_Phantasm's Avatar
He/Him | Site Moderator
Level 54
Grandmaster Lego Builder

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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    _Phantasm shared Escapazition's post
    February 20, 2024, 3:16 pm with Public
    1. Terraria. (Garry's Mod is a close second)

    2. DOOM. Rip and tear!

    3. Drawn to Life / Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter on Nintendo DS.

    4. Undertale. I liked the game and it's fine if anyone else liked it too but I just think it's a little overrated.

    5. Java. It's just what I'm used to.

    6. Sea of Thieves. I despised its PVP and seemed pretty aimless but thanks to its new mode that makes a separate PVE server possible, I'm probably going to try it again soon.

    7. PC. I've been investing more time on console but PC is my personal preference since that's where most of my games are.

    8. The first games I remember playing are Wii Sports and Mario Kart Wii. Let's just say I grew up with a Wii and a DS and not much else.

    9. God of War 2 on PS2.

    10. Super Mario RPG; the Switch remake. A lot of other games apply to this but this is my current priority.
    Escapazition's Avatar
    February 18, 2024, 2:05 pm to Public
    Well, let's see how far this goes. I'm gunna try a trend post of my own. Share this pot with your answers to these gaming related questions,

    1. What is your favorite game?ο»Ώ
    2. What is your favorite game franchise?
    3. What's the most underrated game you've played?
    4. What's the most overrated game you've played?
    5. Minecraft Java or Minecraft Bedrock?
    6. What's a game you didn't like, but have come back around to?
    7. Do you prefer console or PC?
    8. Do you remember the first game you ever played?
    9. What are you currently playing/have played recently?
    10. What's a game you want to play, but haven't yet?

    Okay, Now here's my answerers to the questions.

    1. Super Mario All Stars - One of the best remakes ever made and includes one of the best games ever made.
    2. WarioWare - I have a thing for fast-paced, pick up and play games.
    3. Sonic and the Black Knight - No, it's not just because of the story, I genuinely like the gameplay.
    4. Donkey Kong Country - Don't get me wrong, the newer games are great, but this first one is just really janky.
    5. Bedrock - I hate Java's controls.
    6. Sonic Colors - It's actually a very interesting story that I don't have time for, but the short version is I didn't like it until I played all three versions back to back.
    7. Console - I play some games on PC, but I always try console first.
    8. It's actually Super Mario Bros. on an actual NES, that or Halo 2.
    9. I'm currently playing Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. - I really liked the first game, but this one absolutely clears it.
    10. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I'm going to play it. I know I'm going to play it... I just don't know when.

    Thanks for reading!
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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    February 14, 2024, 9:30 pm to Public
    Just posted two more remakes of skins I originally made years ago. Would you be so kind as to check them out?

    Moon Lord (Terraria) - originally posted in 2018

    Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal) - originally posted in 2016

    I might continue this trend and remake more of my older content. We'll see where this goes.
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    December 26, 2023, 1:42 pm to Public
    I'm still questioning how this is my most popular skin... so I remade it

  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    November 29, 2023, 10:54 pm to Public
    Minibabu said 2023-11-30 01:26:15
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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    August 17, 2023, 7:29 pm to Public
    It looks like I've been given a...

    Sailven replied to IGEBM's comment below 2023-08-24 18:35:59
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    IGEBM replied to Sailven's comment below 2023-08-24 18:27:37
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    They were promoted from a Chat Moderator to a Site Moderator
    JustaFlqmingo said 2023-08-18 18:19:08
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
    woo cg!! ( I think I was first to say it hehehe)
    AvatarKage said 2023-08-18 00:14:35
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    Sailven said 2023-08-17 22:02:16
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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    July 26, 2023, 9:23 pm to Public
    I made a Discord server a long while back for me and my friends to hang out, and I would like to expand it to some extent. If I were to post an invite link or display it as a widget here on my profile, would any of you want to join?
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    July 13, 2023, 4:27 am to Public
    my birthday's tomorrow

    forgot to tell you guys

    oops lol
    MerBatPhan89 said 2023-07-13 09:30:39
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Happy early birthday!!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
    WhisperOfTheWild said 2023-07-13 06:40:47
    WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
    well happy birthday for tomorrow then!
    IGEBM said 2023-07-13 04:49:41
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Happy early birthday!
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    May 18, 2023, 5:06 pm to Public

  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    December 19, 2022, 9:52 pm to Public
    Finally changed my profile banner.

