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    • James Strawberry's Avatar
      James Strawberry
      July 4, 2024, 11:11 am to Public
      So, some new plans. A good ol' update for everybody. Sgt. Strawberry's Pack will be featured on the RealmBlox Download Centre starting at the August Update. It won't be included with RealmBlox, but it will be on the site. Why? Well, it's being renamed the RealmBlox Texture Pack. The only reason it's not built into RealmBlox is because it is still in developmental stages, but it will reach an EOL which will mark it's addition into the world itself. As of right now, the planned EOL is the Christmas Update 2024.
    • James Strawberry's Avatar
      James Strawberry
      June 17, 2024, 9:57 pm to Public
      there may be a pizzaplex+ ngl totally not happening lol bro actually got tricked hahaha
    • James Strawberry's Avatar
      James Strawberry
      June 16, 2024, 3:38 pm to Public
      Hello everybody! I am back with yet another announcement relating to RealmBlox. So, as a small birthday gift to myself (July 2nd) I will be uploading the July Update early every year. This year is going to be likely full of changes in the original schedule due to this being the first year this is being implemented for RB. So, as a quick reminder, and this will be specified on the release schedule page being added to the RealmBlox Download Centre, this is the schedule of updates as of now:

      Christmas Update - December 25th
      February Update - February 1st
      March Update - March 1st
      April Update - April 1st
      May Update - May 1st
      June Update - June 1st
      July Update - June 25th
      August Update - August 1st
      September Update - September 1st
      October Update - October 1st
      November Update - November 1st
      December Update - December 4th

      and then you cycle back as the "Christmas" updates are considered January updates. The "December" update is scheduled to the 4th because on the 2nd is my brother's birthday and before that is Thanksgiving, so on the 4th will always be December updates. Changes may be made to this schedule as time goes on, but as of now, this is the schedule.
    • James Strawberry's Avatar
      James Strawberry
      June 12, 2024, 5:49 pm to Public
      I have some spoilers for the next update of RealmBlox. Heres a hint:

      1002 11 rebmetpeS
      .etadpU yluJ eht on eb lliw tI .kaeps ew sa xelpmoc CTW eritne eht gnidliuber ma I
    • James Strawberry's Avatar
      James Strawberry
      June 8, 2024, 7:23 pm to Public
      So, back in a yesteryear (2019, really my guy) I was actually quite obsessed with FNaF. In the process, I wrote a series of books. "books". The title was FNABB, or Five Nights at Blood Bonnies, having no relation really to the idea of FNaF or any FNaF books. Infact at that point I don't even think I had read a FNaF book. Nowadays, these files are lost to time unfortunately. But, a recent discoverys has brought back a small spark to rewrite it. Of course, it was shit back then. Since then, I've gotten into poetry as well. Learning how to write better poetry I do hope has somewhat improved my "book" writing skills. Now, where would this be hosted? There... there isn't really a good place ON PlanetMinecraft itself nor does it really fit on the RB Download Centre. But, one could argue the, what is now referred to as RB0, or The Birch House World, this was relevant. Now, you may be wondering if you are new, what is this "RB0" and why is it called "RB0" and not "RB1"? Well, RealmBlox wasn't a thing in 2019. The original name was the Birch House world. Simple. It was a birch house, that multiple people would live in. Creative, of course. FNABB related back to this in a way, and even inspired some aspects of the world. Now, this world is lost to time, but that doesn't stop me from taking old images of it and uh... rebuilding it. :). There are multiple iterations, and RB0 will be added (at some point) to the RB Download Centre. So now, with this new pair of glasses on, rose coloured of course, does FNABB fit on the RB Download Centre? Sure! Why not? I will be following my original chapters / book markers, featuring 4 total "books". Now these will not, in any way, be formatted in a book format unless I find a way to. Anyway this is a small update, and there are some big plans for the current version of RB. Such as merging some more aspects of RB3 May into the world and even a never before seen version of RB4, prior to "RB2 RES (RealmBlox2 Restoration)" becoming RB4, the ORIGINAL plan. Its quite a cool mountain and it will add to RB. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy what is soon to come (hopefully), and at the July Update we should have these additions made to RB.

      Little spoiler: the birch house very well might make an appearance.
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