I'ma have the best coggin' night of my life.
Voting on Ranked Jam for Texture Packs
Add something to the vanilla game by changing one texture.


Season Five - Cogs & Copper
(This name is only a page theme, not forced to stick to this theme when making packs.)

The One-Texture Vanilla Jam is a friendly competition that asks participants to modify a single texture file, this can be an entity, particles, GUI, or anything found inside the textures folder of Minecraft. The following are some guidelines and frequently asked questions.
  • What Can Be Altered? Your goal is to find a single texture in the files and change it, as long as it is under the texture files it is an acceptable alteration. However, while you should aim to only edit one texture, there are various exceptions, these are the following.
    1. Multiple Block Variants
    If a block has multiple sides which are different textures in the texture files, such as an oak log having top and side textures you can edit all of them for consistency, this also applies to particle sets, which may be edited and considered one texture. (Like all the cherry blossom leaf particles.)
    2. Item Textures
    Item textures, if you edit something like the brewing stand, that has both a block texture and an item texture you can do both, which will gain you extra points in one of the rating categories.
    3. Do Not Do These
    DO NOT edit multiple pieces of armor under one texture, this does not count towards something having multiple pieces, this also goes for anything GUI-related, you can pick one GUI texture, and any GUI bits found in this .png file can be edited.

  • What Should You Be Trying To Make? The primary goal is to make something that feels in line with other vanilla items while still adding to the base game, this may seem difficult, but it has been done prior. For example the following packs. (These are in no way owned by One-Texture)
    1. Homunculus84’s Shulker Mailboxes
    Homunculus84’s Shulker Mailboxes are a great example of this, adding something new, a mailbox, while changing only a shulker box.
    2. AZ12G’s Lucky Shotguns
    AZ12G’s Lucky Shotguns is another fantastic example, it changes the crossbow to a shotgun, while still fitting the vanilla aesthetic, and adding essentially a new weapon.
    3. Garrafa_De_Cloro’s Watering Can
    Garrafa_de_cloro’s Watering Can changes the water bucket to a cute watering can that still has the same function as the bucket, but changes the way its perceived in game!

  • How Should You Post Your Texture Pack? The texture pack should be compatible with whatever the most recent version is, as that is how they will be viewed, they should be tested in vanilla, not requiring Optifine, and preferably on the Java edition of Minecraft, though if need be, Bedrock is acceptable. Make sure the file is empty apart from the required files and edited texture(s).
  • "Something Extra" Category Clarification? The “something extra” category encompasses various things, these are primarily the following.
    1. Extra Textures
    Extra textures such as the second side of a log, or an item texture will give you points in this category, also if your texture pack has variated blocks that work with vanilla, this also counts in this category.
    2. Sounds
    Sound additions such as new passive sounds for a sheep also count towards extra rating points in this category.
    3. Item Names
    Changing the name of an item to match what it now is, such as changing your water bucket to a watering can. (This is by far the easiest way to score points in this category.)

- Anything not listed here can be asked in the guest book section, which sees responses relatively quickly. -

With all that said, welcome to Season Five, these Jams will take place quite frequently and will always have the same concept. Good luck, and we hope to see you with some snazzy profile trophies!

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