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New Party
An Annual Prom Dedicated to the PMC Community!

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  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by JadeFire170's AvatarJadeFire170
    February 12, 2023, 5:52 pm to Public
    Hi friends!! We need prom volunteers!!

    We’re looking for builders, skinners, photographers, a texture pack creator, and some redstone engineers! (That last one is only a possibility, but we’re still looking for some nonetheless!)

    - Need to put in at least 3-5 hours each week. How you want to manage that time is completely up to you, especially if you have school, work, etc…. If you feel like you need extra flexibility certain days or weeks, not a problem. Just let us know what your schedule will look like and we will work around it with you. :)
    You will also have a short interview to put your building skills to the test.
    - Official building will be starting sometime very soon!

    - Can either take skin requests to make for others, or can make formal skin attire bases for anyone to use.
    - Won’t be needed till late March/early April, so you have time to decide if you wanna volunteer or not! You can send us a message/leave a comment below so we can get back to you later for official confirmation.

    - Will take pre-prom photos and/or during prom.
    - Shaders are preferred, but if your computer doesn’t support that, no problem!
    - Won’t be needed until much later, but if you send us a message/leave a comment now, we’ll ask for later confirmation if the role still interests you.

    Texture pack creator:
    - Will need to edit some specific blocks/items. Nothing major in particular, just small things here and there to see fit. We also will need music disc file mixing, and editing things such as hotbars, buttons, and the title screen.
    - Work will begin almost immediately once building is in progress.

    *All volunteers will be given proper credit!*

    If any of these roles interest you, please apply asap because they may fill up quickly. There is no set limit right now, we’ll just be hiring people until we think we’re good. Have any questions? We’ll get back to you when we can!

    Thank you, everyone!! 😄

    (Also a kind reminder that we are still accepting prom surveys! They do not collect emails, and only takes about less than 5 minutes to fill out. All surveys are appreciated! Survey link is right here.)
    _Abstract_vison_ said 2024-07-03 11:08:23
    _Abstract_vison_'s Avatar
    Can i be a photographer?
    girl_liker said 2023-02-16 18:15:49
    girl_liker's Avatar
    hihi !! could i help with skin making ( °◇°)?
    XxLoveCutiexX said 2023-02-13 14:45:56
    XxLoveCutiexX's Avatar
    i'll think about it <3! :D I most prob will join :D
    r a i n b o w said 2023-02-13 02:36:24
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    hi - could i possibly skin for it? i realised ive literally never done pmc prom through the years ive been on here 😭
    bluetatu said 2023-02-12 22:14:06
    bluetatu's Avatar
    glad to see pmc prom coming back again!! cant wait to see what happens :) pls pick a date after may 8th tho :sob:
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  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by JadeFire170's AvatarJadeFire170
    May 17, 2022, 1:25 pm to Public
    !!Just a heads up!!
    Once I post my own pictures from prom I'm going to be disbanding this group. (It will be disbanded sometime before or on this upcoming Sunday)

    You guys are more than free to unfollow now! I just thought I'd let you that I haven't forgotten about pictures and will be posting them soon. :) ♥
    phjic said 2022-09-23 10:59:31
    phjic's Avatar
    you totally sound like kpop groups
    AvatarKage replied to JadeFire170's comment below 2022-05-17 20:35:38
    AvatarKage's Avatar
    JadeFire170 replied to AvatarKage's comment below 2022-05-17 19:32:06
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    I also like this idea! I’ll definitely consider this as well. Thank you so much for the idea :)
    AvatarKage said 2022-05-17 18:43:45
    AvatarKage's Avatar
    Why don't you just request a name change to "PMC Prom" and reuse the same group every year, JadeFire170? Seems a waste to loose the group and all the followers ngl.
    JadeFire170 replied to Fawne's comment below 2022-05-17 14:59:53
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    That's... not a bad idea actually! I'll think about that! Thanks!! :D
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  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by chickenpants93's Avatarchickenpants93
    May 10, 2022, 1:15 pm to Public
    I love PMC Prom, and in my hunger for new and exciting PMC PROM content, I found some cool blogs and videos about all our past events!
    some of these maps are gone forever, but they live on in the fan content!


