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  • Zrose90's Avatar
    July 13, 2024, 4:46 am to Public
    I got 6/22 (27%) on my unannounced maths test

    CALUCLATOR: 78/90

    my parents were not very happy
    got called a lot of names
    and silent treatment
    and threatened if I get results like this in year 10 they gonna throw me out =D (sarcastic smile)

    then my old maths teacher who marked the tests saw me yesterday and said like not to be too hard on myself
    and my French teacher was also there and was saying how amazing I am 😭

    but how can I possibly be proud of myself when my parents can never be proud of me? :(
  • Zrose90's Avatar
    July 13, 2024, 4:39 am to Public
    How my counsellor knows I’m suicidal except I kinda forgot a bit

    I struggle expressing my feelings
    so the session started tryna make a collage cutting things out of magazine things showing how I feel or smth

    I kept skipping pass stuff even though I should have cut it out bc what if someone else wanted it bc they went through smth similair
    And she kept telling me that doesn’t matter I’m the only one who does now

    then she said she notices how I’m trying to not take too much
    like I’m trying to take as little as possible so I don’t bother anyone
    which is true

    but I was struggling and said I felt like I was stupid bc I couldn’t do smth like that
    so she said I should stop then bc she doesn’t want me to feel like that

    Then I can’t remember how but I said I feel like a burden
    i think she asked me to expand on that or smth
    and I said I feel like it would be better if I die or smth

    she asked how often I feel like this
    i lied and said a little bit

    and then she said I know this can seem scary or difficult to answer but have you ever tried attempting or made any plans

    my hearing literally went muffled when she said that I felt like I was struggling to breathe
    and I said no (lies)

    I said that if I do try kms then I feel like I may be a coward bc I’m tryna run away from my problems and others have worse.

    then she now thinks that the only thing keeping me alive is me being harsh on myself which is kinda true ig

    but yeah I did it

    tysm for everyone’s support :)
  • aquarine's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 11:04 pm to Public
    not to sound rude but i absolutely hate the new likes thing 😫
    Mxple_Starz replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-07-13 03:54:35
    Mxple_Starz's Avatar
    im sorry but where? it shows the logs, feature on profile, embed, and report, but nothing that seems to relate to changing ui
    Silabear said 2024-07-13 02:18:04
    Silabear's Avatar
    you can use the 3 dots to change it
    ruietto replied to elfie_'s comment below 2024-07-13 01:35:59
    ruietto's Avatar
    i'm pretty sure he's talking about this update for submissions
    and tbh i agree, it's kinda weird to look at after how its always been qwq
    elfie_ said 2024-07-13 00:45:07
    elfie_'s Avatar
    ^ what changed?
    hurklesthecrow said 2024-07-13 00:38:35
    hurklesthecrow's Avatar
    wait what changed?? im not the most active person on this site lmao
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  • aquarine's Avatar
    aquarine shared Timofefe's post
    July 12, 2024, 9:55 pm with Public
    Timofefe's Avatar
    July 10, 2024, 9:15 am to Public
    can someone convince me to stop procrastinating? thanks
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  • mushrooms
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    aquarine 07/12/24 • posted 05/27/23
  • CactiFern's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 8:57 pm to Public
    I miss spring
    FishyBusiness said 2024-07-13 00:15:37
    FishyBusiness's Avatar
    Every year I forget just how painfully hot summer is
    CupcakeFrosting said 2024-07-12 22:25:45
    CupcakeFrosting's Avatar
    Me too

    Where I live we don't really get spring

    It was snowing up until a few weeks ago and now it's 90
  • girl_liker's Avatar
    girl_liker shared 00O3's post
    July 12, 2024, 7:56 pm with Public
    00O3's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 7:48 pm to Public
    find my gay yaoi pages
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  • iantisocial's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 6:49 pm to Public
    Everything in my house is leaking what is going on
    this past week has been weird I’d rather not talk about it and try to be lighthearted and make myself laugh
  • Mellie's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 5:58 pm to Public
    Here's the next skin up in my Sanrio series, Tuxedosam! :D He ended up looking so boring, ahhhh ;-; I'm so out of the loop making skins these days </3

    tuxedosam Minecraft Skin
    nnight said 2024-07-12 18:03:31
    nnight's Avatar
    eee no hes not boring he's adorable!!
  • Diversity
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    Mellie 07/12/24 • posted 09/20/22
  • Characters
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    Mellie 07/12/24 • posted 02/12/23
  • tuxedosam
    Minecraft Skin
    209 11 3
    Mellie's AvatarMellie 7/12/24 5:56
  • How to get player Heads in minecraft! (1.12 up to 1.21+) [Updated]
    Tutorial Blog
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    Nitgo's AvatarNitgo 7/12/24 5:22 • posted 3/21/19 6:20
  • Silabear's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 3:21 pm to Public
    I’m waiting for online clothes shops to have a feature where you can upload a picture of yourself and it will create a deepfake-like picture of you wearing the clothes from the shop so you can see how it would look on yourself

    because that would be terrifying but also sick af
    Elightin_elytra replied to Lumi696969's comment below 2024-07-12 16:48:38
    Elightin_elytra's Avatar
    This is why he said he wanted a cat girl suit... It makes even more sense now...
    Lumi696969 said 2024-07-12 15:27:37
    Lumi696969's Avatar
    Silabear in femboy clothes?
  • inumaki
    Minecraft Skin
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    Karly's AvatarKarly 7/12/24 2:40
  • Rainbow Brite l ce
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    xRosePetalx's AvatarxRosePetalx 7/12/24 2:05
  • Lumi696969's Avatar
    July 12, 2024, 12:24 pm to Public
    Im only subbed to vips (kat please subscribe to me too :<)
  • Lumi696969's Avatar
    Lumi696969 shared xkaito's post
    July 12, 2024, 10:23 am with Public
    Me too me too me toooooo
    xkaito's Avatar
    July 11, 2024, 7:17 pm to Public
    Going back to this!!
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    Lumi696969 replied to r a i n b o w's comment below 2024-07-12 12:30:19
    Lumi696969's Avatar
    Femboy, 0 i hate kids, Your bed (to cuddle), Watch Marvel movie in a cinema so you finally shut up, Well too bad posting pics doesnt work for me
    r a i n b o w said 2024-07-12 12:28:43
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    42 18 20 49 16
  • God's Play.
    Minecraft Skin
    403 49 6
    MewLee's AvatarMewLee 7/12/24 10:00
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