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Level 63
High Grandmaster Sweetheart

Wall Post by canday

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  • canday's Avatar
    July 5, 2021, 2:22 pm to Public
    SO today I posted a sailor moon skin which fully checks off my entire bucket list over four years of being on PMC. Over the past few months I’ve been basically absent on PMC and I’d like to give you guys a kind of, I’d say, closure. As fun as it’s been, I think it’s finally time for me to go :,)

    To the friends I’ve met:
    I’ve had a truly wonderful experience on PMC- all because i really couldn’t have met cooler friends through this site. You’ve given me so much support and so much kindness. Just thank you all so much. It’s been an incredible ride and I couldn’t thank you all enough. I’ve grown so much as a person and an artist. You’re all amazing people and I hope you enjoy the rest of your lives c:

    To the people that care enough to read this:
    Ahaha thank you guys. I never thought I’d ever reach anywhere good on PMC, much less be anything inspirational to people. But I’m glad to have been here and I’m glad to have given the teen skin community some weird noisy skins pFf-
    I’ve found other focuses and I really just don’t feel the urge to do anything with PMC anymore. As sentimental as i feel about it, the charm is gone as well as my time for it. But the journey was fun and I thank you for it <3 the sweetness and lovely comments I’ve received are too wholesome

    Anyway, I’m sure I’ll dawdle around posting my art on twitter and instagram and from time to time I’ll answer some DMs on PMC.

    BEfore I go, you guys should go check out HTT_Ayv4's datapack that is literally more high effort than anything I’ve done. Yes, I will shamelessly plug this right now. genuinely the datapack is epic- fully functional pew pew and crabs that go nom

    hope you guys have fun :)
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    Fishkiss said 2021-07-05 18:46:19
    Fishkiss's Avatar
    bye candayy :((
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