    PMC Documentation - PMC Prom and its secrets by ProfessorFanatic
    Ah I miss them so...

    and of course the FIRST PMC Prom video ever uploaded to youtube, a real classic if I say so myself ( AvatarKage )


    Ah space, its so beautiful. I love space...
    anyways, there was a lot of cool stuff this year!

    PMC Prom 2021 - A Photo Collection ( by vonk )
    This is a great photo collection, probably captures the most of the heart of the event! this really was a fun year..

    And of course this awesome video that captures pretty much EVERYTHING that happened that year! This is a very nostalgic video and was filmed by Brutalight! (uploaded on the dreamCritting youtube channel)

    and of course, not one to end the tradition, AvatarKage returns to document the event!


    We haven't even SEEN all the cool stuff people have made for this year yet! BUT I DONT CARE! I NEED THE PROM CONTENT! THE PARTY CANT END YET CAN IT??

    It feels like prom was just yesterday...
    it wasn't, it was like two days ago, but time really does fly.
    PMC Prom 2022 by MoonAstraea
    Prom Pics by anonpmc4072473
    and Prom 2022 Unofficial Photos by Prince Ren


    avatarkage at it again on his twitch!

    and of course this great video by Mallowkie and CtrlAltDelPMC!

    don't worry fellas, were used to the cults at this point. :)

    Woo! That was exhilarating! Wow! Prom really is special isn't it?
    Thank you all for all the special and amazing memories!
    I cant wait to make more!

    We'll cya next year :)
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by WaffleBear's AvatarWaffleBear
    May 7, 2022, 5:10 pm to Public
    I had to leave the afternoon prom a little early, but it's still going, and there's the evening prom tonight as well!
    Here's some of the best screenshots I've taken today, a full blog will be coming soon.

    From morning prom

    From afternoon prom (don't worry about the chickenpants head I'm holding.)

    The evening prom people are on hypixel right now, you can still go join!
    chickenpants93 replied to Firestar2477278's comment below 2022-05-09 08:04:23
    chickenpants93's Avatar
    -Rae- deactivated said 2022-05-08 08:32:33
    -Rae- deactivated's Avatar
    xD I am just mike wasowski
    Firestar2477278 said 2022-05-07 22:11:56
    Firestar2477278's Avatar
    I can see chickenpants93 staring at the person in the last picture XD
    Diiby said 2022-05-07 18:33:54
    Diiby's Avatar
    i am being covered by a head being held

    this is the second worst thing
    IceDragon235 said 2022-05-07 17:13:15
    IceDragon235's Avatar
    I really loved the Morning Prom, not sure if I'm joining the afternoon one on Hypixel rn, If I did I'd like to participate in everything :|
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  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by JadeFire170's AvatarJadeFire170
    May 7, 2022, 3:37 pm to Public
    Afternoon Prom is about to begin! You’re free to join early!
    If you need a reminder on how to join the server, here you are!

    First, you'll need to put in the IP address.

    When you enter the server, click the compass in your hand and click creative3. ( the magenta wool )
    Then, do /p visit JadeFire170. Do /local! This is the only way we can talk with/hear you!
    We will be there to greet you and give you some things to settle in. There is a board with commands at spawn to help you join prom. (Please read them!!) :D

    And in case you didn’t see, we have a texture pack that goes along with the event. It’s not exactly mandatory but it’s HIGHLY suggested!

    Cya there!
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by JadeFire170's AvatarJadeFire170
    May 7, 2022, 3:12 pm to Public
    Afternoon Prom is coming up!
    We’ll make a post letting you guys know when you can join!

    And if you can please don’t join until I say so. Thank you!

