Kokano's Avatar
sleep is still non-existent, okay..
  • .:. a b o u t m e .:.

    ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ! ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴇᴄʟxᴘsᴇ, ᴀsᴛʀᴏ, ᴏʀ ʜᴀᴛ!
    ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ!
    . ravenclaw . gemini (6/1) . minor . she/her . phone skinner .

    // stuff
    wip yay

    also I do follow back here, but not everyone, sorry :/
    it is just easier this way for me to easily find my favorite creators better. (i’ll also usually follow back if I recognize you from skindex-)

    . contests - closed
    . requests - closed
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    . trades - open!

    . pfp - picrew
    . profile bg - pixabay

    see you soon!

    (oh, and I still cannot figure out how you get images to work in widgets and posts :/ )
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    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 6, 2024, 5:03 pm to Public
      (tw: angry rant)


      i hate thisisisis, hive why did you have to torture us like thiss
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 5, 2024, 10:27 pm to Public
      yay, I finally maxed out hive sg today, I’ve been working on getting to max level (30) in that game since april-
      i think this is now my sixth hive game I’ve maxed out, and it hasn’t even been a full year-

      also already almost halfway done with hive parkour worlds, and apparently the online wheel wants me to do bw next (that’s going to be loads of fun! /s)
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 5, 2024, 2:27 am to Public
      i hope these fireworks actually stop (completely) soon
      one of my dogs has been an absolute nervous wreck all day, and it literally sounded like a war was going on right outside my house just a couple hours ago

      i said
      if i can’t hear my music, then the fireworks are too loud.
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 1, 2024, 2:33 am to Public
      can’t believe sf is already over, the month sure went by FAST (and I failed for the third time again :/ )
      but now that also means I have over two hundred skins to delete from my downloads to save my poor phone storage (that’s going to be real fun! /s)

      guess it’s time to return back to normal skins now
      man, I haven’t done a normal skin since may (no, I don’t count that random twenty-second edit of oliver by giving him a tie as a “normal skin,” because all I did was add one thing-)

      thank you to the aether soundtrack, twenty one pilots, nf, unlike pluto, and burning pile (mostly a slowed down version) for keeping me remotely sane during june, as I stayed up until two every morning making attacks.
      oh, and we can’t forget to give a special round of applause to that random song about bananas I found one night (“banana man” - tally hall, if you’re somehow curious-)
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 30, 2024, 9:30 pm to Public
      last one, last one..
      my hands are pleading for mercy at this point
      come on, hands.. just one more in less than two hours, you can do it.. then it will all be over for you (until later on tonight)
      Kokano replied to spookyshxdow's comment below 2024-07-01 02:27:22
      Kokano's Avatar
      my poor hands, at least they finally get a day off for once
      spookyshxdow said 2024-06-30 23:00:37
      spookyshxdow's Avatar
      you carried our team
      o7 hands
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 30, 2024, 5:17 am to Public
      how is it already july like tomorrow-
      where has the time gone, seriously, like what-
      Kokano replied to Dazzles's comment below 2024-06-30 13:54:54
      Kokano's Avatar
      yes! finally! (of course, after I speedrun a tourney entry tonight that’s due tomorrow, but I can finally get some sleep again for once..)
      Kokano replied to _FroznBee's comment below 2024-06-30 13:53:58
      Kokano's Avatar
      ikr, sobb
      it seems like time flies faster every year, and then all of a sudden, it will already be time to go back to school-
      Dazzles said 2024-06-30 06:51:28
      Dazzles's Avatar
      You'll finally be able to rest!
      _FroznBee said 2024-06-30 05:25:17
      _FroznBee's Avatar
      Actually like it atill feels like march omg
      Ender Sparkle said 2024-06-30 05:18:10
      Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 29, 2024, 5:37 am to Public
      i will only have to be disappointed with the aether soundtrack for like one more night, good.
      like c’mon, aether let’s play videos were my childhood, and these are songs for the AETHER MOD.
      but surprise surprise, the aether has been rooting for the wrong team the whole time!
      ”nether menu.”

