Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
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    • Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
      June 13, 2024, 8:15 pm to Public
      Smoube v2.0 released
      Hey, has been a while! I just want to let you know that I've just released a BIG update for ​Smoube for 1.20 and 1.21. You will find a lot of more information on an announcement I made recently on my Discord server talking about what I have been doing all this time, all the things that have changed around me, my projects and more

      This update is like 40% content addition and 60% texture tweaks/fixes, so if you used this texture pack before you will notice a big improvement on everything, not only on the colors but also on the design of everything: blocks, interfaces, etc. It is still unfinished and is overall 75% completed (again), but this time for 1.21. With this update I hope it gives to everyone a better first impression than it did before, and I will try to continue updating it regularly. I hope you like this update!

      See you later:)

    • Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
      October 22, 2023, 9:39 pm to Public
    • Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
      June 23, 2020, 2:17 pm to Public
      This week Rodrigo's Pack reached 500k views and 200k downloads at same time, also we are now 300 subs on the profile, I could not be more grateful with you guys, thanks so much!

      By other way, with the Nether update today, just as reminder: the texture pack is already available with full support from 1.8 to 1.16, enjoy it! ;)

      Fryne said 2020-06-23 20:54:20
      Fryne's Avatar
      Wow something like 40% of the people who've seen your pack downloaded it, it's incredible
      Good job
    • Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
      May 9, 2020, 5:14 pm to Public
      Rodrigo's Pack v35.0 released
      Has been a long time since I published something here, more specific when I released the v22.7 of the texture pack almost a year ago, but now here I am to tell you I've released an important and very solid version of the texture pack, which include tons of changes I've been doing since the last 10 months. The most important of them are the next ones:

      * Full support for 1.16
      * Total new colormap with more vivid colors for grasses and foliage
      * All blocks related with wood, grass, dirt and stone have been updated to look even more simplistic, smoother, brighter and colorful
      * A lot of blocks have less contrast now to look more simplistic and smoother
      * Total new glazed terracottas that can be connected in any direction, even in more directions than the vanilla texture pack
      * Almost a total change for the whole interface
      * More, more and more connected textures
      * Tons of custom models textures for more blocks
      * All particles are now less annoying to see, also they're more simplistic
      * Added custom sky and custom lightmap for sunsets, nights, sunrises times and rain, thunder and snow weather, and end world
      * Various add-ons released
      * A lot of more changes AAAH!

      You can see all the change logs inside the .zip, I will be publishing all of them on Planet Minecraft, but you don't need really need to update since they are just to explain what I've been doing the last months

      See you later:) I'll continue on my boat...

      sans undertaIe said 2020-06-23 13:59:12
      sans undertaIe's Avatar
      congrats on 300 subs my dude
    • Rodrigo_Al's Avatar
      July 31, 2019, 2:58 pm to Public
      Rodrigo's Pack v22.7 released
      I've improved the pack colors, now the color palette of all biomes are better balanced, giving more, more and MORE vivid colors. Also, a new and improved light map has been added to this version, fixing even default minecraft light map issues. In others tweaks: a lot of bugs fixed, better lava animation, better water colors, etc. And of course, available from the latest 1.14.4 to 1.8, all of them with the same improvements

      Taiga colormap
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