    It's more of a placeholder, since I really want to get better at image editing and digital art (and make sure my Wacom tablet I had to purchase for school doesn't just sit collecting dust)

    If anyone's wondering what the source of the image is, it's a level from an isometric puzzle game called Monument Valley, which is one of my favorite games of all time. Go play it! It's on Steam AND iOS/Android! And no, I wasn't paid to say that.
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    October 31, 2022, 10:37 pm to Public

    CL1CK H3R3!!!1!!! (or don't, idc lol)
    Hello_there__ said 2022-11-01 18:27:28
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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    July 14, 2022, 1:34 pm to Public
    happe birth.dae 2 me

    AvatarKage said 2022-07-14 19:30:14
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    PufferFishGuy_22 said 2022-07-14 15:15:38
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hAppy bday ML lol ooooh nice cake
    MerBatPhan89 said 2022-07-14 13:40:55
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    All right! Happy birthday my fellow Autist! πŸ™‚
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    July 10, 2022, 6:58 am to Public
    4 days until my obligatory "is mah birfday" wallpost with no emotion whatsoever (in other words, my birthday is in four days lolol)
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    March 22, 2022, 3:27 pm to Public
    Mhyad_mhdmutasim said 2022-04-15 05:09:35
    Mhyad_mhdmutasim's Avatar
    this is annoying tbh
    JadeFire170 said 2022-03-22 17:17:03
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    This is gold
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    November 25, 2021, 9:14 pm to Public
    So, what are/were you thankful for today? :)
    Papa Enny said 2023-06-21 17:35:56
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    for my animals
    Ender The Oneiros said 2021-11-25 22:45:25
    Ender The Oneiros's Avatar
    The amazing baked mac&cheese my grandma makes every year to go along with the delicious turkey
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    _Phantasm shared dreamCritting's post
    August 12, 2021, 5:03 pm with Public
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    August 11, 2021, 6:00 am to Public
    Please watch this video. It explains why adfly is highly unsafe. This video is was made in 2016, adfly is even worse now in 2021, people need to stop using it, it's already banned from being linked in new posts anywhere on PMC and has been since early this year, but some people still ask for it to be whitelisted and still think it's safe to use in downloads

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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    July 14, 2021, 10:29 pm to Public
    so yeah it was my birthday today and i totally forgot to tell you guys. my bad
    SouthDakotaGirl said 2021-07-19 00:03:00
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    Happy (belated) Birthday!
    Girouette said 2021-07-15 17:46:14
    Girouette's Avatar
    okay boomer
    TrustyBiscuit_ said 2021-07-15 07:59:16
    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    Happy Birthday!
    Imaguy121 said 2021-07-15 07:42:39
    Imaguy121's Avatar
    Happy birthday! :D
    LadyBerry said 2021-07-15 02:49:07
    LadyBerry's Avatar
    Happy birthday! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰
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  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    April 12, 2021, 11:44 am to Public
    MoonAstraea said 2021-04-12 11:49:46
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    I love this
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    January 19, 2021, 9:20 pm to Public
    ok then

    Expertical said 2021-03-29 13:46:25
    Expertical's Avatar
    Cardinal System said 2021-01-21 13:08:55
    Cardinal System's Avatar
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    November 22, 2020, 3:57 pm to Public
    One of my favorite games from my childhood is getting a new installment. HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS SOONER?!

    NoodleRat said 2020-11-25 21:22:24
    NoodleRat's Avatar
    this is one of my all time favorite games how did Iο»Ώ not know about this sooner?!?
  • _Phantasm's Avatar
    _Phantasm shared DragonsDungeon's post
    October 4, 2020, 6:46 pm with Public
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    October 4, 2020, 5:11 pm to Public
    Welcome to another iteration of trending takeover, today we, the stream server, unveil our latest effort! The trending takeover project "Battle of our Boss Skins" is now available to the public's viewing (x This has been a long time coming, and I hope you'll enjoy all the fantastic skins provided by members of the stream server. To join a future project, join stream server! (The image contains an invite link!) Also check out the collection here!

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