe someday I can be as good a songwriter, and maybe get at least somewhat recognized??
    Too catchy, and I picked this one specifically cause the animation is TOO DARN CUTE...! LOOK AT THOSE EARS, AZZY BABY

    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse
    Image result for stitch header
  • ◦•●◉✿-------------✿◉●•◦◦•●◉✿-------------✿◉●•◦◦•●◉✿-------------✿◉●•◦

    Image result for stitch collage

    "She never seemed shattered; to me,
    she was a breathtaking mosaic of the battles she's won."

    "We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, without even knowing it, we give others permission to do the same."

    "Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up."
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    F2U - Flower Divider by Pastel-Playhouse
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    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      May 29, 2020, 12:41 pm to Public

      Just checkin in

      cringing at my losses

      SmolFairy replied to -Evie's comment below 2020-05-30 14:41:57
      SmolFairy's Avatar
      -Evie said 2020-05-29 12:53:26
      -Evie's Avatar
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      December 21, 2019, 2:14 pm to Public
      I'm not back, I just flew in to check on a few peeps. It was nostalgic to read the wallposts of an old friend who is active again... Me leaving is likely the reason she's active again XD Don't worry, I'm not coming back ~~~ Ciao
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      April 8, 2019, 3:23 pm to Public
      starcure said 2019-04-08 15:54:15
      starcure's Avatar
      you okay? my inbox is always open <3
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      April 8, 2019, 11:56 am to Public
      Why am I still here?
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      April 8, 2019, 11:56 am to Public
      It's really hard to eat a sandwich in the dark
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      March 18, 2019, 9:05 pm to Public
      I seem to be stuck in self-deprecation mode.
      SmolFairy replied to CaelChan's comment below 2019-03-19 20:30:35
      SmolFairy's Avatar
      Not really. One of my bff's left me, and it's also nearly that time of month, so I'm sufferin'.
      CaelChan said 2019-03-18 22:27:30
      CaelChan's Avatar
      ._. U ok there?
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      March 17, 2019, 3:56 pm to Public
      I think my best friend befriended me because she knew that no one else would. And I'm pathetic enough that I'm not even disappointed that she literally just came around because of pity (or so I think). Atleast I have a friend. And I probably would've killed myself a long time ago if it weren't for her, so. \-( '_')-/ Welp. I think she enjoys my company, even if I'm a loser, so atleast I'm not a burden to her. Or something. ::walks off stage with no certain destination in mind::
      SmolFairy replied to starcure's comment below 2019-03-18 12:42:16
      SmolFairy's Avatar
      Thanks -w-
      starcure said 2019-03-17 16:03:20
      starcure's Avatar
      I understand, but I want you to know that so many people notice lonely people and ignore it, the caring people take the time to make friends. You are definitely loved and cared for, don’t forget that! <3
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      March 2, 2019, 7:09 pm to Public
      Updated my profile a little... added a guestbook, updated my about me and my songs... didn't replace any pictures tho cause it's a lot of work... I honestly don't know why I'm still on PMC, really... I joined because my best friend had it, and then last year she quit, and I don't have any close friends on here, and I dropped out of the writing contest... but apparently I'm still here? gah.
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      February 22, 2019, 3:48 pm to Public
      Happy Birthday to mEEEEEEE, Happy Birthday to mOoooOOOOIIII, Happy Birthday I'm oLD nOW, Happy Birthday to mE.

      SmolFairy replied to CaelChan's comment below 2019-02-23 13:10:01
      SmolFairy's Avatar
      SmolFairy replied to ziggy like stardust's comment below 2019-02-23 13:09:53
      SmolFairy's Avatar
      An original kid with an unoriginal name and an unoriginal birthday. wOot. X'D
      CaelChan said 2019-02-22 16:38:38
      CaelChan's Avatar
      Happy birthhhdaaaay!!!
      ziggy like stardust said 2019-02-22 15:52:16
      ziggy like stardust's Avatar
      w o a h today is a lot of people's birthdays, happy birthday uwu
    • SmolFairy's Avatar
      February 17, 2019, 8:19 pm to Public
      Aww I missed the pink site buttonssss
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