Shady Skinners's Avatar
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Expert Fellowship
Level 26
We have Skinners a plenty! Come join us.

Wall Posts

  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by EmmaOMG01's AvatarEmmaOMG01
    May 31, 2024, 3:36 pm to Public
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Cirxett's AvatarCirxett
    April 3, 2024, 10:39 am to Public
    This group is dead... why don't we do something?
    LogMaiden said 2024-04-03 11:45:46
    LogMaiden's Avatar
    Members of the group could discuss thought processes and/techniques. I've been thinking about making a blog on that myself.
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by ZappyGru's AvatarZappyGru
    August 21, 2023, 2:57 pm to Public
    Hey! I've recently been chosen to become the new admin of the group, and I'm feeling excited to get this group back into action! I'm pretty new to this group, so any suggestions or pointers will be a big help!
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by SouthDakotaGirl's AvatarSouthDakotaGirl
    April 12, 2023, 10:49 am to Public
    Totally didn't forget about this πŸ˜“. I don't think I have enough time to devote to this group anymore. So if anyone is interested in taking this group over PM me. I would be happy to find someone who would be more available to run it πŸ˜„.
    SouthDakotaGirl replied to ZappyGru's comment below 2023-05-03 12:04:33
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    Sent you a PM :D
    ZappyGru said 2023-04-19 19:39:27
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    I'm interested in running this group. I have some experience running large-scaled communities in the past, and worst case scenario: I'll just transfer the ownership to a trusted person.
    SouthDakotaGirl replied to waffles's comment below 2023-04-19 10:50:53
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    waffles said 2023-04-13 19:03:49
    waffles's Avatar
    i wish i could but i'm horrible with responsibility lol... i'll repost 4 u
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Little Qrow Ling's AvatarLittle Qrow Ling
    October 24, 2022, 10:15 am to Public
    Heyo! I see that everything is kinda quiet in here, so I had an idea... Let's have a contest to see who can make the best use of the primary colors! Pick yellow, blue, or red, then make a skin using only shades and tones of that color! May the best skinner win! Please note that is just for fun and is not mandatory, but I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! XD
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Hello_there__'s AvatarHello_there__
    October 2, 2022, 8:13 pm to Public
    A joke application for the newsletter witters role

    Greatest new skin tactic
    You may say but that's not new, it's been around for years
    But you're wrong you see, It's not well known some may call it shady
    I (because there's no one else here with me) interviewed this is what they had to say
    "I did whatever because why not "
    Great isn't it well
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Hello_there__'s AvatarHello_there__
    October 2, 2022, 5:00 pm to Public
    I used shading on my last skin it turned out pretty good
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by SouthDakotaGirl's AvatarSouthDakotaGirl
    September 21, 2022, 12:10 pm to Public
    Some of you might find this interesting:

    Blog| All about interior design| Modern Carpet - Malaysia Premium |  Interior Design| Custom Cabinet | Flooring | Area Rugs | Renovation

    Hue: A base color. Plain old red, blue, green, etc. ​

    Tint: A hue to which varying degrees of white have been added,​

    Tone: A hue to which shades of grey have been added.​

    Shade: A hue to which black has been added.
    Little Qrow Ling said 2022-10-24 09:29:32
    Little Qrow Ling's Avatar
    Ooooo, using this! :)
    Herobrine_2143 said 2022-09-21 13:12:33
    Herobrine_2143's Avatar
    Idk if this does something but I came up with my own little trick that to me it looks good for shading, when I want to try to have multiple shades and can't find or I'm too lazy to find the right shade through hue-shifting, I use opacity in both colors. What I mean is that if I have green I would just go for the darkest hue-shift color of green and then decrease the opacity to the brightest area, sometimes I do the opposite, so is like the brightest green (base color that I'm using, not brightest) with 75% opacity until reaching lowest, I play around with it to see how good it looks and I go with it, most of my skins are like that.
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by SouthDakotaGirl's AvatarSouthDakotaGirl
    July 4, 2022, 4:22 pm to Public
    We have hit 100 followers! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    Suggest how you would like to see this group celebrate in the comments below!
    Pinkytoast said 2022-12-02 14:08:04
    Pinkytoast's Avatar
    Maybe we can do an aesthetic mashup?
    Cirxett said 2022-07-04 18:25:40
    Cirxett's Avatar
    Yay!~ I would like to see a collaborative skin series as well, it sounds fun πŸ˜€
    inzanely replied to ruietto's comment below 2022-07-04 17:46:37
    inzanely's Avatar
    ooh yes i would love to see a collaborative skin
    ruietto said 2022-07-04 16:24:25
    ruietto's Avatar
    themed contest?
    maybe a collaborative skin series?
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Angelonasher's AvatarAngelonasher
    July 4, 2022, 2:12 pm to Public
    Just wanted to post some tips for beginners to get more noticed in PMC

    1. Change ur profile picture and personalize ur profile page! A different pfp helps ppl notice you (seriously do not just keep the default one) and ur profile page helps them decide kinda who you are.

