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    • Saracalia's Avatar
      January 20, 2024, 5:47 pm to Public
      Just thought to share some news for everyone from my Discord Server to Planet Minecraft for everyone here.
    • Saracalia's Avatar
      July 16, 2023, 5:37 am to Public
      Woah, come back to play Minecraft, looking though just texture packs alone here on PlanetMinecraft, and almost everything is locked behind a paywall. What happened Planet Minecraft?
    • Saracalia's Avatar
      May 20, 2022, 8:33 am to Public
      My time has come to say Goodbye to the Minecraft community.

      It has been an amazing 10 years being here on Planet Minecraft, and 11 years being apart of the entire Minecraft community. But as time moves forward, it is time to officially say Goodbye to the community. So, what has been happening? Well, as I move forward playing other games, I am starting to find myself in less of a position of playing Minecraft, or let alone, modding as well. And it isn't because I find playing Minecraft boring or find it boring in making my mod, it has come to a position where I am less interested in what I am doing and more interested on other things. And though I didn't have a good run here on PMC with being caught out on a couple of things, to that, just having the opportunity to being here, was an amazing experience for me. And without the support or love for the community, it has been really amazing.

      But the time has come, and it is time to place down that one last block. And wish everyone farewell.

      So what will happen to Cities Deco Mod?
      Well, as I move forward, maybe there is someone who wants to continue it. Though if you are interested in continuing Cities Deco Mod, you'll have to join my discord server, and speak to me and Fex__96 about it, because Fex has helped me out a lot with making CDM a reality, and I do have a couple of request as well, so Cities Deco Mod, stays as Cities Deco Mod.

      Anyways, that is all from me.

      If you wish to join my discord server, feel free to click here.
      TitooTV8899 said 2022-06-07 15:48:42
      TitooTV8899's Avatar
      Good luck and I with you so much luck in your live :(
      JadeFire170 said 2022-05-20 13:00:10
      JadeFire170's Avatar
      Goodbye! And good luck in life. :)
    • Saracalia's Avatar
      November 13, 2021, 12:10 am to Public

      Due to the amount of work I have on SCM and my everyday life I have outside of working on SCM, my schedule has been, well, quite busy. So, the full release has been delayed quite a lot. So, I have decided to post Beta versions of v1.1.00 for Saracalia's City Mod on my discord server. And there isn't much to get to it. Here, you'll be available to view the new updates to SCM with the new vehicles and the new updated wheels.

      Click here to join the SW Gaming Discord Server if wanting to check out the latest stuff

      This does not mean I will not be updating the Planet Minecraft page for Saracalia's City Mod. I am planning on putting the full release here once it is done, but in the mean time, just due to life, beta downloads will be available from discord.
    • Saracalia's Avatar
      September 15, 2021, 6:35 pm to Public

      I have got some news for everyone, and it is pretty bad news. SCM released has been delayed. And basically all with good reason. I have finally managed to do better looking wheels, but in order for the wheels to fit every vehicle in SCM, it means I have to redo every vehicle. Which will take time now, because of a lot of work to do. But that is not all.

      As you can see with the Rapid Admiral in the image, the wheels also has well, "rims". And yep, this mean there could possibly be different types of rims for the wheels. Though I am not going to spoil everything for everyone, but to give everyone a good sneak peak at the new wheels. Anyways, SCM was planning to be released at the end of October, but with finally able to do better wheels for the vehicles, it is now going to be delayed even longer. And as for when it will be released, I haven't got any idea on a time frame. But thought to post this update to let everyone on PlanetMinecraft know. After all, I always want to provide the best that I can do in SCM, and well, with every update, everything is just being worked on to be better than before.
      TitooTV8899 said 2021-09-21 15:40:30
      TitooTV8899's Avatar
      no problem I love your mod and then the next Update better is with the new wheels, think I this good.
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