    Can’t wait to see you there!
    dreamCritting said 2022-05-07 15:24:27
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    I hope to be there!
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by Aurosilia's AvatarAurosilia
    May 5, 2022, 9:38 am to Public
    Two days
    aquarine said 2022-05-05 09:51:55
    aquarine's Avatar
    the countdown
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by FishStacks's AvatarFishStacks
    May 4, 2022, 4:35 pm to Public
    Here it is, the PMC Prom Pack 2022!
    Drive Download Link
    Includes features such as a new gui, music discs, and more! (pack link is a google drive as I am currently having technical difficulties)

    Credit to nera minus for the YouGui, which was very helpful in the making of this!
    JadeFire170 replied to Wolf_with_Scarf's comment below 2022-05-07 13:57:03
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Oh my goodness I didn’t see this until now. We noticed this this morning. Thankfully we weren’t the only ones who noticed this!
    Wolf_with_Scarf said 2022-05-06 23:51:04
    Wolf_with_Scarf's Avatar
    This might be a bit late, but after testing the resource pack out myself, instead of making Bow item invisible to simulate hand movement, I suggest using Crossbow item instead, it used the same animation but you do not need to hold your right button down the whole time.
    FishStacks replied to nera minus's comment below 2022-05-04 20:33:45
    FishStacks's Avatar
    THANK YOU (also lang file was put together by someone else and I don’t know anything about lang files)
    nera minus said 2022-05-04 20:24:52
    nera minus's Avatar
    you might want to minimize the lang file next time tho :)
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by Aurosilia's AvatarAurosilia
    April 23, 2022, 4:07 pm to Public
    Hi everyone! Are you excited? Prom is exactly two weeks away!
    Something that we had the idea of implementing, was the 'chaperone' system! I noticed a lot of people were hesitant/ not wanting to go on their own, so I suggested this idea, and Jade agreed that it was a good idea :)
    If you would be interested in being in a chaperoned group, or chaperoning the group, please let us know!
    Aurosilia replied to MewTwee's comment below 2022-04-30 11:34:50
    Aurosilia's Avatar
    Please refer to the forum 😊
    AvatarKage replied to MewTwee's comment below 2022-04-29 02:32:06
    AvatarKage's Avatar
    Actually, this is a site for teenagers, not kids. Need to be 13+ to join.
    qerzy replied to MewTwee's comment below 2022-04-26 18:02:08
    qerzy's Avatar
    why does it seem like you dont know what Planetminecraft is
    JadeFire170 replied to MewTwee's comment below 2022-04-26 11:24:39
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Someone didn’t read the forum, I see lol
    MewTwee said 2022-04-25 23:05:25
    MewTwee's Avatar
    Wtf prom? This is a minecraft website for kids tf r u thinking… my guy if u wanna do prom go on tinder or omegle or whatever friken dating apps there r idk
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by Noodle's AvatarNoodle
    April 21, 2022, 9:16 am to Public
    Hi all!

    As a volunteer for providing outfit bases, I'm happy to showcase my outfit bases for the PMC event: here is the forum post!

    If you haven't got your skin sorted, it's best to prepare early I say!

    A reminder that if you haven't signed up to come yet, check out the official Forum!

    Have a good one all!
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by chickenpants93's Avatarchickenpants93
    April 20, 2022, 4:39 pm to Public
    Hey Hey Hey everybody!
    As a head of the Build Team at PMC Prom, I cant wait to show you all what we have planned for you!
    Except I totally will wait because I'm not allowed to show you yet :)

    Prom is coming up everybody! If you haven't signed up to come yet, check out the official Forum!
  • PMC Prom's Avatar
    PMC Prom post by Aurosilia's AvatarAurosilia
    April 17, 2022, 7:55 pm to Public
    Hey all hello everyone! Prom is now about two weeks away! (Isn't that exciting?) Make sure to check out the official Forum!
    Can't wait to see you there!
    MewTwee said 2022-04-25 23:07:44
    MewTwee's Avatar
    Wtf this is an irl meetup? This is not ok this is a fcking website so kids with 2 braincells(like me) can go download cool maps or mods and shid not go to a friken irl meetup this is not ok and i will not allow this unless im missing som here lol
    MoonAstraea replied to Triskelion's comment below 2022-04-17 21:14:30
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    Same here! There's nothing wrong with going alone, though. It's perfectly alright and that happens to be the same case for a lot of people. :)
    Aurosilia replied to Triskelion's comment below 2022-04-17 21:09:50
    Aurosilia's Avatar
    That's alright! I went by myself the first year I went, and it was still a bunch of fun! I actually met some of my best friends at pmc Prom that first year ^^
    Triskelion said 2022-04-17 21:08:33
    Triskelion's Avatar
    Yaaaay... Oh wait I'm going by myself
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