This is a finalists jam were everything is purple! That's it! It just has to be purple! Participants and contributors vote.
  • About

    Welcome to the Purple Skin Jam!

    The only requirement is the skin has to be all purple! It can be different shades of purple but nothing else! White isn't even allowed, it HAS to be a light color of purple if you want white.

    Only standard skins. NO HD! it wont work. (I've done this by accident before)

    25% of entries are finalists!
    (May change depending on how much entries are published.)

    Participants vote!
  • Example

  • Jam Entries

    No entries yet.
  • Color Pallet

    Color Pallet For The Color Blind

    I made this for people who cant distinguish colors very well that still want to participate.

    You don't have to use this, I just made it for color blind people.
  • Jam Hosts

    TheBeast10918's Avatar
  • Guest Book

    Login or register to post to their guest book.
  • Wall Posts

    • Purple Skin Jam's Avatar
      Purple Skin Jam post by TheBeast10918's AvatarTheBeast10918
      June 7, 2024, 1:05 pm to Public
      I added a color pallet! you don't have to use it, I made it soully for the color blind people who want to participate. just download the image and import it as a reference I'mage in the PMC skin editor. I don't know how multiple color blindness works. the only one I understand is red green color blindness. so if you cant tell the center color apart from the purple, SORRY!

      again I don't encourage non colorblind people to use this pallet because it does not include that many shades of purple.
  • Jam Overview

    Entries will open on August 1 @ 9:00 pm UTC to October 23 @ 11:00 pm UTC
    Jam starts in

    Basic Summary

    Finalists Jam accepting Skins from participants.
    Accepts only standard resolution skins.

    Read the about for more information.


    Ranked by Participants - Submission uploader can vote on other entries.
    Entries can't be updated during the judge phase.
    83 day entry period.
    6 day review phase after the entry period.
    25% of entries ranked as finalists.
    9 day voting phase on finalists after the review period.

    Rating Criteria

    1. Creativity
      Rate how creative, unique and original the skin is.
      Rated 1 to 5
    2. Technuiqe
      Rate the level of skill put in to the skin.
      Rated 1 to 5
    3. Purpleness
      Rate how much shades of purple went into the skin and over all just how well the participant did with being limited to using one color.
      Rated 1 to 5


    First Place
    Second Place
    Third Place
  • Joined

    RustToaster's AvatarSuzune Horikita's AvatarJuillyoom's AvatarJanak's AvatarShapelessDreams's AvatarStickyCarl's AvatarPallu_sv's AvatarRockceratops's AvatarJCoolGamer10's AvatarLogMaiden's AvatarTheBeast10918's Avatar
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