Fawne's Avatar
feels like heaven; feels like hell
  • T R A D I N G P O S T

    Tini Yellow Rose S T A T U S Tini Yellow Rose
    F2U | Flower Leaf Bullet
    C O M M I S S I O N S open
    R E Q U E S T S closed
    T R A D E S open
    C O L L A B S open

    x R E Q U E S T • F O R M x
    THEME : give a theme (for example, autumn)
    STYLE : masc, femme, or androgynous
    SKIN TONE : pale, medium, tanned
    EYE COLOR : be specific (for example, pastel blue)
    TOP : be specific and include colors (top includes shirts, jackets, dresses, etc.)
    BOTTOM : be specific and include colors (bottom includes pants, shorts, jeans, etc.)
    ACCESSORIES : be specific and include colors (accessories include, choker, bow, shoes, socks, etc.)
    STEVE OR ALEX : choose your model of choice
    HAIRSTYLE : be specific (short and curly, long and straight, long braided, etc.)
    HAIR COLOR(S) : be specific (example very dark brown)
    OTHER : anything extra


    Peach Divider (F2U)

  • P I R A T E • P E R M I T

    Tini Yellow Rose F A W N E Tini Yellow Rose
    F2U | Flower Leaf Bullet
    she/her the sun gemini
    onion witch

    *i created skintober and have never given anyone permission to copy it*
    *please credit/link back to me!*

    Pushing Daisies | Deco Divider

    Tini Yellow Rose I N F O Tini Yellow Rose
    F2U | Flower Leaf Bullet
    I only post a skin about once every month so here are some of my interests instead:
    K-POP (F(X) & SNSD)

    Tini Yellow Rose O C S Tini Yellow Rose
    F2U | Flower Leaf Bullet
    Fawne xx
    Andrelf xx
    Neera xx
    Aria xx
    Valerie xx

    Pushing Daisies | Deco Divider

    ~ C R E D I T S ~

  • T R E A S U R E

    Tini Yellow Rose S U P P O R T Tini Yellow Rose
    F2U | Flower Leaf Bullet
    x M Y • S T A M P x
    pick ur poison (all made by Noo2)

    x S T A M P S x

    Tini Yellow Rose F A N S T U F F S Tini Yellow Rose
    F2U | Flower Leaf Bullet
    If I've forgotten you, please do tell!
    x O T H E R x

    F2U|Decor|Gogoriki Background

    [Peachy] Bow
  • Subscribers

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  • Subscriptions

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  • Wall Posts

    • Fawne's Avatar
      July 8, 2024, 8:20 pm to Public
      hey now
      hey wow
      here's how
      come and read
      ✨between the lions✨
    • Fawne's Avatar
      July 4, 2024, 12:30 pm to Public
      annual reminder to BE MINDFUL when firing fireworks!! Not just for pets but for people with PTSD or sensitivity issues as well, or if you just live in a bad neighborhood!

      here's a short story: one year during july 4th, someone decided to shoot at our house. not fireworks, bullets. from a gun. we had almost no idea because of the fireworks going on outside. we also don't know who did it, so they could still be out there and it's a real fear that it'll happen again.

      be mindful, respectful, considerate, and have fun!
      ziggy like stardust said 2024-07-04 15:12:25
      ziggy like stardust's Avatar
      On New Years this one house kept their howling and screaming dog outside during the fireworks, it was heartbreaking. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it again this year. We're out of city limits so people go crazy with the fireworks, despite the HOAs telling everyone to not shoot fireworks. I just really hate fireworks, they cause so much pollution, pets run away, people with PTSD suffer(hi, me included)
      prairie rose said 2024-07-04 14:29:56
      prairie rose's Avatar
      Well said - I'm fortunate enough in the UK to not have gunshot worries, but it can still be stressful, especially when it's going on and on. Fireworks are pretty to look at, but I have always hated the noise.
      Papa Enny replied to Fawne's comment below 2024-07-04 14:29:37
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      some even fire them before the allowed time or after, which would be annoying
      Fawne replied to Papa Enny's comment below 2024-07-04 12:48:46
      Fawne's Avatar
      my cats are terrified of fireworks too :(( i get so sad seeing them stressed out, and theres no way its healthy, especially not for senior/sick animals.
      Papa Enny said 2024-07-04 12:44:27
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      On new year, my dogs were in panic, my duck too, yet my cat who slept next to the duck slept like nothing happened.
      Some years before, my dogs had even peed from fear. So be careful
    • Fawne's Avatar
      Fawne shared Kirigiri's post
      July 1, 2024, 10:40 am with Public
      Kirigiri's Avatar
      June 30, 2024, 8:23 pm to Public
      Hi there do you like Ponies, Horses and Cool hats?

      if your answer was yes to any of the above questions then you should join the Axolotl Unions BRAND NEW JAM to celebrate our re-re-re opening

      also if you answered no to any of these questions you should still join

      the jam will last for 20 days and is themed around a day at the races, so design a fancy race themed skin, and after the event ends all participants are invited to come and join us for a day at the races on a specially built minecraft server!

      So join today! and may the 'Lotl be ever in your favour!

      >>>CLICK HERE TO JOIN<<<

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    • Fawne's Avatar
      June 27, 2024, 9:50 am to Public
      hey folks, it's about that time again when i ask the community what theme they'd like to see for this year's skintober. ik it's pretty early, but i'm giving myself some time to think up some good prompts and also make the bingo board :)) last year's theme was 'astrology'

      - all about autumn: general autumn themed prompts (ex. pumpkin, marshmallow, bonfire)

      - magical minecraft: halloweeny minecraft prompts to celebrate the 15th anni (ex. void, enchanted, wither)

      - myths and monsters: cryptids and classic monster prompts (ex. mothman, banshee, zombie)

      - halloween horror nights: prompts that take inspiration from iconic halloween/horror films (ex. goosebumps, leather, misery)

      - jumpscares and jukes: prompts that take inspiration from iconic horror video games (ex. nightmares, dawn, biohazard)

      - oops! all hex codes: prompts where each square is a specific color you must use in a skin (ex. #c71a28, #baff6b, #402b4d)

      (titles and examples given are not finalized, i literally just came up w/ them for the post)

      & ofc, feel free to suggest other themes!!
      dokodemo said 2024-06-28 13:45:41
      dokodemo's Avatar
      myths and monsters and jumpscares and jukes sounds great :0
      prairie rose said 2024-06-28 05:28:27
      prairie rose's Avatar
      A mix of autumn and myths/monsters would be good!
      Yuffies said 2024-06-27 22:15:55
      Yuffies's Avatar
      i think combining the horror nights and jumpscares categories could be fun :)) I love myths and monsters and all about autumn as well!


      (sorry this comment isn't much help in choosing :,)
      Kaos_Kitten replied to Fawne's comment below 2024-06-27 19:00:45
      Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
      yeah i knew prettymuch that would be the case lmao.
      honestly it might be worth making a forum post with a poll and then choosing the most popular one if you cant decide, they're all such good themes/ideas
      enfyys said 2024-06-27 13:33:12
      enfyys's Avatar
      myths and monsters sounds awesome !
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    • Fawne's Avatar
      June 26, 2024, 1:23 pm to Public
      fawne fact: i love nonograms
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