Skin Fight's Avatar
Skin Fight has begun!
Skin Fight is an annual fan-skin event held every June
  • About Us

    ~+.; What is Skin Fight? ;.+~-

    Skin Fight is an annual event that lasts throughout the month of June, where participants will break off into three opposing teams. Participants can earn points for their team by submitting attacks (fan-skins) of someones original character/persona from the other team!
    At the end of June, the team with the most points accumulated will claim victory!

    This event is all meant in good fun, so please be kind, enjoy yourselves, and spread the love!


    Skinfight has begun! Join here:
  • Group Members

    Meiolki's AvatarBlossomBoop's AvatarCaelChan's AvatarCandyBandi's Avatarcrayne's Avatarmirabilia's Avatarwqtermxlon's Avatarruietto's Avatar
  • Rules

    1. You must have a persona or an OC (Original Character) to participate in this event. If you don't, your sign-up application will be void.

    2. You must submit your sign-up application, and fan-skins through the designated google forms. It will otherwise be void.

    3. You can only submit skins for someone who is participating in Skin Fight. If they are not on the participation list, your entry will be void.

    4. You cannot enter the same skin twice, but you can make two fan-skins for the same character as long as they're made from scratch each time.

    5. If you are caught stealing another participants skin or fan-skin, you will be removed from the event immediately.

    6. Each time you make a fan-skin You must create it from scratch. You are not allowed to use the original as a base. If you barely deviate from the original, you will receive a warning, then removal from the event if behavior continues.

    7. Keep all skins PG-13, NSFW is not allowed whatsoever.

    8. You are allowed to genderbend and change the outfits of characters, ONLY IF it's permitted by the owner. If you are unsure, do not genderbend/change the outfit of that character.

    9. All fan-skins must keep the original character recognizable. This includes keeping eye, hair, and skin color the same. As well as hair length (unless genderbent.)

    10. Pixel art is allowed as long as you fill up the whole front and/or back side of the skin.

    11. Do NOT sign up on group accounts.

    12. Please credit your reference in the description of your skin! Show the original creator some more love~

  • FAQs

    Frequently Asked Questions

    -~+.; How can I sign up for Skin Fight? ;.+~-
    You can sign up for Skin Fight through the link on ruietto's most recent forum post! Please make sure to read all the event rules before applying.

    Forum Post:

    Late to the party or new to the skinning community? You can sign up while the event is going on up until the midway point, the 15th of June.
    -~+.; How do I know which team I'm on? ;.+~-
    After you sign up for the event, you'll be able to see yourself on our participation list/team rosters when you've been placed onto a team!

    Link to roster:
    Your sign-up might take up to 2-5 days to be processed after the initial release, so please be patient.

    If you haven't been placed onto a team, make sure you applied in the right place, and provided a character reference with your application! Without one you cannot participate in the event.
    -~+.; Where do I submit my attacks? ;.+~-
    Attacks need to be submitted through the designated attack forms to gain points~

    Submit attacks for team End here:
    Submit attacks for team Nether
    Submit attacks for team Overworld here:

    Attacks can NOT be submitted through the comment section of the forum, or just through the title/description of the skin. We will not score or check it.
    -~+.; Where can I submit new Characters? ;.+~-
    You can submit new characters using this form:

    Please make sure you haven't already submitted this character(s) during your initial sign up! And keep in mind you can only have a max of 10 characters submitted to the event in total.
    -~+.; How can I resign from Skin Fight? ;.+~-
    Is participating too stressful right now? No worries, you can resign by filling out this form, and we'll remove you from the roster :)

    All the points you've accumulated for your team up until resignation will remain!

    NOTE: Once you've resigned from Skin Fight, you can not re-apply for the rest of the season. Next year is fair game, though!

    Skin Fight Features

    -~+.; What is the Bounty Board? ;.+~-
    The Bounty Board is a way to earn double the points on a submission!
    Each Monday, two unique themes, and four references from each team will be posted to the Bounty Board.

