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Wall Post by Adrestio

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  • Adrestio's Avatar
    May 24, 2024, 11:50 pm to Public

    Oi! A reminder to y’all, IF someone on the site has encroached into PMs or into the comments and begins slandering your beliefs, please let one of us Site Moderators know and we will handle it. This doesn’t just apply in June. We would rather avoid wallposts stirring up more drama or constantly preaching and rather sharing excitement.

    Focus on celebrating pride with your awesome submissions and we will get rid of the unnecessary hate. Same with someone celebrating Juneteenth or Eid Al-Adha, no hate is ever necessary.

    alright buh-bye. Much love. <3

    Adrestio replied to LightFiendish's comment below 2024-05-25 21:58:01
    Adrestio's Avatar
    Explained very well.
    LightFiendish replied to Darkfap's comment below 2024-05-25 18:05:54
    LightFiendish's Avatar
    oooh i get it. so you're not being hateful towards the people themselves, you're just hating the fact that they are gay or any other aspect of LGBTQ. funny thing is, that's still hate and homophobia.
    Palaeos replied to Darkfap's comment below 2024-05-25 17:13:44
    Palaeos's Avatar
    It is not exclusively Christians who are homophobic, nor is it true that all Christians are homophobic. This is not the platform for anyone to try and convert anyone else to their religion nor is it the place to put the burden of your beliefs onto someone else. This is especially but not exclusively true during pride month. If you go to a person posting about their pride in their identity and post about how wrong that is in the eyes of God, that is hateful and homophobic plain and simple. We will not tolerate it and will remove this kind of behavior when we see it.
    Darkfap said 2024-05-25 11:57:32
    Darkfap's Avatar
    I'd like to say that most of us Christian users aren't being "hateful to LGBTQ". We love them, and are trying to get them to change their decisions to glorify God. Remember, God wiped out Sodom and Gomorra in part because of the population being LGBTQ. Now, I wouldn't say we should get up in someone's face like "hey. don't be gay" (even though we should), but we aren't trying to be homophobic.
    Cirxett replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-05-25 07:59:48
    Cirxett's Avatar
    I only have potatoes tho...
    Silabear replied to Karrfis's comment below 2024-05-25 05:37:12
    Silabear's Avatar
    Skill issue
    Karrfis replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-05-25 04:42:10
    Karrfis's Avatar
    i was eating those beans, are you insane
    Silabear said 2024-05-25 04:30:55
    Silabear's Avatar
    alternatively you have full permission to throw baked beans at them
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