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Level 50
Grandmaster Crab

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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared anonpmc3215418's post
    August 5, 2023, 7:40 pm with Public
    Verse 1
    Feeling the waves of excitement, I'm ready to take a dive
    Standing on the edge of the diving boardz, I'm about to take the leap of my life
    My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, but I'm ready to take the plunge
    I'm gonna take a leap of faith and prove that I can overcome

    I'm gonna jump off the diving boardz, I'm gonna take the risk
    No fear in my heart, no hesitation, I'm gonna make this my bliss
    Diving head first towards the unknown, believing in destiny
    The diving boardz will be my launchpad, towards my ultimate victory

    Verse 2
    The sun is setting, the sky is glowing, its time to take the dive
    No more fear or hesitation, I'm ready to take the ride
    My heart is ready, my mind is strong, I'm gonna do this right
    I'm gonna take a leap of faith and show the world my might

    I'm gonna jump off the diving boardz, I'm gonna take the risk
    No fear in my heart, no hesitation, I'm gonna make this my bliss
    Diving head first towards the unknown, believing in destiny
    The diving boardz will be my launchpad, towards my ultimate victory
    Original post was deleted by the original poster. Post ID (667421)
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared DreamWanderer's post
    June 11, 2023, 11:26 pm with Public
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    June 11, 2023, 5:43 pm to Public
    Took me a few minutes to find one that would work here on PMC :)
    Like doing these sometimes, for some reason

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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared Shire12's post
    June 5, 2023, 5:43 pm with Public
    Shire12's Avatar
    June 5, 2023, 11:14 am to Public
    im gonna sound so narky with this post lol but considering we are 5 days into June I wanna say I’m used to seeing weirdly casual homophobia on this site sometimes and I don’t know why I see so much of it here . of all places . a minecraft fansite . but nonetheless I ask you cishets to pleeeeeeeeeeeze be nice this june if you’re nice I will give you a lollipop and happy gayness month guys 💥 ant army go 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜 im going to try and be more active now my exams are all done and the summer holidays are imminent
    edit: OH AND ALSO if u see any bad posts pls report them cause arguing just makes you angrier . I’ve learnt my lesson o7777
    edit 2: WTF ITS AROMANTIC VISIBILITY DAY yay . also it is the 19th death day of Ronald Reagan
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared Prince Ren's post
    June 1, 2023, 6:23 pm with Public
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    Prince Ren
    June 1, 2023, 3:37 pm to Public
    It's pride month, sooooo

    Be sure to educate yourself (using trusted sources)!
    If you're planning on saying anything more than just "Happy pride month", be sure to think about what you're saying and do research (educate yourself).
    Uneducated opinions and content (posts, comments, etc.) can come off as homophobic, even if you're not.

    And remember; there are many different ways to support 2SLGBTQIA+ people. Usually, when people mention "support", they mean you wouldn't disown or kick out a family member or stop being friends with someone (or other similar situations), for specifically being within the community - they also mean you support that they have human rights.

    Saying you do not support the community can come off as homophobic (doesn't mean it always is), even if you don't intend for it to be. The reason why it can come off that way is due to how support (mentioned above) is often viewed. For example, it can seem like you would disown or kick out a family member, stop being friends with someone for the sole reason of them being in the community, and are against the idea of them having human rights.

    In conclusion:
    - Please be sure to educate yourself.
    - There are many different ways to support the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, but when people mention just support, they often mean basic human rights + respect.
    - Saying you don't support the community can come off as homophobic (it doesn't mean it is or was meant to be, but it can seem that way), so be careful and aware of the words you use.

    This post will (hopefully) make certain things more...clear. I've seen a lot of arguments about this (support) and it's quite upsetting. Be respectful and kind to everyone; arguments get you nowhere.
    Report those who are actively breaking PMC rules and guidelines.
    Block people instead of arguing with them (you can always unblock them later).

    Stay safe everyone.

    (and now i go back to my sleepy corner and rest :pensive: gn)
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared PsioPsia001's post
    May 31, 2023, 3:51 pm with Public
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    May 31, 2023, 1:56 pm to Public
    /serious post/
    Tomorrow the Pride Month starts, the month of LGBTQIA+ community.
    Some people do not support LGBT for different reasons. I have a request for them: respect others. There are people on the "other side of the screen" - even if you disagree with them, don't spread hate. Let people be themselves - you can't and shouldn't change them.
    For some people PMC is the only place where they can express themselves.

