EnderB_C_'s Avatar
Level 43
Master Procrastinator

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  • sniffercraft34's Avatar
    sniffercraft34 posted to guest book of EnderB_C_'s AvatarEnderB_C_
    July 9, 2024, 2:18 pm to Public
    I love torturable healthbars so much! Since actual healthbars are considered cheating, this makes a nice alternative. I especially love TH with FA!
    sniffercraft34 replied to EnderB_C_'s comment below 2024-07-10 12:10:59
    sniffercraft34's Avatar
    EnderB_C_ replied to sniffercraft34's comment below 2024-07-10 03:13:48
    EnderB_C_'s Avatar

    Wait did you just diamond and favorite all my projects?
    sniffercraft34 replied to EnderB_C_'s comment below 2024-07-10 03:05:55
    sniffercraft34's Avatar
    I don't use curseforge either
    EnderB_C_ said 2024-07-10 02:58:52
    EnderB_C_'s Avatar
    Thank you! Makes me happy someone likes my pack that much to say they love it.

    If it were me, i'd say i hate it. I want other things of mine become more popular than that, but i guess such a quality of life as TH can only be surpassed by a bigger quality of life, therefore we have now Wall climbers, that i even put on curseforge for that, and that was my worst mistake in my opinion
  • JoBro742's Avatar
    JoBro742 posted to guest book of EnderB_C_'s AvatarEnderB_C_
    July 3, 2024, 12:29 pm to Public
    I made this drawing!!!!
    EnderB_C_ said 2024-07-03 16:08:05
    EnderB_C_'s Avatar
    That's so random I'll just make it into an Easter egg and put it somewhere in my packs or in my upcoming datapacks
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