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  • Ch4se_b4ker's Avatar
    Ch4se_b4ker posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    July 11, 2024, 9:46 am to Public
    May I join please
  • chibicat668's Avatar
    chibicat668 posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    June 12, 2024, 3:10 pm to Public
    can I join I don't know how to make a blog so here quotev.com/story/16587964/Ein-x-pierce
  • cinnqmonn's Avatar
    cinnqmonn posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    May 5, 2024, 9:38 am to Public
    hello (:
    can i join please? <3
    Angelonasher said 2024-05-19 15:49:40
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    Yep! I've sent you the invite
  • EccentricEremite's Avatar
    EccentricEremite posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    April 30, 2024, 11:24 pm to Public
    Hey, may I join? I probably won't do much, but I might try and put some of my thoughts and advice on writing out here to see if they help anyone.
    EccentricEremite replied to Angelonasher's comment below 2024-05-19 15:50:24
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Thanks! And no worries. πŸ‘
    Angelonasher said 2024-05-19 15:49:27
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    You've been invited, sorry for the wait.
  • Escapazition's Avatar
    Escapazition posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    January 18, 2024, 7:06 pm to Public
    I plan for my adventure map to be very story-driven, so maybe I would want to join.
    SuperPro said 2024-04-30 22:23:21
    SuperPro's Avatar
    Oh Ur already in
    SuperPro said 2024-04-30 22:19:25
    SuperPro's Avatar
    Still no reply?
    SuperPro said 2024-03-31 02:05:27
    SuperPro's Avatar
    Have you got a reply yet? πŸ€”
  • SuperPro's Avatar
    SuperPro posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    December 25, 2023, 6:17 pm to Public
    I am currently working on a series, which follows a group of heroes across the Minecraft Multiverse. Here is an excerpt if you are interested:

