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    • Princess Cas's Avatar
      Princess Cas
      July 1, 2022, 4:13 pm to Public
      Technoblade's last video was so sad. I haven't watched him or many other minecraft youtubers in years, but I still cried. Rest in peace, your amazing contribution to the minecraft community will never fade.
    • Princess Cas's Avatar
      Princess Cas
      June 28, 2022, 2:09 am to Public
      i've been playing on this vanilla plus survival server that has some really cool custom pluggins, and there's not a lot of players so if ur interested in joining a small community come meet me there. its really cozy and i've had a lot of fun with the few longtime members of the server, and i just joined a few days ago! :) ip:
    • Princess Cas's Avatar
      Princess Cas shared Spongie's post
      June 27, 2022, 1:03 pm with Public
      Spongie's Avatar
      June 27, 2022, 1:06 am to Public
      I've been bothered by recent historical events so I decided to express it in the form of an edit. Proceed with caution.
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    • Princess Cas's Avatar
      Princess Cas
      May 12, 2018, 11:50 am to Public
      ok so i was just on a creative server and someone asked me to build a house for them so i did, then i told them im not good at interior so id prefer not to do it but i will if you want me to, they said it was ok then proceeded to ask someone else to edit my build and then didn't give me any credit. Of course I got mad at them and all they said was "Calm yourself" and denied me from their plot. safe to say im never going back to that sever again :l. screw "", not as fun as they say it is.
      Princess Cas replied to Tap's comment below 2018-08-27 16:00:18
      Princess Cas's Avatar
      it deserves death tbh
      Tap replied to Princess Cas's comment below 2018-08-24 08:33:28
      Tap's Avatar
      Honestly, I really loved that server in the past. It's gone downhill and I'm pretty sure it's dying, as the creator runs on donations.
      Princess Cas replied to Tap's comment below 2018-08-23 22:39:59
      Princess Cas's Avatar

      That's horrible.. I really hate that server. The rules are absolutely ridiculous, there is really no reason to be so strict about some of those things on a minecraft server. Like its not ok to say "lmao" but it's ok to have people *who could possibly be pedophiles* ask other players if they want to skype? It's so stupid and sad because its one of the most popular creative servers I know, and the only one I know of that isn't dead. Really unfortunate that they have to be that way.
      Tap said 2018-08-23 21:50:32
      Tap's Avatar
      That server is...trashy. I got perm banned (got unbanned in 2017) because I didn't know how to use world edit. Basically, I accidentally spawned water on someones plot because I was trying to figure out how to use it and as I was typing, "I don't know what's happening!" I got banned for "griefing." At the time, I was 6 so of course I was bawling my eyes out because I did nothing wrong.
      wi_fi said 2018-08-16 20:56:59
      wi_fi's Avatar
      oof i absolutely despise that server
    • Princess Cas's Avatar
      Princess Cas
      January 18, 2018, 3:10 pm to Public
      i hit 100 subs?? wow thats amazing!!! thanks!!!!! what should i do? a contest maybe?? or some requests? idk comment i guess if you have suggestions
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