    2. Make wallposts. Wallposts are easy ways to get ppl to see you. You can just talk about random stuff or share progress on skins. Just don't say personal stuff okay? Online followers aren't worth selling ur privacy.

    3. Put descriptions in ur skins! If you don't ppl will think you stole the skin seriously I see this all the time

    4. Join contests! If people see your entries, they might decide to check out ur other skins too! Also, join them for fun. Put in ur all but don't except to win, or it won't be fun anymore :C

    5. Kinda branching out on 4, but when ur starting out, try to join reshade contests. Why? This can help you get better at skinning, since you are observing how other people design their skins. I joined a lot of reshade contests when I first joined and I think that helped me.

    And remember, you don't have to make skins to be a part of PMC! You can always make art, music, stories, or nothing at all, and just chill with us C:

    You can also do multiple things ofc.
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by CrescentLune's AvatarCrescentLune
    July 1, 2022, 7:03 am to Public
    Entries for the palette contest are closed, I will start the judging process
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by CrescentLune's AvatarCrescentLune
    June 30, 2022, 5:00 am to Public
    Last day to enter our palette contest. Currently I cannot link it.
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by CrescentLune's AvatarCrescentLune
    June 28, 2022, 2:12 pm to Public
    Only a couple days to enter our on going contest

    Deadline is June 30th!
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by ruietto's Avatarruietto
    June 28, 2022, 12:58 am to Public
    had an idea for a discord server for this group?
    idk if anyone would actually be interested, so what do you guys think about that sort of idea?
    SouthDakotaGirl said 2022-06-28 16:03:45
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    I'm sorry but I don't think that would work. I don't use discord so it would be totally out of my control. It would also leave out people like me who do don't use discord. I want anyone who wants to be a part of group activities to be able to do that, regardless of what they use.
    CrescentLune said 2022-06-28 09:04:37
    CrescentLune's Avatar
    I like the idea, lets wait for South to return to get her opinion
    Cirxett said 2022-06-28 05:35:27
    Cirxett's Avatar
    AvatarKage replied to Angelonasher's comment below 2022-06-28 01:53:31
    AvatarKage's Avatar
    Dang, you're missing out ngl
    AvatarKage said 2022-06-28 01:52:15
    AvatarKage's Avatar
    I'd join, doubt I'd stay but I'll check it out if you do go with it
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  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by CrescentLune's AvatarCrescentLune
    June 25, 2022, 4:01 pm to Public
    This week's of Skinning In Progress is now out.

  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Angelonasher's AvatarAngelonasher
    June 19, 2022, 11:12 pm to Public
    Apologies that the newsletter still hasn't been posted! (it was supposed to be posted yesterday)

    We're having some trouble with he interview, but as soon as we get the answers, we should be able to post! Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Angelonasher's AvatarAngelonasher
    June 16, 2022, 6:19 pm to Public
    Heya, just reminding everyone, if you'd like to have an event/contest of yours featured in the next newsletter, fill out this form!
    The featured event will be picked randomly!

    No one filled the form so far hehe-
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by CrescentLune's AvatarCrescentLune
    June 16, 2022, 4:01 pm to Public
    Just a reminder that we have an on going palette contest.

    Also let us know what kind of stuff you would like to see the group do.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by Angelonasher's AvatarAngelonasher
    June 7, 2022, 10:46 pm to Public
    Hi guys :D
    If you would like to have a skin if your's featured in the next newsletter, send a link to it in the comments below.
    The only requirement is that the skin was made entirely ο»Ώby you!

    The featured skin will be chosen randomly C:

    Also, if you'd like to have an event of your's featured, fill out this form!

    By the way, the newsletter will be posted every two weeks, not every week. I only made the wallpost this week because we didn't get many submitted skins last time C:
    Angelonasher replied to Jupit3r's comment below 2022-06-15 18:17:56
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    Yep it works now C:
    Jupit3r said 2022-06-11 10:37:05
    Jupit3r's Avatar
    Okay sorry, I forgot about this lol. It’s totally fine if it doesn’t work. This is hopefully the skin link.
    Angelonasher replied to Jupit3r's comment below 2022-06-11 02:33:23
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    Hey sorry, the link doesn't work. Could you send a link to a submission of yours on PMC instead of an image? For convenience C:
    Jupit3r said 2022-06-07 23:28:03
    Jupit3r's Avatar
    Here is mine! I may have shared on the wrong post oops. Haha but this is right.
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  • Shady Skinners's Avatar
    Shady Skinners post by anonpmc4072473's Avataranonpmc4072473
    June 7, 2022, 3:14 pm to Public
    can i post bases here?
    Angelonasher said 2022-06-07 23:24:58
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    Yep C:
    CrescentLune said 2022-06-07 15:28:36
    CrescentLune's Avatar
    Yeah, you can :)
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