canday's Avatar
Level 63
High Grandmaster Sweetheart

Wall Post by canday

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  • canday's Avatar
    December 25, 2020, 7:42 pm to Public
    merry merry merry christmas guys
    i hope you all enjoy your holiday season :)

    this is gonna be a long post so tldr: secret santa is over freedom at last, new art, discord server

    I'd just like to plug a great event that turned out a lot better than I expected with 89ish people :,0:
    just take a little bit of time out of your day to scroll through these epic gifts and support the people that spent time making these presents ;U;

    on the other hand, I made a discord server (which right now is in secret santa mode) but if you want to join here's the link:
    I'm thinking I'll probably actually put updates there so if you like seeing my art/half made skins get on that discord link lmao

    art blog:
    (kinda takes 8 years to load but you can pick and choose which spoilers to click)

    kind of a massive art blog update I say 16 new bits and pieces is pretty good for me because of how little I draw consistently xd
    anyway massive digital painting improvements

    thanks for reading this far <3
    have a great holiday season :)
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    canday replied to Auri's comment below 2020-12-31 10:57:42
    canday's Avatar
    4 days late buT term has been playing 2077 and its his character from cyberpunk :)
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