    "That's not how you build it!" I was exhausted from all this building, yet for some reason my friends can't even complete a single build in three hours. "You have to give it a nice, finished look! It's a rocket, for god sake! Why the hell does it look like a concrete skyscraper?"
    "We tried our best, boss." That was my friend Zebraplayz, but we called him Genius since his full username was annoying. "It's hard to get the dimensions when you're up close."
    I sighed. "You know what? Let's do this tomorrow. It's 11 o'clock in the evening, so let's call it a day and get rested. Computers up at O nine hundred. You're dismissed."
    We walked through the portal and went back to the main lobby of Moblock. There were still players online, probably either gamers staying up late or people from different time zones. That was the one thing I love about Minecraft: It connects people from all around the world, from all ages to all nationalities.
    It was almost time for the weekly server reboot, so my friends waited around while I, being the server host, started typing in the command and telling everybody to save if they have anything in progress.
    A red message popped up. [​The following procedure {Server_Reboot} is not allowed.] I frowned. That was weird. I should have had full command over any procedures and workings. I typed in the command once again. The same message popped up.
    My friends were starting to get restless. "You done yet, SuperPro?" That was KillDazEnemiez, or KDE for short as we call him.
    "There's some problem with the reboot command." I was a bit frustrated. I was looking forward to sleeping, but for some reason, the computer refused to co-operate with me.
    "Leave it for now." That was LittleTimonthy. He was quite laid back, and was currently drinking something, according to his discord sound. The slurping was very obvious.
    "We can't. It's a necessary precaution against hackers. I have to-" another strange message had popped up. My friends have all gone quiet, so I assume they got the message too.
    [​Master_Murder is logging into {Anvil_Accident_WIP}/ Unauthorized Warning]
    "Anvil Accident? That minigame we're working on?" It was Flxxxxxxxxxxxzy, another friend of mine. To shorten things, we call him Flixzy. "It's supposedly off-limits to the public. Also, who is Master_Murder?"
    I sighed. 'Do I look like I know? Seriously, guys. We better-" I was interrupted by a huge explosion.
    "What the-" Genius was flying, but he suddenly fell from the sky. Incredibly, I heard the unmistakable thud of a player taking damage. "I'm in Survival mode?!" I checked my HUD. I was in Survival mode too.
    Ping! A message pop up in the server discord. I switched tabs and hopped in. There were several messages with players in the minigame Last Stand screaming about attacks, mobs, murder and their game crashing, and generally causing mass panic among the Moblock community.
    I made a snap decision. "Flixzy, you come with me. The rest of you, stay alert and call me on any news."
    I jumped into the Last Stand portal. The screen was replaced by 'loading world' screen that all Minecraft players know, except it looked a bit off. I didn't focus on it, though. I was on the verge of a panic attack. It had taken me years to develop this server.
    I arrived into a scene of chaos. Last Stand was a survival game in which the players were to work together in defending a base against an endless horse of zombies with weapons like guns and turrets. So far, they had been holding on well, but what I saw was the exact opposite. Many players were fighting bravely in holding back the dead, but I saw, impossibly, skeletons, creepers, spiders, phantoms, and much, much more horrors.
    "How the heck?" Flixzy was staring dumbfounded at the mobs. "That shouldn't be possible! We added commands to stop other kinds of mobs spawning, only zombies!"
    "Stop standing there like a statue and help!" I typed in a custom command. /equip @s kit_trident
    To my relief, the command worked and my inventory was overridden by the gear and weapons required for the Double Trident Strategy. Killy, ο»Ώthe melee trident and Throwy,ο»Ώ the ranged trident appeared in my hands. I turned around and saw that Flixzy had done the same and was wielding an axe and fishing rod, his favourite weapon combo.
    I raised the one-use 'Thunder Totem'. The sky immediately turned gray and cloudy. Rain fell down as thunder boomed.
    Flixzy was already engaged in fighting, hooking away stray mobs and beheading them. "Most kills wins!"
    "Are you serious right now?" I slammed into a legion of zombies and made quick work of them. "Fine! Challenge accepted!"
    A squad of skeletons rained down a shower of arrows. I blocked a couple and proceeded to Riptide into the middle of the base, where the players were fighting valiantly. Some were treating the wounded and Flixzy was standing nearby, picking off zombies one by one with a bow and arrow.
    "To me!" I shouted and rushed out with Flixzy right behind me. The other players repeated the cry and fought back with renewed force. Players returned fire as mobs fell. Someone managed to get their hands on a TNT cannon and was blowing up zombies and spiders with gusto.
    I plunged into the melee, slashing and stabbing. I threw my Channeling Trident and the lightning crashed down, incinerating half a dozen skeletons.

    To be continued...
    SuperPro said 2024-02-12 22:53:41
    SuperPro's Avatar
    True πŸ˜‚
    Angelonasher said 2024-02-05 22:00:58
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    You might want to post this as a wallpost if you want more people to see it
  • PingPing's Avatar
    PingPing posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    December 16, 2023, 3:48 pm to Public
    May I Join? I have always had a passion for writing, I usually write short books in my free time lol <3
    Angelonasher said 2024-02-05 22:01:08
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    sorry for the wait! i've sent an invite!
  • SuperPro's Avatar
    SuperPro posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    December 1, 2023, 1:34 am to Public
    May I join? I really like writing.
    Angelonasher said 2023-12-12 17:28:04
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    I'm so sorry i didn't see before! I've sent you the invite!
    SuperPro said 2023-12-01 01:35:52
    SuperPro's Avatar
    Cuz I already asked about a month ago, so I don't think anybody saw it. (No offence)
  • ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
    ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    November 5, 2023, 8:20 am to Public
    I'd rather not so check out my page, until I'm unhalfgrounded I won't be writing turned paths but I have Minecrafter From Yhe Window
    Plus those stories from undertale and deltarune
  • SuperPro's Avatar
    SuperPro posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    November 1, 2023, 5:42 am to Public
    Here's something I wrote recently. It was also released as a blog I'm my channel.

