ProtoVulpy's Avatar
Hardcore Procrastination.
  • About Me, The dumbest smart fox ever.

    I'm just a very weird fox, and also the embodiment of ADHD, did I mention I'm weird? I did? nvm then. also don't dm me on discord unless you absolutely have to, and don't bully me for my very weird behavior, and don't touch my floof...

    mk I can't think of anything else to add... oh yeah, I'm mentally unstable, and anything could set me off...

    handle me as you would 1-Diazidocarbamoyl-5-azidotetrazole.

    *Explodes randomly*

    I update my status based on my mood
  • Forum Thread

    Free Resource Pack Requests!

    I like doing things for people, and so I want to make resource packs for people, so feel free to make a pack request!

    - Rules:
    • I only work with bedrock edition.
    • I do not like to mess with UI/GUI.
    • I will not work with anything other than 8x8 and 16x16 textures.
    • I will attempt anything given to me, within reason, of course, I am not making more than 20 models for a single resource pack, nor am I making more than 300 textures in the resource pack, these are loose rules and there are exceptions for less and for more, but you get the point, right?

    - Notes:
    • The more details you provide, the better the resource pack will turn out.
    • Although I am willing to deal with sounds, I highly dislike it.
    • I procrastinate a lot.
    • I dislike modeling.

  • Forum Thread

    Free Skin Requests!

    So turns out I want to create Minecraft skins for people, so feel free to make a skin request!

    - Rules:
    • I only do 64 x 64px (16x) skins.

    - Notes:
    • It likely won't turnout well unless I have a reference image.
    • I am not all that good at making clothes.
    • I'm best with anthropomorphic animal skins. just seems to work best for me.
    • The more details you give me the better it will turn out.
    • If the finished skin isn't completely to your liking, I'll be happy to fix it, given you're nice about it!

    I'd like to thank CannyConster for getting me into creating Minecraft skins!

  • Wall Posts

    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      July 2, 2024, 7:05 pm to Public
      mk im back to my normal procrastinating floofy fine self! yippee!
    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      June 27, 2024, 5:32 pm to Public
      im ok ish just be gentle n stuff cuz im just a floofy ball of floofy emotion thats waiting to explode
      ProtoVulpy said 2024-06-27 17:33:02
      ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      so im back to working on stuff
    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      June 26, 2024, 2:13 pm to Public
      leaky eyes broken mind ima be takin some time from everything, i'll read and respond to stuff but im just not capable of creating stuff rn
    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      June 25, 2024, 7:35 pm to Public
      Woooo im working on a resource pack that makes finding ores while mining incredibly difficult! and i'm procrastinating the hell out of it!
      Ww2guru73 said 2024-06-30 20:26:11
      Ww2guru73's Avatar
      I can relate to this but with life 😑
    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      June 24, 2024, 9:54 pm to Public
      Quote of the vulpy: Expect nothing but the worst and you'll always be rewarded with things better than you expected!

      it works cuz you expect the absolute worst and that expectation cant be met! so you get something better than what you were expecting! :D
    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      June 24, 2024, 11:56 am to Public
      wooooooo i got terrible sleep! 6 am - 12 pm! ISN'T IT LOVELY? ima go putt some ice on my elbow cuz i hit it on a sharp corner of wooden furniture
    • ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      June 24, 2024, 5:01 am to Public
      I don't have much to say but if i must say something, i'ma say that making resource packs and skins and junk is definitely gonna make it so i have sleep deprivation most of the time! :D
      ProtoVulpy replied to Pixus's comment below 2024-06-24 06:21:30
      ProtoVulpy's Avatar
      i just started making packs and skins, and based my comment off of what i expect, which my expectations are based by how long those things take me and how i hate taking breaks from things.
      Pixus said 2024-06-24 06:17:14
      Pixus's Avatar
      As someone who's working (haphazardly) on textures and such, I can definitely agree about this.
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  • Special Thanks to these lovely beans!

    This lovely bean created not one, BUT TWO Minecraft skins for me! FOR FREE!

    This lovely bean helped me out by making a tail template for me!

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