      just one more night of disappointment, i can do this.. maybe.. I’ve been having to live with this for a whole month, so I’ve slightly lost it over the past few days
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 28, 2024, 3:45 am to Public
      i’m going to have lots of fun for the next two or three hours /j

      let’s hope my hands don’t die from doing this, they’ve already died once from making over 200 skins in a month-
      Kokano replied to Kiryutojo's comment below 2024-06-28 05:35:50
      Kokano's Avatar
      rip yeah, I was trying to post my second friendly fire for today and pmc decided to go down on me, guess the site didn’t want me posting twenty skins tonight.
      i don’t really put in tags for my sf entries, besides for the required sf tags, just because normal tags take absolutely forever to type out and it’s much easier only having to put in two tags for each skin.
      pretty much they do lol
      Kiryutojo replied to Kokano's comment below 2024-06-28 04:48:33
      Kiryutojo's Avatar
      I like to add quotes to my skins so it took me a whole night and more bc turns out PMC doesn't like it when someone have 10 million skins waiting to be uploaded. But don't forget about the tags, they eat up time too,. Actually everything eats up time lol
      Kokano replied to Kiryutojo's comment below 2024-06-28 04:36:22
      Kokano's Avatar
      lol yepp and it definitely will, but if I don’t add anything extra to the descriptions other than who I’m attacking and the link to the original skin, I should be done in thirty or forty minutes max
      and thanks lol, I’ll try my best even though it’s almost two in the morning for me
      Kiryutojo said 2024-06-28 04:31:50
      Kiryutojo's Avatar
      We had the same idea lol. But here's some advice from someone who posted a lot more than 20. It WILL take time to upload every one of them and that's not counting submitting them though the forms which eats up more time. Good luck on staying sane!
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 26, 2024, 5:19 pm to Public
      well this definitely isn’t good :/
      there’s only four days left of june (and sf), and I’m trying to make a skin and I just- don’t want to do it.
      I’d rather stare at the skin in the editor, than work on it.

      whats really weird is that I was fine earlier today when I made my first attack for tomorrow, and I’m trying to make this second one and I don’t want to finish it, even though it’s a pretty simple design, stuff that I’ve done lots of times.

      and my head is trying to play whatever it can remember of fairly local (top) and just like you (nf) to help my brain focus, but uh- not even that’s working

      where’s the “wake-up song” when you need it

      anyways just a random rant, don’t mind me
      Kokano replied to Kiryutojo's comment below 2024-06-27 14:17:56
      Kokano's Avatar
      well, not like “sick sick,” but staring at the editor for so many hours a day wasn’t making me feel very well yesterday, like I just really didn’t want to look at it anymore.
      at least there’s only three days left of the month/event..
      Kiryutojo replied to Kokano's comment below 2024-06-27 07:42:40
      Kiryutojo's Avatar
      Wait you were getting sick? Uh if it happens again then take a day or 2 off. SF/MC skins isn't worth hurting your physical health.
      Kokano replied to Kiryutojo's comment below 2024-06-27 04:51:33
      Kokano's Avatar
      yeah, I seemed to have had a bad case of it earlier.
      im okay now, I just needed some sort of break from staring at the editor for an hour (since just looking at it was making me sick-)
      Kiryutojo said 2024-06-26 17:39:06
      Kiryutojo's Avatar
      Nah it's just burn out. I think it's happening to us all tbh lol
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 25, 2024, 4:20 am to Public
      hand exercises.

      im so tired and my hands hurt so much that i’ll probably have to give them a funeral after sf.

      just one more week of hand exercises, then your hands can die in peace..
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  • .:. very random section .:.

    ignore please (I am not okay)

    the end - 8 graves (<3333)
    sinking like a stone - maddison
    unforgiven - ghost nation
    genesis - grimes
    high in flight - wl
    night light - unlike pluto
    miracle - bad omens
    concrete jungle - bad omens
    two wrongs - 8 graves
    tuning out - 8 graves
    supervillain - 8 graves
    closure (year 09) - unlike pluto
    intro (infected) - sickick
    wasted - 8 graves
    fade to black - 8 graves
    go - 8 graves
    protection charm - miguel angeles
    simple things - jennings couch
    my kind of lie - ghost nation
    as they bloom - unlike pluto

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