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  • About me

    Back and better then ever

    nicknames!: Ren, Renau

    ●Is pansexual💖💛💙 ●
    ●Any prns (no they/them pls)●

    Is a furry and a therian!

    if you are racist, homophobic or looking to start problems please unsub to me and leave my profile :3

    race ,gender sexuality, identity anybody is welcome!

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    • Kingpin689's Avatar
      Kingpin689 posted to guest book of Renai_is_acutie's AvatarRenai_is_acutie
      March 28, 2023, 11:19 am to Public
      Sorry if this is rude, but what does pansexual mean?
      Hello_there__ replied to Renai_is_acutie's comment below 2023-04-28 21:21:45
      Hello_there__'s Avatar
      well that's something different that's closer to AroAce but the wikipedia def is "Pansexuality is sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity.", so it would be more like regardless rather than don't care, and sorry I just had to, it's in my nature to give advice on things I mildly know about but don't care to look into any farther
      Kingpin689 said 2023-03-29 11:30:59
      Kingpin689's Avatar
      Thx for clearing that up
      Renai_is_acutie said 2023-03-28 19:58:17
      Renai_is_acutie's Avatar
      it means that you don’t care for the gender
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