    Enjoy the June
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared Prince Ren's post
    May 28, 2023, 11:33 am with Public
    Prince Ren's Avatar
    Prince Ren
    May 28, 2023, 11:15 am to Public
    Pride month is coming up and some people tend to be quite homophobic, so...

    If you see any homophobic (including: biphobia, transphobia, acephobia and any other form of discrimination...) content, report it or block the person and move on; don't engage! Engaging will only make things more difficult, and we should take the staff members recent (~last few weeks or so) wall posts/advice into consideration.

    Involving yourself with negativity/discrimination isn't healthy, so please avoid it if you can. If not, please try to find a safe(r) space for yourself.
    If you're being harassed, blocking and reporting is the best course of action.

    Spreading positivity, as well as making a safe place, is a good way of dealing with negativity. Please remember, aguing will not help here; this is a minecraft social site, not a place for heated and negative discussions.

    And, on a happier note... Happy (almost) Pride Month! ♡♡ 🌈 🏳️‍🌈

    Stay safe out there, friends. Respect & support those around you. ♡ !!
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    April 29, 2023, 7:01 pm to Public
    I know this is a Minecraft fansite, but please watch my video of me playing Among Us.

    (also voice reveal)

  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    April 21, 2023, 1:12 am to Public
    last year, when i looked at my posts from a year ago, i cringed, but now, looking at my posts from then, i smile

    EDIT: my posts from before i changed my name to crab viii are cringe
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    April 18, 2023, 3:00 am to Public
    It's kinda nice being inactive. I like how when I go on this site and scroll through wall posts, I don't feel the urge to comment on every controversial post.
    yoshiciao said 2023-04-18 09:32:26
    yoshiciao's Avatar
    me asf
    Northcoast said 2023-04-18 06:43:27
    Northcoast's Avatar
    It can be difficult to add anything of value to a hot take post, especially if there's already a swarm of people swatting it down
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    April 1, 2023, 8:34 pm to Public
    diving boardz replied to anonpmc4047761's comment below 2023-04-02 14:37:35
    diving boardz's Avatar
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    April 1, 2023, 7:21 pm to Public
    Not actually back, just logging in bc PMC April Fools are always fun
    (also changed my username from crab viii to diving boardz for consistancy)
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    November 2, 2022, 8:37 pm to Public
    I'm leaving PMC, at least for a year, if not more. I haven't been motivated to make skins for half a year and drama on this website has become increasingly common.
    AkioHiro said 2022-11-04 11:33:38
    AkioHiro's Avatar
    Enjoy your time off!
    aquarine said 2022-11-03 08:48:41
    aquarine's Avatar
    you'll be missed! have a good life mate
    Lxnacorn said 2022-11-02 22:04:34
    Lxnacorn's Avatar
    Sad to see ya go, your work was lovely.
    Hope life treats you well!
    Tzyber said 2022-11-02 21:06:50
    Tzyber's Avatar
    You will be missed <3
    spookyshxdow said 2022-11-02 20:58:02
    spookyshxdow's Avatar
    Take care <3
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 21, 2022, 11:15 am to Public
    If anyone wants to see me while I'm on break, follow me on Webtoon!! If you do, please tell me your username on Webtoon.
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 21, 2022, 10:47 am to Public
    I think I'll take another break from this site.
    aquarine said 2022-10-21 11:17:40
    aquarine's Avatar
    have a good break mate!
    Tzyber said 2022-10-21 10:48:29
    Tzyber's Avatar
    Yk what?
    I don't blame you lol

    Enjoy your break!
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz shared sonderrr's post
    October 19, 2022, 4:55 pm with Public
    sonderrr's Avatar
    October 19, 2022, 4:09 pm to Public
    I'm back for an urgent message:

    be as gay as you damn well want to be on this website and display ur lgbtq status since it seems like some certain people want you to hide yourself away to 'protect' children, which fyi, I found out I wasn't cis thanks to this website. as an underage person. so much harm done :eyeroll:
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 15, 2022, 12:20 am to Public
    aaaa idk which mob to vote for
    I like the rascal for its function
    But I like the sniffer for lore
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 14, 2022, 1:13 am to Public
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 13, 2022, 7:02 pm to Public
  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 11, 2022, 3:00 pm to Public
    What do you think my irl name is?
    AkioHiro said 2022-10-11 17:19:02
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    aquarine said 2022-10-11 15:32:05
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    casey? ray? maybe scott idek
    boing_e said 2022-10-11 15:25:35
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    pluckpi said 2022-10-11 15:15:32
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  • diving boardz's Avatar
    diving boardz
    October 10, 2022, 12:59 am to Public
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