    A.M.C. 3927 (After Minecraftia's Creation)The OceanAtlantis
    Part 1 - Silent Strike
    Silent shapes swam though the darkest depths of the sea, their movements barely making a sound. Moonlight shone above the water, but for all its brightness, it cannot reach the darkness of the ravines, which was inhabited by every evil marine creature imagined. Their thoughts so dark, violent and malicious that even the Wither was no match for them. They had been on Minecraftia for so long, the Ancient Builders were only appearing when they had been thriving for millennia, undisturbed and untouched.
    Long ago, there has been another name for them. A name so horrible that it stuck terror into whoever heard it. A name so terrible that it rendered the listener paralyzed in fear. That is why over the centuries, they were given another name. One that is much more acceptable. But still the elders recalled the olden days where everyone dreaded the appearance of this monster.
    A drowned.
    Sure, laugh if you want. You may think that drowned are weak and easy-to-kill undeads with giant forks for weapons. But the ones that you and most people encounter are their weak-willed brethren that lived in the shallows. Drowned are never to be underestimated no matter the situation, as a civilization is to soon discover.
    The city of Atlantis was a place of hope and trust. It was hidden from the eyes of mortals and served as a sanctuary for all sorts of tame marine life and its inhabitants are lot. Merpeople, humans who have adapted to the way of the water since the dawn of Minecraftia and of course, Poseidon, Lord of the Oceans and Overseer of Atlantis.
    This naturally drew the attention of monsters, but the merpeople and soldiers can fight off attacks easily. After all, they've been training their entire life. They can handle drowned attacks easily. Or can they?
    It was night when a patrol of merpeople soldiers circled the perimeter. They reached a road that divided into two. Seeing that the right side was blocked by a small mound of coral, they took the left side, thinking that it wouldn't make and difference. This turned out to be the biggest mistake of their life. Lying among the shadows of the road were the drowned. They leapt out, tridents in hand and teeth bared. A few moments later, all the patrol members were lying on the ground, dead. The attack had begun.
    Groups of drowned moved across the seabed, their movements slow but sure and determined. All were heavily armoured and spotting shields and tridents. Some were riding guardians as bizarre underwater calvary counterparts. They were hungry for blood and starving for violence.
    A wave of tridents took out the nearest guards and the drowned swam forward, undeterred and undetected. An elder guardian appeared, focusing its eye on the wall that surrounded Atlantis. It sent out a large beam of energy and it blew up a hole in the wall. The explosion sounded the alarms, but it was too late. The outer perimeter was breached. Drowned swam forward, their harsh cries and snarls filling the water. The Royal Merpeople Army retaliated with their own weapons, but it was certain that they were outnumbered, and overcame by surprise and fear of these monsters never seen before, the first to arrive to the battlefield now littered the seabed with their bodies.
    A Channeling trident flew, and struck home right in the middle of the armoury. Lightning zapped and the armoury was reduced to ashes floating away, carried by the water current. The screams of the dying and the clanking of metal and metal clashing filled the air. More merpeople had arrived with weapons of the sea, but they had suffered so many casualties that they were barely able to hold back the onslaught. Legions of drowned marched through the hole in phalanx formation. Tridents and arrows bounced off their shields harmlessly as the merpeople were cut down where they stood.
    Guardians swam overhead of the soldiers, blasting at random. Merpeople responded, riding giant seahorses. They tried in vain to stop them, but the monsters were too much. The outer guards fell as the drowned approached the inner wall.
    Underwater cannons started firing high beams of energy at the monsters, powered by magic. It took out clumps of drowned, but for every one that fell, two more took its place. Guardians weaved among the beams, sometimes firing back with their own deadly lasers. Cannons blew up and the drowned set charges. A flick of a lever and the second defense had been breached.
    This time, the merpeople were more prepared to fight. Using nets to trap the drowned and fishing poles to hook away lone drowned, this defense was much more fierce than the last one. However, the drowned were not to be outdone. A horn sounded, deep and resonating across the waters of Atlantis. A wave of fear flowed across both armies, without them knowing why.
    A booming sound echoed, sounding louder and louder. Among the darkness, two eyes appeared. Then came the tentacles. Last but not least, the head appeared.
    The drowned had summoned the Kraken.
    It was enormous, with tentacles able to crush entire building without a thought. The eyes are so horrible, it can paralyze enemies with fear. It is merciless, and its only thoughts are of destruction and rampage.
    The merpeople screamed and fled, while those who stood valiantly were shot or crushed. Drowned marched forward, snarling in victory as the defenders fled to the last line of defense. They raided homes and slaughtered all they saw, leaving nobody alive. The guardians targeted enemies at long range. Atlantis was falling.

