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  • Groups's Avatar
    Groups post by Cyprezz's AvatarCyprezz
    February 16, 2022, 1:53 pm to Public
    Groups, the content permission has changed to be more restrictive. Members with the permission can contribute to the group but only modify their own contributions. You can read more about here and the FAQs on our profile have been updated to reflect the change.

    In addition, we've introduced content collaboration! This is available to all individual submissions, not just for groups.

    Combined, these two updates should work well together and we hope you will too ;)
    Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol replied to japersx's comment below 2024-01-19 08:05:16
    Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol's Avatar
    sweaterduck said 2023-11-10 20:47:53
    sweaterduck's Avatar
    can you change the group name after you make it- dude people have been askin this lol
    Panda_Dog said 2023-10-01 20:35:00
    Panda_Dog's Avatar
    uhh so i named my group something i dont want it to be named how do i change it?
    japersx said 2023-06-16 19:09:45
    japersx's Avatar
    For some reason I can't publish my group, can anyone help?
    RB22486 replied to DRAEsDataProvider's comment below 2023-04-20 12:15:42
    RB22486's Avatar
    The link that is used to transport you directly to the group.
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  • Groups's Avatar
    Groups post by Cyprezz's AvatarCyprezz
    January 21, 2022, 9:42 am to Public
    We're excited to announce PMC Groups are live and open to applications!
    Catsncartnwheels said 2023-08-29 11:36:51
    Catsncartnwheels's Avatar
    Thanks for the help!
    Cyprezz replied to Catsncartnwheels's comment below 2023-08-29 09:42:37
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    I've added you back into the group as admin / founder.
    Catsncartnwheels said 2023-08-27 20:39:35
    Catsncartnwheels's Avatar
    Dear Cyprezz, I was wondering if you would let me make a new group because I accidentally made a group then left the admin role... This is the link to The group. This is not me begging to get a free new group... I just was disappointed when this miss-click happened.
    I really was just hoping that you could get me back into the admins of the group or let me make a new one!
    I hope you can help!
    From- Catsncartnwheels
    Angelonasher said 2022-02-01 21:59:39
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    Hi, I accidentally named a group as Writers' Group instead of Writers' Club. How can I change the group name?
    MegaMinerDL said 2022-01-27 15:01:02
    MegaMinerDL's Avatar
    suggestion - allow us to edit "everyone" group - what if i want anyone to join and contribute? perhaps with a quality filter, e.g. group members above level X, with X submissions on their profile, having been in the group for X days, can get certain permissions automatically?
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