    Themes: Following the theme, you must make a fan-skin incorporating some aspect of the prompt given.
    Make sure the character you want to make a fan-skin for allows their outfit to be changed, or else you CANNOT use that character for the theme.

    Bounties: From the selection available, make a fan-skin for one of the characters provided!

    Note: You can submit ONE fan-skin for each category each week.
    -~+.; What are Friendly Fire Fridays? ;.+~-
    Friendly Fire Fridays are when Every Friday, attacks against your own teammates will count for points!

    This will last from 12:00am to 11:59pm EST, so please plan accordingly!
  • Past Seasons

    -~+.; 2020 Season ;.+~-
    Dusk 7,520 - Dawn 7,516

    Dusk Skin Collection: Link -~- Dawn Skin Collection: Link
    Skin Fight (Dusk) MVP: Marma - 758 points
    Dawn MVP: bunyeet - 645 points

    Bulletproof: BlossomBoop - ratio of 31:9

    Pin-Cushion: angelicteaaa - ratio of 3:21

    Starstruck: BlossomBoop - 31 attacks

    Community's Vote: habearry - Sparkling Tone

    Staff Picks:
    anxii - SF Mystereh
    bonke - Fly Me to The Moon
    Michiru - Stellar Gardener
    wqtermxlon - Corgi
    Grymslie - Affection

    -~+.; ✎ ;.+~-

    -~+.; 2021 Season ;.+~-
    Sweet 7,232 - Sour 7,513

    Sweet Skin Collection: Link -~- Sour Skin Collection: Link1 - Link2
    Team Sweet MVP: anxii - 1,007 points
    Team Sour MVP: interlude_vi - 546 points

    Powerful Punches:
    budg1e - 47 points avg.
    bluetatu - 38.1 points avg.
    bunyeet - 32.5 points avg.

    Starstruck: anxii - 44 attacks

    Friends Come First: Huskys_R_Awsome - 16 Friendly Fire attacks

    Staff Picks:
    budg1e - Protector of Justice
    Opaline - A Thousand Colors
    bluetatu - When the Ocean Holds the Sunlight Tightly With a Smile of Waves

    -~+.; ✎ ;.+~-

    -~+.; 2022 Season ;.+~-
    Starfish 12,595 - Seashells 9,505

    Starfish Skin Collection: Link1 - Link2 -~- Seashell Skin Collection: Link
    Team Starfish MVP: anxii - 1,845 points
    Team Seashell MVP: inzanely - 654 points

    First Blood:
    aquarine - Team Starfish
    inzanely - Team Seashell

    Starstruck: anxii - 104 attacks

    Still Going Strong: BirbMum - 43 attacks received

    Friends Come First: anxii - 10 Friendly Fire attacks

    In it to Win It: PsioPsia001 - 5 Bounty Board submissions

    Powerful Punches:
    BlossomBoop - 39.9 point avg.
    Eshii - 31.6 points avg.
    Auri - 29 points avg.

    Staff Picks:
    bluetatu - Voltage Charge
    wqtermxlon - Time is Ticking
    kittywomp - Lazysushi, Attack!

  • Discord

  • Wall Posts

  • Guest Book

    Login or register to post to their guest book.
  • Overworld Attacks

    Night 18 of PMCers Skins in My Style! Dokodemo
    amelia . sf
    sf1 • eshii 🌙
    mariiposa . sf1
    sf1 . MintCheese14
    sf2 . LeikaFeika
  • Nether Attacks

    attack on WonderKitty [ skin fight ]
    autumn shrooms ~sf
    SF 1 - PSIOPSIA001
    -* ruietto : SF 2 *-
    -* lacuna : SF 1 *-
    sf 1 - CandyBandi
  • End Attacks

    random word generator [skin fight]
    🎀 JediSkinz [ SKIN FIGHT 2024 ]
    kค໐Şน໓໐ri๓ค + Şf +
    ຟill໐ຟ + Şf +
    shrew ; sfa
    Garden Spider [SKINFIGHT 2024]
Planet Minecraft


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