    Can I please become a member? I really like writing and I dedicate most of my time in PMC on blogs
  • The Golden Enderian's Avatar
    The Golden Enderian posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    October 17, 2023, 4:18 pm to Public
    Is it possible to add my Class1cEnd3r alt?
    The Golden Enderian Classics replied to mm teapot's comment below 2023-10-25 06:29:09
    The Golden Enderian Classics's Avatar
    Oke thx
    mm teapot said 2023-10-24 18:08:18
    mm teapot's Avatar
  • MoonlitRuby's Avatar
    MoonlitRuby posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    October 17, 2023, 9:31 am to Public
    May I join?
    MoonlitRuby replied to mm teapot's comment below 2023-10-24 18:10:52
    MoonlitRuby's Avatar
    Yes please!
    mm teapot said 2023-10-24 18:08:12
    mm teapot's Avatar
    So sorry for the late reply!! I'll still send an invite if you still want to join?
  • Panda_Dog's Avatar
    Panda_Dog posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    October 12, 2023, 2:09 pm to Public
    ο»ΏI love writing books could I join?
    mm teapot said 2023-10-12 15:40:08
    mm teapot's Avatar
    Yup! Lemme send an invite.
  • Fireblast's Avatar
    Fireblast posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    September 7, 2023, 10:50 pm to Public
    Can I join. Here is something short I wrote a few years ago.

    Malo’s eyes drifted off into the darkness again. For the past eight hours, he had been staring out the window viewing the night sky. Cars quickly drove by glaring their lights, nearly blinding him. Just the noise alone that came from the cars was bothersome. On top of that, his legs hurt from the long drive, but he tried not to care. Soon he would be sleeping in a warm hotel bed, and the comfort would be far greater than the irritating discomfort he was feeling now. He could rest his eyes, stretch out his legs, and maybe even get a few hours of sleep. Thinking about it only made the discomfort worse. He leaned forwards as the car stopped in front of an intersection. Cars honked as they passed by. After a long pause, the car started to drive again. The dashboard glowed, casting a light that was nearly overwhelming at this time of night. Not only did he hurt, but his mind hurt from all the waiting. Twenty minutes had passed by, and they were not even halfway there. His legs felt stiffened as if the blood in his legs had been boiling. His feet felt numb and tight, but there was nothing he could do about it. Calmly he blinked as his darkened hair softly fell nearly covering his eyes. Malo watched as his mom slowly looked back and smiled at him, β€œTry to get some sleep,” A car honked loudly, but he was not affected by its disturbance. Once again Malo tried to shut his eyes. This time he nearly fell asleep without any disruption, but then his phone buzzed. He wanted to sleep, but at the same time it felt impossible in these circumstances. Quickly Malo opened his eyes as if he had no desire to sleep. And because there was nothing to do, he reached down for his phone and turned it on. Malo glanced at the time on his phone. The time was exactly 2:30. It was at that moment that something felt wrong. There was a loud ringing sound so loud that all other noises sounded like whispers. The black night sky had abruptly changed into a red burning aurora that was sickening to look at. Worst of all there was something like a burning red lightning that blazed through the streets. The power of the blast was so strong that it ripped the car door clean off. Malo landed on the cold cement with his phone still in his hand. The screen was cracked, but that was the least of his concerns. The pain that had been a discomfort, was now throbbing pain. He rolled hoping to stop the aching, but it did nothing. It was unlike any pain he had ever experienced. In-fact, it felt like torture. His eyes became so blurry that it hurt just to look out of them, but he had to gaze to see if his mom was alright. With his legs badly bruised all he could do was crawl. Because his strength was fading so rapidly, he had to clasp his bleeding hands on the ground just to pull himself towards his mother. Malo breathed heavily and struggled to let any words escape from his mouth. β€œMom!” There was no reply, only the ringing in his ears. All his strength was wasted and Malo could not do anything but allow himself to collapse on the cold cement. In that moment the ringing suddenly stopped and he felt something click in his mind as if someone had just flipped a switch. As he rested on his back he tried to open his eyes just to see something that would provide a little hope. Unexpectedly, there was someone there. A young man looked down at Malo and he was not at all frightened by the strange event that had just happened, β€œWhat is your name?” There was a moment of silence before Malo was able to say anything, β€œMalo.” He let out a large cough as the man began to dial for help. When the emergency vehicles arrived Malo was gently placed on a stretcher and he was carefully carried into the back of an ambulance. The doors shut and Malo could finally shut his eyes.
  • GlantGirl's Avatar
    GlantGirl posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    August 16, 2023, 3:02 pm to Public

