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  • About me!

    Greetings, I'm Harlow! I'm just freelancer on internet specially minecraft bedrock edition. well, that's where I was mostly.

    Most of my projects are passionate, and completely free (with term of service because I don't really like people taking my stuff without asking permissions) and aswell I make 0 money or monetize out of it. so, it'll gonna be direct to github page.

    Harlow's (Arcdustry) public discord server.

    I hope you have a nice day!
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    • Arxance's Avatar
      January 15, 2024, 5:55 am to Public
      DEVAMPED Blocks development are restarting.

      what does that mean? well, I'm starting the block section from scratch, I know that's difficult decision but honestly it needs to be.

      "what's wrong with it?"
      Due to very limited color palette I use (usually 4 maximum), the aesthetic doesn't go very well. as some couple blocks were rushed, or just does not fit with environments. as I played minecraft with this nearly everyday and I couldn't tell myself what's need to be changed.

      I wanted this texture pack to be finished and refined much as I could, unfortunately my motivation doesn't want to go anywhere so, we're starting all over again and skipping 0.5-alpha to 0.6-alpha entirely starting now.

      Java Edition Port are once again delayed, though not exactly. I'll try my best to port both bedrock and java when some textures are done.

      Until then, expect some 0.6-alpha update about few days as there's things needed to be done

      Note here that - only blocks are affected, another like items and models stuff are unaffected, but we'll see.
    • Arxance's Avatar
      December 7, 2023, 5:57 am to Public
      This week there'll be no any activities or development to nearly all of my project for a week.

      well, taking a little week break for awhile, also feels kinda sick too. here's the actual reason.

      My mental health seems to be eh, back of a issue now. since I constantly working things like DEVAMPED and several group projects at one, which yeah sure might slow down some developments and updates but the stress I'm getting is quite concerning. I know this happened to me before many times, so I decided to stop doing anything for a week to heal up my insanity.

      In the meantime, I might work on DEVAMPED for little bit.
      and happy christmas.
    • Arxance's Avatar
      October 29, 2023, 4:44 pm to Public
      updates for devamped is out.

      Alots of changes like new stone and fixed cobblestone tiling issues and stuff aswell bought back the old DEVAMPED logo because most of people seems to like that one the most.

      I might change DEVAMPED logo into something again in the future if I can, kinda lame but that's alternative for now.

      While halloween is tomorrow, go have fun for it atleast. nonetheless, my birthday is exactly next to halloween which, Nov 1. about 2 days from this post.
      BlazingVic925 said 2023-11-01 18:07:26
      BlazingVic925's Avatar
      happy birthday
    • Arxance's Avatar
      October 24, 2023, 5:50 am to Public
      DEVAMPED has now reached 5k downloads on PlanetMinecraft and 2k shares on MCPEDL.

      oh wow, didn't know that this becomes reality as this project was just some mock off texture pack but hey, here we are, we made this far.

      thanks for trying the pack out, suggesting things and pointing out which texture should be improved and much more. DEVAMPED might've been some weird pack out there without y'all.

      Now, hopefully. since it was my hobby project, I'm looking to spend more time making textures for it soon. so, for this one. I'm now going many textures and stuff as possible I can on this next update.

      as for now, have fun!
    • Arxance's Avatar
      September 30, 2023, 9:42 pm to Public
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