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end of an era <3
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    dark red - steve lacy


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  • Wall Posts

    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      February 7, 2024, 3:19 pm to Public
      hi <3
      happy early valentine's x
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      June 21, 2023, 4:19 pm to Public
      summer solstice wooh!! finally the days are going to start getting shorter (for me at least, i dont really know how it works in other countries :eyes:)

      this post is mainly to just note on my uploading, yes i am particapting in sf, but unfortunately i haven't had the time to make as many skins as i would've liked.
      Basically life got busy and complicated r e a l l y quickly and my mental health has subsequently gotten really bad again.

      No i won't be dropping out, but i just wanted to say this because i know how many amazing people have attacked me and I am so grateful for that, and i don't know if i will have the time or energy to counter attack all of you, plus my original planned attacks. I'm going to do my best, I already have a bunch of wips, but if i run out of time, i'll probably just upload them as fanskins

      I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully you'll see a few more in the very near future xx
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      June 1, 2023, 1:56 pm to Public
      happy pride month lovely people <3

      please remember to be respectful during this time, whether you support the community or not. Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs, don't force anything on anyone.
      I have stated on my page I do not support homophobia of any kind on my page, however, just because a person doesn't support the community doesn't mean they are homophobic. I completely accept that, and I have full respect for you and your beliefs. It's rudeness and indecency I will not tolerate.

      be respectful, be kind and i hope you all have an amazing month <3
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      May 4, 2023, 7:17 am to Public
      ahh thankyou for 500!! only just noticed but to each and every single 502, I love you, thankyou so much for your support. I'm not in a position to do anything but i'll try make a skin because it's such a big milestone for me.
      Just thankyou thankyou i love you all <33
      ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2023-05-04 14:33:04
      ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
      Congrats :)
      Jasmine_ said 2023-05-04 10:50:41
      Jasmine_'s Avatar
      Mellie said 2023-05-04 07:27:32
      Mellie's Avatar
      Congrats! :D <3
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      April 13, 2023, 4:43 pm to Public
      woah hi it's been a while
      so much crazy shite has happened in the past few months but hey ho i'm back temporarily
      just in time for my bday lmao
      the big one five now isn't that something

      now i did make smth but don't expect this to be a usual thing, just wanted to drop in and say hello :)

      ilya, hope you're all doing okay <3
      crowedd said 2023-04-13 19:17:38
      crowedd's Avatar
      happy birthday, and welcome back!
      ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2023-04-13 17:39:34
      ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
      Welcome Back and Happy Birthday :)
      Papa Enny said 2023-04-13 17:05:58
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      welcome back and happy birthday
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      February 1, 2023, 6:05 pm to Public
      Today, I would like to announce my official inactivity

      I no longer make skins, I haven't played Minecraft since 1.14 and with school, friends and life getting more important to me, I no longer have time to interact with the skinning community.

      It brings me a lot of sadness but I've made so many friends on here and Skindex who I am forever grateful for and so many memories as well.

      I may come back one day to check in, but please do not expect anything more as I simply do not have the time nor passion

      thankyou to all of you who have made my experience here so wonderful, I love you all so much <3

      - via
      CaelChan said 2023-02-01 19:21:26
      CaelChan's Avatar
      Cyaa! Hope you have a wonderful life!
      aquarine said 2023-02-01 18:25:17
      aquarine's Avatar
      good luck mate! have a great life
      ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2023-02-01 18:13:57
      ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
      Good luck in life <3
      00O3 said 2023-02-01 18:13:34
      00O3's Avatar
      wishing you the best of luck in the future! :)
      Jasmine_ said 2023-02-01 18:08:37
      Jasmine_'s Avatar
      cya! hope life treats you well <3
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      January 18, 2023, 5:17 pm to Public
      monthly update hehe
      i'm mega busy at the moment
      gcse stress going brr
      fun fact i'm doing 3 gcse's this year wehey

      also might be going to germany which is cool
      what else

      not much to report really, ive been super busy and dont use dc nearly as much as i used to
      same with genshin, skinning etc, i simply dont have the time </3

      but i love and appreciate every one of you so stay safe, see u all soon <3
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      January 4, 2023, 1:51 pm to Public
      so i was tryna meditate earlier and ended up committing arson on my finger instead

      i blame the fact that the candles were lemon lavender.
      LeLovesJazz replied to m a k i's comment below 2023-01-05 15:34:50
      LeLovesJazz's Avatar
      Ok. I do it only because i can strech my legs to my mouth
      m a k i replied to LeLovesJazz's comment below 2023-01-05 15:10:11
      m a k i's Avatar
      what the fuck

      probably when i was like 3
      m a k i replied to GracieMockingjay's comment below 2023-01-05 15:09:48
      m a k i's Avatar
      i mean its burnt but could be way worse :'D
      LeLovesJazz said 2023-01-04 14:20:37
      LeLovesJazz's Avatar
      I do that all the time. It's bit salty.
      LeLovesJazz said 2023-01-04 14:20:19
      LeLovesJazz's Avatar
      Have u tried sucking ur own toe?
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    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      January 1, 2023, 1:45 pm to Public
      first skin of 2023!!!

      genuinely quite proud of this one

      i was going to update last years new years skin but ran out of time and to be honest it's okay but not amazing
      i hope all of you are already having a good start to the year, i built my lego bonsai tree i got for christmas today and it's sat on my desk next to me (the pink frogs are just a work of art)

      anyway have a good day <3
    • m a k i's Avatar
      m a k i
      December 31, 2022, 6:08 pm to Public
      LAST SKIN OF 2022 WOO

      only 50 minutes for me!! (GMT)
      happy new yoear to everyone ahead and behind my time zone, cant wait for this year, hopefullly better than this last one :)

      also going to be 15 this year, i feel old thinking about it

      happy new year to you al stay safe <3
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