    Blazelight knew giving birth would be painful. But WHY DID IT HAVE TO TAKE SO LONG? She moaned in pain as another spurt of blood flowed out. And then she felt something else. The kittens are coming! She realized. But where is Blacktail? Blacktail was a tuxedo cat, while Blazelight was a Munchkin. He was also Blazelight's partner. Of course he was going to be late for the most important moment of their lives. she thought. many hours later Balzelight was laying on her side while her newborn kittens suckled milk. But Blacktail still wasn't there. So Blazelight named the kittens herself. "my boys, Fiercebite and Smoothtail. And my girls, Scarletpaw and Lilywhiskers." Blazelight closed her eyes to sleep, trying not to think about the reasons why Blacktail wasn't home yet.

    (my entry in hopes I can join this group) (there are 3 chapters so far)
  • WeirdAutisticTACOCAT3467's Avatar
    WeirdAutisticTACOCAT3467 posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    August 14, 2023, 7:55 am to Public
    hi can i join i took part in writing 2 books. they are on feed a read search denton on it
    mm teapot said 2023-08-14 14:04:53
    mm teapot's Avatar
    Is there a way you can send the link for it?
  • Catsncartnwheels's Avatar
    Catsncartnwheels posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    August 8, 2023, 6:23 pm to Public
    Can I join?
    Catsncartnwheels said 2023-08-08 22:37:01
    Catsncartnwheels's Avatar
    mm teapot replied to Catsncartnwheels's comment below 2023-08-08 19:24:41
    mm teapot's Avatar
    Very interesting! I've sent an invite
    Catsncartnwheels said 2023-08-08 18:30:45
    Catsncartnwheels's Avatar
    The duck comic: By me... In real life there are pictures and the comic was meant to help out a club called the duck club at my school

    King Bob the Ducks Story:
    The hatter: I command you to find king bob the duck
    Evil robots: Yes sir
    Then, king bob flew to Hawaii so nobody could find him. Back at the secret base.. a innocent duckling was captured. The hatter: tell me were king bob the duck is.
    Innocent duck: I dunno but i saw him going to Hawaii.
    There is the sample! That was 2/16 pages BTW.

    I hope I can join soon!
  • enubii_'s Avatar
    enubii_ posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    July 19, 2023, 10:51 am to Public
    Baee can I join fr?
    mm teapot said 2023-07-19 13:34:11
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    enubii_ said 2023-07-19 13:09:56
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    Or we could come up with Write the most Embarrasing thing that happened to you?
    enubii_ said 2023-07-19 13:08:22
    enubii_'s Avatar
    Mmm.. Theres gonna be events? We could do a.. Writing competition, with a certian theme?
    mm teapot said 2023-07-19 12:09:22
    mm teapot's Avatar
    Bae, you have to do the activities and challenges, though. I'm tryna revive this group.
    mm teapot said 2023-07-19 12:08:38
    mm teapot's Avatar
    Of course, baeeee!!
  • snailmarsh's Avatar
    snailmarsh posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    July 17, 2023, 7:55 am to Public
    can i join?
    snailmarsh replied to mm teapot's comment below 2023-07-20 06:12:29
    snailmarsh's Avatar
    will do, im away atm so itl take a bit
    mm teapot said 2023-07-17 11:51:21
    mm teapot's Avatar
    Send a sample of your writing.
  • mm teapot's Avatar
    mm teapot posted to guest book of Writer's Group's AvatarWriter's Group
    July 12, 2023, 10:23 am to Public
    May I please join?
    Angelonasher said 2023-07-14 03:41:50
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    i sent an invite :D
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