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    I am just a Minecrafter that plays modpacks.
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    • KeyDevy's Avatar
      July 3, 2024, 10:51 pm to Public
      I was scammed and hacked on July 1st. The scammer stole $1,000 from me and hacked my discord account. Currently, I'm doing everything I can to recover from this traumatic moment. I already called my bank and they will look into the investigation to get it back. Also, I contacted Discord and they have escalated my ticket to get reviewed so my account can get deleted permanently. The reason I want my old account to be deleted because it already left a stain on it and it's time to move on.

      Thank you for reading this and stay safe out there. It's hard to trust anyone these days and I'm doing whatever I can to make sure nobody goes through the same thing I went through.
      Supermugget said 2024-07-04 04:08:33
      Supermugget's Avatar
      Good luck. Hope you can get your $ back :)
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